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RESUMO Este trabalho aborda a (in) visibilidade das juventudes (tribos) na pós-modernidade, tendo como pressuposto que nos espaços virtuais de confluência entre a tecnologia e a arte elas podem ganhar visibilidade. A abordagem ancora-se... more
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      FacebookCiberculturaFacebook StudiesEstética
For the past few years, on Sundays during the Easter period, groups of Catholics fill city squares (parks, shopping centres and the like) and celebrate the liturgy giving a testimony to Christian life. Very often these places are... more
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      ChristianityMartin HeideggerPerformanceCatholic Theology
В статье анализируются современные социальные фотопроекты, отличительной чертой которых является специфическое взаимодействие с аудиторией, которое во многом определяется их ак- тивным существованием в интернет-среде. здесь тяжелые, часто... more
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      Cultural TraumaFlash MobsPhysicalitySocial Media & Internet Psychology
ISBN 97814985 49745 (hardback: alk. paper) ISBN 978 1 4985 497 52 (electr onic) 29 All rights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and... more
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      Performance StudiesPerformance ArtSocial ActivismSocial Media
Tel 028 9023 8451 Fax 028 9023 5401 Published with the permission of the Cabinet Office on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
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      Social PsychologySocial IdentityAudience StudiesGroup Behavior
In May 2011, a widespread protest movement known as 15M emerged in Spain, emphasizing the sustained and purposeful occupation of public spaces. Based in Seville, the performance collective Flo6x8 protests financial and political... more
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      Social MovementsEthnomusicologyPerformance StudiesSpain
Material didático produzido para o curso de licenciatura em Arte - UAB - (Guarapuava) UNICENTRO - 2017.
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      Performance ArtHappeningsArte ContemporaneaArtes
This dissertation explores how flamenco performance models intimacy and solidarity in Andalusian communities based in Seville and Morón de la Frontera. The adaptability of flamenco performance underscores the inherent decision-making... more
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      Social MovementsListening (Music)PhonographyIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)
Technology affects our social life, where the virtual spaces allow anyone to publish content and share it to millions of people. That not only affects our social life, but also the way we gather inside the city. This essay argues... more
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      ArchitectureUrban DesignSocial Exclusion in Virtual SpacesFlash Mobs
Tel 028 9023 8451 Fax 028 9023 5401 Published with the permission of the Cabinet Office on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
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      Social PsychologyAudience StudiesGroup BehaviorGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations
In One Billion Rising (OBR), a global flash mob protest against sexual violence toward women, the dancing body becomes a political site for advocating freedom and self-defined agency. The flash mob provides a liberating space, allowing... more
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      Dance StudiesDance/Movement TherapyPerformance StudiesSexual Violence
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      Media SociologySocial MovementsNew MediaMobile Technology
John H. Muse surveys the recent phenomenon of the flash mob—brief, participatory performances in public spaces, often advertised virally and lasting no more than a few moments. He discusses the work of Improv Everywhere, particularly... more
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      Digital HumanitiesPerformance StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesTheater History
"This article analyzes the “13-M” flash mob protests following the 11-M terrorist bombings in Madrid and immediately preceding the March 14 Spanish General Elections of 2004. The Governing Popular Party’s insistence that ETA were the main... more
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      Social MovementsMedia StudiesDigital MediaPolitics
Este artículo analiza los flash mobs o "multitudes instantáneas" y los nuevos repertorios de acción colectiva presentes en las movilizaciones estudiantiles del año 2011. Se estudian estos repertorios desde su convocatoria, principales... more
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      Social MovementsStudent EngagementChileStudent movements
The work focuses on the study of the phenomenon of political flash mob. Analyzed the riots in 2014 in the American Ferguson with similar processes that occur in the United States in 2011. It has been shown that the strengthening of the... more
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      Political TheorySocial NetworkingComputer NetworksPolitical communication
Flash mobs, participants in an event in which a group of people are organized via some form of telecommunications, assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, and then... more
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      Organizational BehaviorGang Culture and DynamicsGroup TheoryGroup communication
Some of the most visible recent movements in Russia cannot be accurately described as either bottom-up or top-down. They are copycat movements, in that the initial idea for a new type of public activity spreads quickly across numerous... more
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      Social MovementsRussian StudiesSocial NetworkingNationalism
W artykule odniesiono się do flash mob -zjawiska, które od kilku lat można obserwować w różnych zakątkach globu. Organizowanie takich przedsięwzięć w miejscach publicznych odbywa się z inicjatywy użytkowników internetu, którzy za... more
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      Event marketingFlash MobsAmbient Media
This research examined how social self-efficacy, collective self-esteem, and need to belong can be used to predict teens' use of social media. The particular focus was on how these social psychological variables together with social media... more
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      Collective ActionSocial MediaSocial Networking Sites and TeenagersFlash Mobs
Savige, J. ‘On Not Getting my Spray Can Signed by Mr Brainwash’, The Best Australian Poems 2013, Ed. Lisa Gorton, Black Inc., 2013, pp. 116-17.
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      PoetryStreet ArtContemporary PoetryMemes
Time and space are better understood as verbs, conveying action, instead of nouns. They are not just frames to understand youth experiences, as youth experiences, practices and relationships produce particular times and spaces. These... more
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      New MediaRhythmEveryday Life StudiesYouth
The legend of Pussy Riot has spread since their arrest, trial, and incarceration for 'hooliganism.' The last charge stemmed from an improvised protest performance at a Moscow Russian Orthodox church. They have been labeled prisoners of... more
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      LGBT IssuesRiot GrrrlRussiaFlash Mobs
Flashmobs, Information Bombs, Wikileaks, Twitter, Facebook, Twitter Revolution, ICT,New Media, Social Media, Sosyal Ağ, Toplumsal Paylaşım Ağları... Bu yazı "Arap Bahar"ından önce yazılmıştır. This article was written before the... more
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      New MediaSocial MediaICTDigital Activism
A fierce and joyful sound, and a very warm feeling in our hearts Cauleen Smith is currently working on The Supernova Procession, a genre-bending Sun Ra-inflected procession as the culmination of her residency at ISSUE project room. Claire... more
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      New OrleansChicagoFlash MobsMardi Gras
This article addresses the complex relationship between digital activism and Internet art, from the initial proposals in the 1990s up to the present day. The analysis focuses on those projects that have most impacted the convergence of... more
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      Art TheoryInternet StudiesContemporary ArtMedia Art
In my presentation, I'll take into account two phenomena: flash mobs and guerrilla gigs. I'll analyze them in a comparative perspective stressing differences and similarities in their conceptions and practices. Flash mobs can be... more
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      Anthropology of MusicLinguistic AnthropologyUrban StudiesDance and Aesthetics
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      MulticulturalismSelf and IdentityCommonsUkrainian Studies
Ads are no longer unidirectional or one-dimensional but a blend of offline and online techniques designed to directly interact with the community. For many companies, advertising via online platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo has replaced... more
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      Social MediaBrand equitySocial Media MarketingFlash Mobs
This introduction applies a conjunctural approach (Clarke 2017; Hall 1978) to contextualizing this section’s particular analyses and theorizations of the French Nuit Debout social movement that began in 2016 (and may or may not have ended... more
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsEmotionCultural Geography
This paper interprets a recent, aggressive state crackdown on public gatherings of African American youth in the streets of Philadelphia’s commercial districts against the backdrop of historical geographies of race and disinvestment.... more
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      CriminologyPolitical SociologySocial TheoryGeography
The article aims to give an introductory view of the development of tactical media practices and specifically tactical media actions that took place in Estonia in 2000–2010, devoting separate treatment to particularities stemming from the... more
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      Contemporary ArtPublic ArtUrbanismActivism
The design of our physical and virtual environments highly rules how we act and interact in space and among other people. This paper focuses on analysing event-based campaigns and marketing, particularly, how they appeal to our... more
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      The BodyUrban StudiesUser InterfaceFlash Mobs
Negli ultimi anni la barriera che separa il gioco dalla realtà quotidiana si è fatta via via sempre più sottile e porosa, permettendo al gioco di conquistare una centralità che fino a ora gli era negata. Questo fenomeno, la... more
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      ArtDigital MediaUrban PlanningStreet Art
This article addresses the complex relationship between digital activism and Internet art, from the initial proposals in the 1990s up to the present day. The analysis focuses on those projects that have most impacted the convergence of... more
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      Art TheoryInternet StudiesContemporary ArtMedia Art
[Danish Book Chapter] Kapitlet er del af bogen Kreativ Markedskommunikation. Det ligner leg. Og så leger du selv med. Men i virkeligheden er du pludselig en del af en markedsføring med sløret afsender. Det hele tager kun et par minutter... more
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      AdvertisingGuerrilha Advertising. FlashmobsFlash MobsTheatre and the everyday, performance politics and civic intervention, urban architecture and sites of spectacle
TORRES, Rodrigo, “Espace public et esthétisation des mobilisations. L'exemple des jeunes Chiliens” in ROUET, Gilles (Sous la dir.), Mobilisations citoyennes dans l'espace public, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2013, pp. 141-155. Ce chapitre... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical ParticipationYouth StudiesStudent Motivation And Engagement
When, in 1882, Ernest Renan suggested that national identity is constituted by a daily plebiscite, he was invoking the idea in a largely metaphorical way. In the twenty-first century, the gap between metaphor and reality has narrowed... more
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      Media StudiesDemocracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticeGlobalizationDemocratic Theory
El presente artículo plantea la apropiación de las acciones colectivas, concretamente del flash mob, como método de enseñanza-aprendizaje enmarcado en los actuales acontecimiento/retos sociales y que permite, por un lado, la formación... more
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      ComunicacionFlash MobsMetodologías ActivasExperiencia de innovación pedagógica
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      Flash MobsArtistic Interventions in Organizations
Negli ultimi anni la barriera che separa il gioco dalla realtà quotidiana si è fatta via via sempre più sottile e porosa, permettendo al gioco di conquistare una centralità che fino a ora gli era negata. Questo fenomeno, la... more
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      ArtDigital MediaUrban PlanningStreet Art
O projeto “Deseducadores” foi pensado com o objetivo de fazer os alunos com posturas agressivas refletirem sobre suas atitudes. O formato escolhido foi o de flash mobs, que são mobilizações relâmpago. Este formato possui um forte apelo à... more
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      Movimentos sociaisFlash MobsEducaçãoCurriculum Escolar
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      EducationPerformance StudiesManufacturingRhythm
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      Cultural PatrimonyFlamencoFlash Mobs15M movement