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Debido a la diversificación de las fuentes de combustible gaseoso, la posibilidad de predecir la intercambiabilidad de un gas combustible por otro gas o una mezcla de gases en una aplicación de combustión, ha generado un creciente interés... more
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      BurnerWeaver MethodFlame Lifting
Atomization, vaporization, turbulent mixing, and the chemical kinetics of a liquid fuel impact the combustion efficiency, stability, and emissions within IC engines. When fuels with varying physical properties are used in the same fuel... more
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      CombustionGAS TURBINESpray CombustionFlame speed
Carbon dioxide emissions are considered one of the most important factors that cause global warming. For this reason, it is suggested to burn fuels using an oxidizer mixture consisting of oxygen and carbon dioxide rather than the... more
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      GAS TURBINEInternal Combustion EnginesOxy-Fuel CombustionFlame speed
Liquid fuels have different physical and chemical properties which can affect the atomization, evaporation and mixing processes inside heat engines, including turbine and reciprocating internal combustion engines. In this work, the... more
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      CombustionLiquid FuelsSpray AtomizationFlame Lifting
Our Company is a professional family owned business which since commencing operations in 2009 as RBS Cranes have expanded our fleet to be able to cater for lifts up to 465 tones. RBS Cranes will deliver to you exceptional service... more
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      Stephen CraneHart CraneWeight LiftingPorts