In a number of Southeast Asian countries and China, fish sauce and soy sauce produced at the industrial level are fortified with iron. Unfortunately, the food producers and regulatory agencies implementing fortification programs do not... more
Buduk is a fish sauce prepared by fermenting fresh small fish with various ingredients such as sugar,roasted rice, vinegar or wine. This study was aimed to assess the physicochemical and microbiologicalproperties of commercial buduk in... more
O território algarvio constitui uma realidade geográfica individualizada e diversificada, uma vez que se encontra bem delimitada pelo mar, a sul, e pela serra, a norte. Não foi por mero acaso que a posição estratégica no caminho das rotas... more
Gadir/Gades, fue, sin dudas, la ciudad portuaria más importante del Mediterráneo Occidental en diacronía, desde momentos fenicios arcaicos hasta al menos época antonina o primo-severiana. Estudios de los últimos años han permitido la... more
This paper aims at analyzing some of the epigraphic evidence of women mobility in the provinces of Britannia, and in the Hispanic provinces of Lusitania and Baetica. Epigraphic evidence from these regions of the Roman Empire will be... more
The Nido del Cuervo site (Águilas, Spain) has traditionally been interpreted as one of just a few Late Republican Roman lead ingot carrying wrecks, due to the exceptional discovery of 15 Roman ingots at the site. Although the remains were... more
No conjunto da obra pioneira de cartogra a arqueológica do Algarve realizada por Estácio da Veiga, o tema da produção de preparados de peixe constituiu um elemento destacado, sobretudo por se tratar de um tema habitualmente pouco... more
In this 180-day study, commercial Protex 51FP enzyme effects as a starter culture on anchovy fish sauce fermentation were investigated. Three fish source fermentation groups, including a control group (the anchovy with 25% of salt... more
Spetta ora ad altri di determinare, se pur sarà possible, a quale specie di pesci appartengano quegli avanzi. 1 5
Arte e Arqueologia e Ciências do Património ___________________________________________________ RESUMO A edificação do Castelo de Cacela na época medieval islâmica esteve intimamente relacionada com a relação estratégica do lugar, com a... more
Resumo: O estudo da coleção malacológica recuperada na campanha arqueológica de 1998, no vicus maritimae Cerro da Vila, demonstra que a pesca de bivalves seria mais rentável do que a de gastrópodes. Entre o séc. I e meados do II d.C. a... more
The current investigation focuses on the rare epigraphic attestations of negotiatorii allecarii. Trying to distinguish why this occupational title is attested only in the context of Germania Inferior, we analyse the etymology of the word... more
Fish bone assemblages are described that were recently discovered in the storage area of two rooms, dated to the 7th century AD, from the monastery of Bawit, Egypt. The species composition, the reconstructed sizes of the fi sh and the fi... more
Catálogo da exposição "Criações do Vento" - Forte do Beliche (Sagres, Vila do Bispo) 2021
This synthesis undertakes the diachronic analysis of palaeocontents of the amphorae produced in the south of the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity. This includes Punic finds in the coastal areas and Turdetanian containers in the interior... more
The study was conducted to produce fish sauce from small freshwater fishes like Kholisa (Colisa fasciatus), Tit punti (Puntius ticto), Jat punti (Puntius sophore), Tengra (Mystus vittatus), Taki (Channa punctatus), Gutum... more
The Roman city of Balsa is mentioned in classical literary sources (
The study was conducted to produce fish sauce from small freshwater fishes like Kholisa (Colisa fasciatus), Tit punti (Puntius ticto), Jat punti (Puntius sophore), Tengra (Mystus vittatus), Taki (Channa punctatus), Gutum... more
Budu is a famous Malaysian fish sauce, usually used as seasoning and condiment in cooking. Budu is produced by mixing fish and salt at certain ratio followed by fermentation for six months in closed tanks. In this study, four commercial... more
This historiographical article focuses on the migration of Andalusians to the Algarve between c. 1810 and 1914. In the first part, the main causes and migratory factors are addressed, as well as the main municipalities of origin and... more
Florian Hermann (Philipps-Universität Marburg) - Felix Teichner (Philipps-Universität Marburg) - Joao Pedro Bernardes (Universidade do Algarve) - Ricardo Soares (Câmara Municipal de Vila do Bispo), Boca do Rio (Algarve, Portugal) – A... more
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais,... more
O presente artigo estuda os ritmos da vida económica dos núcleos urbanos de Ossonoba (Faro), Balsa (Quinta de Torre de Ares) e Baesuri (Castelo de Castro Marim), desde o séc. ii a.C. até ao séc. vii d.C. Partindo de uma base documental... more
Rezension zu: Robert Etienne/Yasmine Makaroun/Frangois Mayet, Un grand complexe industriel ä Tröia (Portugal). Editions E. de Boccard, Paris 1994. 189 Seiten, 57 Abbildungen, 30 Tafeln.
O sítio arqueológico dos Salgados localiza-se junto à margem esquerda da ribeira de São Lourenço, aproximadamente a 400 m para SE do dique do Ludo. Administrativamente pertence à freguesia de Almancil, concelho de Loulé, a algumas dezenas... more
En verano de 2019 fue descubierto en Ses Fontanelles (suroeste de Mallorca) un pecio romano con un cargamento de ánforas. Una excavación de urgencia ha sacado a la luz aproximadamente un tercio de los materiales, que están siendo... more
Geophysical surveys, field walking prospections and archaeological excavations recently carried out and still ongoing under the project, “Balsa, searching the origins of Algarve”, have allowed us to know more about this ancient city,... more
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais,... more
This interesting titulus beta was published by the author (Funari 1991: 70) but is absent in RIB. The letters are exactly one Roman inch height. Montanus was a mercator known at Rome before AD 50 (cf. CIL XV 3670-l) and the shape of the... more
Within the pioneer work of Algarve’s archaeological cartography undertook by Estácio da Veiga, the Ancient Fish salted industry issue plays a relevant role, for it was not a fashionable subject in his times. The peculiar XIX century’s... more
Underwater excavations of the Tantura F shipwreck in the Dor/Tantura lagoon, Israel, which dated to the local early Islamic period, exposed the remains of amphorae with tens of thousands of fish remains. Taxonomic identification exhibited... more
Selon la provenance ou la destination des sauces les produits a base de poissons portent des noms differents ; garum, liquamen, muria; hallex
This synthesis undertakes the diachronic analysis of palaeocontents of the amphorae produced in the south of the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity. This includes Punic finds in the coastal areas and Turdetanian containers in the interior... more
Roman Amphora Contents. Reflecting on the Maritime Trade of Foodstuffs in Antiquity. In honour of Miguel Beltrán Lloris. Proceedings of the Roman Amphora Contents International Interactive Conference (RACIIC) (Cadiz, 5-7 October 2015),... more
The utilization of Lankauas (Pyramidata Blume merr) in fermented Indian oil sardines (Sardinella longiceps) was conducted to determine its effect to fermentation period and the physical attributes of the fish sauce and bagoong. Three (3)... more
The Atlantis Project consisted of undersea mapping activities deep water surveysthrough the use of remotesensing systems, mainly side-scan sonar, and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The results of these investigations culminated in the... more
Información del artículo Pedras d'El Rei (Tavira): villa suburbana de Balsa.