In Other Shoes is a companion to Kendall Walton's other essay collection, Marvellous Images, published seven years earlier. The volume's subtitle, 'Music, Metaphor, Empathy, Existence' will raise suspicions about its thematic unity... more
Neste artigo, enfocam-se produções e práticas culturais que emergiram com os flash games, em especial, na primeira década do século 21. Sumariza resultados de pesquisa bibliográfica e em sites especializados realizada ao longo de 2020,... more
After December 2020, Adobe Flash, a technology that was once the standard for rich and interactive Web content, will no longer be supported in browsers. This means users will not be able to access the thousands of diverse creations... more
Unblocked Games are the main glimmer amusement classification, they focus with shooting weapon and are made in an extraordinary number of settings. Firearm Games have turned out to be exceptionally prominent since 90th. Weapon Games were... more
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What do the following social practices have in common: children playing with dolls houses or Lego bricks and scientists building and using models to examine how the world works? More than one might think, according to a fascinating new... more
Are videogames fictions? Kendall Walton's detailed account of fiction in Mimesis as Make-Believe is the most influential extant account of that category, and we begin this paper by arguing that it should be non-controversial that... more
This paper presents a method for analysing an aspect of interaction that can help us understand how users can feel that they are part of a work. I argue that interaction can be a form of depiction, causing the user to imagine both her... more