The following article discusses all the Arsinoite sales on delivery of flax (λινοκαλάµη) and tow/yarn (στίππιον) in late antiquity which so far are a rather rare occurrence. 1 These are: (1) SB XX 14535 + BGU III 726, (2) BGU III 873, and... more
Ce travail a pour objectif d'étudier l'évolution des propriétés hygromécaniques des composites non-tissés lin/PP dans une large gamme d'humidité relative allant de 10 à 98% RH. L'influence de la microstructure sur le comportement... more
Известно, что на Руси издревле было распространено льноводство. Лён выращивался как для собственного потребления, так и на продажу. Естественным образом русский лен интересовал и английских купцов, открывших северный морской путь в Россию... more
Excavation of organic material from the trash mounds of Nahal 'Omer, an Early Islamic village located along trade routes in the hyper-arid environment of Wadi Arabah in the Negev Desert of southern Israel, revealed a diverse economy based... more
Dans le cadre de l'élaboration de résines époxy biosourcées nous avons cherché à synthétiser des prépolymères époxy biosourcés à base de tanins. Nous avons dans un premier temps étudié l'époxydation des tanins et pour cela étudié la... more
Dans le domaine de l'aviation légère, les composites sont de plus en plus utilisés car ils répondent très bien au cahier des charges exigeant de ce secteur industriel (propriétés mécaniques spécifiques importantes, très bonne tenue en... more
Le matériau HEXFIT TM est un semi produit destiné à la réalisation de grandes pièces par procédé RFI. Dans le but de caractériser d'un point de vue mécanique ce matériau, et d'identifier l'incidence du procédé sur son comportement, une... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
In this study the influence of fabric weave (plain, twill, and panama) and weft type (flax and hemp yarns) on selected mechanical and comfort properties of six fabrics was analyzed. The results showed that tear and abrasion properties... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
In this study the influence of fabric weave (plain, twill, and panama) and weft type (flax and hemp yarns) on selected mechanical and comfort properties of six fabrics was analyzed. The results showed that tear and abrasion properties... more
Attempts have been made to use sodium perborate as a bleaching agent with potassium per sulphate as an activator at lower temperature in combined pre-treatment of cotton fabric. Experimental trials have been designed by using taguchi... more
La collana nasce dal dialogo fra archeologi e storici antichi dell'Università di Verona prefiggendosi di spaziare dallo studio più propriamente archeologico dei contesti a quello storico dei testi e in particolare di mettere in luce le... more
This article is dedicated to one of the main lexical cruxes of the Gezer tablet, the expression ʿṣd pšt in the third line of the inscription. I follow the longstanding understanding of the Gezer inscription, according to which pšt refers... more
Ces derniers jours, plusieurs industries se sont concentrées sur les matériaux légers et écologiques, dotés de bonnes propriétés mécaniques et amortissantes. Les composites renforcés de fibres de lin ont fait leur preuve dans le domaine... more
Les matériaux étudiés dans cet article sont des composites constitués d'une résine époxyde et de renforts tissés de type sergé 2/2 en fibres de lin. Les composites stratifiés sont composés de 4, 6 et 8 plis. Les échantillons ont été... more
Dans le contexte actuel de développement durable, l'exploitation des matériaux et structures requiert nécessairement une minimisation de leur impact environnemental. Dans ce cadre, l'utilisation des fibres végétales pour le développement... more
Luca POLIDORO, Il tema della maschera fogliata nell'architettura severiana del Nord Italia: forme e contenuti di un'occasione di celebrazione del potere imperiale .
In this study the influence of fabric weave (plain, twill, and panama) and weft type (flax and hemp yarns) on selected mechanical and comfort properties of six fabrics was analyzed. The results showed that tear and abrasion properties... more
Tehran. Seed storage protein analysis was carried out on twelve Iranian species of Linum with the aim to illustrate species interrelationships and to evaluate the taxonomic treatments proposed for the genus. Placement of species in... more
Morphological data from Linum species were analyzed to evaluate taxonomic grouping of the genus Linum in Iran. The study was based on fresh materials from field as well as herbarium specimens. Thirty six characters were used. Grouping of... more
A partir des gisements actuels, différents grades de polypropylènes peuvent être proposés. Pour obtenir ces différents grades, les recycleurs introduisent des adjuvants, des charges, etc. pour obtenir des propriétés spécifiques [1-5].... more
Reseña de: Casado Alonso, Hilario (Coord.), Comercio, finanzas y fiscalidad en Castilla (siglos XV-XVI). Madrid, Dykinson, 2018, 340 págs. ISBN: 978-84-9148-968-9
Reseña de: Martín Gutiérrez, Emilio y Ruiz Pilares, Enrique José, El viñedo en Jerez durante el siglo XV. Un mercado de trabajo en torno al vino. Jerez de la Frontera, Peripecias libros, «Colección Cultura del vino», 2019, 216 pp. ISBN:... more
Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Introduction: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy of the upper extremity. To date, no previous study has evaluated the efficacy of topical Lavendula stoechas... more
Seed samples of eighteen taxa from four sections in Linum were examined for diagnostic and taxonomic utility of the surface microstructures. Considerably different patterns were distinguished at specific and infraspecific levels. Similar... more
Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common compressive neuropathy. Diabetes mellitus is the most common disease that predisposes the patients to CTS. Diabetic neuropathy is a progressive disease and diabetics nerve is... more
Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess and compare outcomes of two different timing surgery for moderately carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Methods: Eighty-eight patients who underwent early and late due to CTS were evaluated... more
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that D.32.60.2 Alf. 2 dig. a Paul. epitomat. can confirm the validity of several archaeological and ancient reconstructions according to which during the late republic and the imperial age... more
This paper discusses the growing trend in Late Hellenistic- and Early Roman-era Judea (ca. 200 b.c.e.–70 c.e.) for constructing “display tombs”—funerary architecture designed to achieve maximum visibility and project the status of the... more
Alors que le lin est identifié en Europe parmi les plus anciennes fibres employées pour la fabrication de textiles, sa coloration reste un sujet peu documenté et de nombreux textes posent la question d’une difficulté à fixer les couleurs... more
In the framework of a study on the aging phenomena of textiles we used Raman spectral mapping to analyze changes in the chemical bonds of cellulose of flax fabrics exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in air, and extreme ultraviolet... more
Bleaching of cellulose material with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is carried out, in general, beneath alkaline stipulations at excessive temperature, which ends up in bigger energy consumption and fibre damage. This study was designed to... more
Today's environmental and living conditions necessitate reconsideration of traditional cotton fabric bleaching processes. For this reason, it is very important for the environment and economy to obtain higher whiteness values by using... more
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When the flax fibers (machine tow) were treated with KMnO 4 solution, MnO 2 was deposited overall the fiber surface. The amount of MnO 2 deposited relied on the KMnO 4 concentration. Subjecting the flax-containing MnO 2 to a solution... more
In order to determine whether ancient Egyptians had already selected and cultivated very specialized flax types according to their purpose for textile or oil production we compared archaeobotanical flax finds that are kept at the... more
In order to determine whether ancient Egyptians had already selected and cultivated very specialized flax types according to their purpose for textile or oil production, respectively, we compared archaeobotanical flax finds with nearly... more
Hundreds of fragments of spun and woven goods were recovered from excavated sites in the Timna Valley, accumulating the largest assemblage of Levantine textile, cordage, and rope materials from the Late Bronze and Iron Ages to date. An... more
West Cork was probably the largest flax growing area from around the 1730s in Ireland outside the northern counties until about the 1820s. The emergence of cheap cotton destroyed the market. There were intermittent resurgences during... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Commercial bleach neutralization using CO2 enhanced the oxidation rate of benzylic and aliphatic alcohols to their corresponding aldehydes and ketones.
Rescue excavations conducted in 2020 in the Alexandrovskaya Sloboda, situated 100 km north-east of Moscow, revealed a perfectly preserved rural settlement of the 16th to 18th centuries. The wet cultural layer spread over an area of 800 m2... more
The article presents a new edition of P.Berl.Bibl. 6 (= SB I 423), which appears to be an acknowledgement of receipt of a leased ammokopregon ship. It is argued that the ship was used for collecting silt fertiliser in the marshy parts of... more