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The study aimed to investigate (a) the effect of digital games, songs, and flashcards on vocabulary knowledge of Iranian EFL preschool learners and (b) the young learners" performance on mid-course tests of vocabulary with different... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsEnglish language
educational software + technical english-german dictionaries - Technisches Englisch-Deutsch-Französisch Woerterbuecher german-english Flashcards (helps you learn your robotics-vocabulary effectively) german German-English... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringEducationEducational Technology
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      MedicineMedicinaHuman AnatomyAnatomical Sciences
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a Direct Instruction (DI) flashcard system on the mastery, accuracy and fluency of basic division math facts (numbers 0-12) for a seventh grade boy, diagnosed with Attention Deficit... more
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      Mathematics EducationDirect InstructionMath FactsDivision
The study aimed to investigate (a) the effect of digital games, songs, and flashcards on vocabulary knowledge of Iranian EFL preschool learners and (b) the young learners " performance on mid-course tests of vocabulary with different... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second Language
The purpose of this study was to implement and evaluate a Direct Instruction (DI) flashcard system to teach sight word acquisition to a 6 th grade student with a documented Specific Learning Disability. A multiple baseline design was used... more
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      Direct InstructionFlashcards
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      Special EducationElementary EducationDirect InstructionMath Facts
Poster presented in the Première Journée d’études Humanités numériques EPHE, 2016-10-12. For the commands used in the creation of the poster, see my gist: The project aims... more
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      Digital HumanitiesPedagogyAncient LanguagesMobile Based Flashcards
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Direct Instruction (DI) flashcards with its model, lead, and test proce-­ dure for teaching three preschool students with developmental disabilities to recognize the letters in... more
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      Direct InstructionPre-Reading Discussions and Lexical GuessingLetter RecognitionApplied Behavior Analysis in Education
Presentation of the Fluency® teaching method (a combination of mastery learning and programmed learning) and its use for the consolidation of all kinds of memoristic learning (concepts, data and terminology) and the automation of... more
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      AprendizajeMastery LearningFracaso EscolarSerious games y aprendizaje de lenguas modernas
The purpose of this study was to use Direct Instruction (DI) flashcards to teach high use sight words. The participant was a second grade student with a learning disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The study was... more
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      Data ReplicationFlashcards
Teachers have a vested interest in their students being motivated and successful in their subject. But how can we motivate all our students? The best general motivator is success. How then can we make all our students succeed on a... more
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      Student Motivation And EngagementTeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)MotivationLanguage Teaching
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil belajar dalam pembelajaran PPKn dengan menggunakan model time token berbantuan media flashcard dan model direct instruction berbantuan media gambar di kelas II SD Gugus Piere... more
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      EffectivenessLearning OutcomesCivics EducationMedia Pembelajaran
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      Second Language AcquisitionVocabulary AcquisitionVocabulary Learning StrategiesVocabulary Learning in ESL
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of DI flashcard system mastery of the multiplication facts of a 12-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl in their respective special education classrooms. Both participants were... more
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      EducationMathematics EducationLearning and TeachingLanguage
The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of match to sample with error correction training procedure with three kindergarten students with developmental delays in an elementary resource room. The procedure was implemented... more
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      Direct InstructionApplied Behavior Analysis in EducationFlashcards
This literature review was an examination of current and past research that utilized the Direct Instruction (DI) flashcards procedure to teach academic skills to students with and without disabilities. The studies discussed in the review... more
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      Direct InstructionFlashcards
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– Learning the names of numbers and being able to recognize them out of sequence and knowing basic addition facts are critical skills for academic success. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a DI flashcards... more
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      Special EducationLearning DisabilitiesDirect InstructionFlashcards
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a Direct Instruction (DI) flashcard system to teach 10 basic colors to three preschool students, two of them with disabilities and one typically developing. The study was conducted... more
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      Early Childhood Special EducationPreschool EducationTeaching ColorsFlashcards
Presentation on software prototyping guided by literature review as a methodology for incremental software architecture design and implementation.
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      Software EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceSoftware ArchitectureApplications of Machine Learning
Do you want your students in kindergarten to speak more often with others and develop their social skills? This video shows how important it is to give kindergarten students the opportunity to be the teacher in class. The purpose is to... more
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      CommunicationTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish languagePattern Recognition
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a color racetrack on the acquisition of basic color facts by a student in preschool getting ready for kindergarten. A color racetrack is a practice procedure where known and unknown... more
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      Teaching and LearningColorPreschoolFlashcards
The present study aims at investigating the effects of metacognitive awareness of EFL sophomore university students on the reading comprehension performance. Metacognitive learning strategies may help L2 learners to be more independent,... more
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      Academic DevelopmentAutism Spectrum DisordersCritical Discourse AnalysisClassroom Management