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We describe the design of four ornithopters ranging in wing span from 10 cm to 40 cm, and in weight from 5 g to 45 g. The controllability and power supply are two major considerations, so we compare the efficiency and characteristics... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringBiomimetic RoboticsOrnithopter
Insect- and bird-size drones—micro air vehicles (MAV) that can perform autonomous flight in natural and man-made environments are now an active and well-integrated research area. MAVs normally operate at a low speed in a Reynolds number... more
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      Flapping-wing micro air vehiclesFlapping Wing AerodynamicFlapping FlightBat ,bird and Insect Flapping Wing Flight
Oscillating hydrofoils generate power from the motion of water by oscillating in pitch and heave. They exhibit number of advantages compared to traditional, rotary turbines, including opportunity for placement in arrays due to their... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsFluid MechanicsMarine Renewable EnergyHydro Power
High-resolution numerical simulations of a tethered model bumblebee in forward flight are performed superimposing homogeneous isotropic turbulent fluctuations to the uniform inflow. Despite tremendous variation in turbulence intensity,... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsTurbulenceAerodynamicsLow Speed Aerodynamics
Aerodynamic ground effect in flapping-wing insect flight is of importance to comparative morphologies and of interest to the micro-air-vehicle (MAV) community. Recent studies, however, show apparently contradictory results of either some... more
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      Numerical SimulationsNumerical ModellingDrosophilaImmersed Boundary Methods
Wing flexibility controls the aerodynamic-force generation of flapping-wing flyers. As the wing flaps through the air, it is subjected to both aerodynamic force acting on the surface of the wing and inertial force due to the acceleration... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsFluid MechanicsComputational Fluid MechanicsFluid structure interaction
The natural wind environment that volant insects encounter is unsteady and highly complex, posing significant flight-control and stability challenges. It is critical to understand the strategies insects employ to safely navigate in... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsNumerical ModelingNumerical ModellingBumblebees
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      Boundary Element MethodsMarine PropulsionFlapping WingFlapping foils