Finite State Automata

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Finite State Automata (FSA) are abstract computational models used to represent and analyze the behavior of systems with a finite number of states. They consist of states, transitions between those states, and an initial state, enabling the recognition of patterns and the processing of input sequences in formal language theory.
This research aims to explore and find the determinant factors as it is important for the development of group UPPKS management in Kecamatan Sukarami Palembang through a quntitative descriptive approach.The number of respondents was... more
In a service composition, it is necessary to ensure that the behaviour of a constituent service is consistent with the requirements of the composition. In an adaptive service composition those behavioural requirements may be continually... more
The problem addressed in this dissertation can be stated as follows: given as a query, a business process description within a Web service infrastructure, efficiently find business processes from a large repository that complementarily... more
The considered model is used in manual development of application specifications and is based on the theory of basic protocols and respective symbolic verification tools. Means to limit the behavioral characteristics of the model still... more
The area of automatic groups has been one in which signiÿcant advances have been made in recent years. While it is clear that the deÿnition of an automatic group can easily be extended to that of an automatic semigroup, there does not... more
For a system of distributed processes, correctness can be ensured by (statically) checking whether their composition satisfies properties of interest. However, web services are distributed processes that dynamically discover properties of... more
This paper aims to analyze phubbing behavior in organizational leadership from an Islamic perspective. Researchers use this type of library research, namely research that seeks answers to problems through various library information such... more
In this paper, we shall formulate and address a problem of covert actuator attacker synthesis for cyber-physical systems that are modeled by discrete-event systems. We assume the actuator attacker partially observes the execution of the... more
Navigation within the scope of a Networked Collaborative Virtual Environment (NCVE) using an articulated body representation is mores complex then just moving the viewpoint based on user input. In such context, navigation englobes... more
Today, Web services technology is widely accepted as the infrastructure which enables applications interoperability. In this setting, message exchanges form the basics of interactions between applications, wrapped as Web services. The set... more
Interactions between Web services are based on interfaces which de- scribe Web services on both structural and behavioral perspectives. It can happen that the interface provided by a service does no longer match (for instance, because of... more
Finite State Automata (FSA) merupakan salah satu metode dalam teori automata yang dapat digunakan untuk memodelkan sistem dengan state dan transisi antar state yang bersifat diskrit. Penelitian ini membahas implementasi FSA dalam... more
File carving is one of the most important procedures in Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI). But it is also requires the most computational resources. Parallel processing on Graphics Processing Units have proven to be many times faster... more
In this work we consider the behavioral aspects of system modeling. In order to specify the behavior of a system, many different notations can be used. Quite often different terms in these notations are related with to same element in a... more
In this work we consider the behavioral aspects of system modeling. In order to specify the behavior of a system, many different notations can be used. Quite often, different terms in these notations are related to the same element in a... more
Practical tasks of autonomous vehicles are usually described easily with (sub)task level commands including descriptive information on the environment. We instruct a stranger to move in our area in the same manner we wish to (i.e. it is... more
The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author and... more
In Machine Learning the main problem is that of learning a 'description' of a class (possibly an infinite set) from a finite number of positive and negative training examples. For real world problems, however, one must distinguish between... more
We present the design and implementation of APL Intrinsic Functions for a Finite State Machine (also known as a Finite State Automaton) which recognizes regular languages, and a Parser which recognizes a subset of context free languages,... more
Weighted finite-state transducers are used in many applications such as text, speech and image processing. This chapter gives an overview of several recent weighted transducer algorithms, including composition of weighted transducers,... more
Modeling the behavior of a system under development has proven to be a very effective way to ensure that it will be constructed correctly. However, building up this model is a difficult task that requires a significant time investment in... more
This article is descriptive qualitative research. The object of this research is language politeness. Speech, including polite language is very important to be considered by the participants of communication (speakers and partners said)... more
Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan Society 5.0 menuntut untuk terus mengembangkan bidang teknologi dan sumber daya manusia dalam seluruh ranah kehidupan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memadukan antara teknologi dan upaya peningkatan literasi,... more
We show that the absolute worst case time complexity for Hopcroft's minimization algorithm applied to unary languages is reached only for deterministic automata or cover automata following the structure of the de Bruijn words. A previous... more
This paper presents the SEVA system (Autonomous Vehicle Parking Simulator). This tool implements a robust control system for autonomous vehicle parking based on a FSA (Finite-State Automata) and also based on FSA ob- tained from trained... more
This paper presents the SEVA system (Autonomous Vehicle Parking Simulator). This tool implements a robust control system for autonomous vehicle parking based on a FSA (Finite-State Automata) and also based on FSA ob- tained from trained... more
This paper presents the SEVA system (Autonomous Vehicle Parking Simulator). This tool was used to implement a robust control system for autonomous vehicle parking based on a FSA (Finite State Automata) and also based on an ANN (Artificial... more
Service composition is becoming the dominant paradigm for developing Web service applications. It is important to ensure that a service composition comply with the requirements for the application. A rigorous compliance checking approach... more
Probabilistic finite-state machines are used today in a variety of areas in pattern recognition, or in fields to which pattern recognition is linked. In part I of this paper, we surveyed these objects and studied their properties. In this... more
We present an e cient incremental algorithm for learning regular grammars from labeled examples and membership queries. This algorithm is an extension of Angluin's ID procedure to an incremental framework. The learning algorithm is... more
In a service composition, it is necessary to ensure that the behaviour of a constituent service is consistent with the requirements of the composition. In an adaptive service composition those behavioural requirements may be continually... more
In this paper, we discuss the role of digital actors in Virtual Environments. We describe the integration of motion control techniques with autonomy based on synthetic sensors. In particular, we emphasize the synthetic vision, audition... more
Navigation within the scope of a Networked Collaborative Virtual Environment (NCVE) using an articulated body representation is mores complex then just moving the viewpoint based on user input. In such context, navigation englobes... more
Metamorphic malware apply semantics-preserving transformations to their own code in order to foil detection systems based on signature matching. In this paper we consider the problem of automatically extract metamorphic signatures from... more
The distinguishability language of a regular language L is the set of words distinguishing between pairs of words under the Myhill-Nerode equivalence induced by L, i.e., between pairs of distinct left quotients of L. The similarity... more
This paper focuses on symbolic transducers and recurrent neural preference machines to support the task of mining and classifying textual information. These encoding symbolic transducers and learning neural preference machines can be seen... more
Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) Salatiga sedang merancang autonomous vehicle (robot mobil) yang berfungsi untuk menghantarkan beberapa barang antar gedung perkuliahan seperti dokumen. Untuk... more
Developments of mobile phones are rapidly growing, almost every day a new mobile product is launched. In website mobile phone users can get a variety of information about mobile phone's specifications from the oldest cell... more
The aims of this research are: 1). To explain the influence of Indonesian language learning on students' language politeness. 2) To explain how much Indonesian language learning affects students' language politeness. The population of... more
Most qualitative simulation techniques perform simulation at a single level of detail highlighting a fixed set of distinctions. This can lead to intractable branching within the behavioral description. The complexity of the simulation can... more
The thesis may be consulted by you, provided you comply with the provisions of the Act and the following conditions of use:  Any use you make of these documents or images must be for research or private study purposes only, and you may... more
A virtual endomorphism of a group G is a homomorphism f : H → G where H is a subgroup of G of finite index m. The triple (G, H, f ) produces a state-closed (or, self-similar) representation ϕ of G on the 1-rooted m-ary tree. This paper is... more
Information maximization between stationary input and output activity distributions of neural ensembles has been a guiding principle in the study of neural codes. We have recently extended the approach to the optimization of information... more
We use the notion of a partial action of a monoid to introduce a generalization of automata, which we call "a preautomaton". We study properties of preautomata and of languages recognized by preautomata.
This paper describes ongoing work aimed at the construction of formal cost models and analyses to yield verifiable guarantees of resource usage in the context of real-time embedded systems. Our work is conducted in terms of the... more