Fingerprint Matching
Recent papers in Fingerprint Matching
This is the result of my master's thesis.
Automatic Fingerprint authentication for personal identification and verification has received considerable attention over the past decades among various biometric techniques because of the distinctiveness and persistence properties of... more
To enhance low-quality fingerprint images, we present a novel method that first estimates the local orientation of the fingerprint ridge and valley flow and next performs oriented diffusion filtering, followed by a locally adaptive... more
Overlapped fingerprints occur due to multiple impressions of fingerprints on the same object at same place. This is natural in uncontrolled environments, or they are the residual fingerprints left over on fingerprints scanner. Overlapped... more
Automatic Fingerprint authentication for personal identification and verification has received considerable attention over the past decades among various biometric techniques because of the distinctiveness and persistence properties of... more
Fingerprint Verification is the most reliable and feasible methods of person identification. The only problem with functionality of Fingerprint Verification System is: it depends on the quality of image. The quality of fingerprint image... more
Automatic Fingerprint authentication for personal identification and verification has received considerable attention over the past decades among various biometric techniques because of the distinctiveness and persistence properties of... more
Türkiye’de eğitim alan genç nesilin çokluğu ve sınıfların doluluğu nedeniyle sınıflarda yoklamanın alınması oldukça uzun sürebilmektedir. Ayrıca yoklamalar öğrenciler tarafından manipüle de edilebilmektedir. Her ne kadar eğitimciler... more
Một nụ cười không làm mất mát gì cả , nhưng lại tặng bạn rất nhiều. nó làm giàu có những ai đón nhận nó mà không làm nghèo đi người sinh ra nó.
The advent of Digital Fingerprint processing system motivates to review new concepts of fingerprint matching algorithm. One of the important, fingerprint matching is minutiae-based. Minutiae-based techniques are work on substructure pair.... more
Biometric Fingerprint Enrollment and Verification Module in VB .NET Source Code for Developing and Integrating Digital Persona Fingerprint Reader/Scanner. Employees use biometric system to verify their identity simply by pressing their... more
Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrutbar.
This project deals with the design and development of a Biometric Electronic Voting System. The suggested fingerprint voting system allows the user to scan his fingerprint, in order to check his eligibility by comparing his current... more
This document provides information on the classification, collection, and interpretation of fingerprints. This document also make mention to a few development methods and reagents used for different types of finger prints.
Lirieka Meintjes-Van Der Cognitive bias affecting forensic Walt & Adebola Olaborede expert opinion The influence of bias in forensic expert opinion can create problems for the criminal justice system. Many research studies have shown that... more
SAFETY FROM FALSE CONVICTIONS / Prof. Boaz Sangero – abstract This book provides readers with an exploration of ways to reduce the rate of false convictions in the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system should be seen as a... more
Information is an important part of any system. In the academic world, information is especially very important and essential. Students have to register for courses, take attendance, quizzes, and exams and as well as check their scores.... more
ATMs, they're a valuable extension of financial institution, and are viewed by customers as an essential part of consumer banking. Always available, always ready to provide a variety of transactions. Criminal acts against ATMs and their... more
Along with the rapid change of information technologies and the widespread use of the internet over time, data stacks with ample diversity and quite large volumes has emerged. The use of data mining is increasing day by day due to the... more
There had been numbers of researches that worked on biometrics. This study was focused on biometric application for motorbikes and scooters.
Minutiae based feature extraction methods are used for fingerprint matching. This method is mainly depending on the characteristics of minutiae of the individuals. The minutiae are ridge endings or bifurcations on the fingerprints. Their... more
Resumen. En la toma de impresiones dactilares es normal que se empleen fichas decadactilares. Cuando se necesita manipular esta información para automatizar procesos de identificación, es necesario digitalizar y separar las imágenes de... more
Twins appear remarkably often in the earliest examples of Victorian detective fiction. However, they do not merely stand for simple ‘cop-outs’ in the sense of unlikely final-act resolutions. As a reading of C.W. Adams’s recently... more
Most fingerprint comparisons are still done by human examiners, who examine two impressions to determine the amount of perceived detail in agreement. Examiners must rely on their training and experience to determine whether the quality... more
SAFETY FROM FALSE CONVICTIONS / Prof. Boaz Sangero – abstract This book provides readers with an exploration of ways to reduce the rate of false convictions in the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system should be seen as a... more
Abstract - Due to the need for strong security for customer financial information in the banking sector, the sector has started the introduction of biometric fingerprint measures in providing securities for banking systems and software.... more
INTEGRADO -FÍSICA Resumo Teórico, Exercícios Resolvidos e de Fixação ... 1ª Lei de Newton: ... este site possui o conteúdo de mecânica ministrado no Ensino Médio do IFSP Exercícios de Fixação 1ª Lei de Newton 01LN1. Enuncie a 1ª Lei... more
We study the effect of growth on the fingerprints of adolescents, based on which we suggest as imple method to adjust for growth when trying to retrieve an adolescent'sfi ngerprint in ad atabase years later.H ere, we focus on the... more
Automatic Fingerprint authentication for personal identification and verification has received considerable attention over the past decades among various biometric techniques because of the distinctiveness and persistence properties of... more
Fingerprints are popular among the biometric – based systems due to ease of acquisition, uniqueness and availability. Fingerprint based biometric systems work by extracting and matching some features on the fingerprint. Due to errors in... more
The need for fool proof authentication procedures away from traditional authentication mechanisms like passwords, security PINS has led to the advent of biometric authentication in information systems. Biometric data extracted from... more
In this study we show that by the current state-of-the-art syn- thetically generated fingerprints can easily be discriminated from real fingerprints. We propose a non-parametric distribution based method using second order extended... more
In this paper, we base our research on biometric systems security. We begin by introducing biometrics after which we will describe how a biometric system works before we later define what a biometric template is. Thereafter, we will... more
Fingerprint security is the future of mobile security.All the big players in the industry is adopting to it.As easy it is to use it is also not without flaws.The user data is still not properly secured on android devices.IOS devices have... more
In recent years, fingerprint recognition has been moving through series of evolutions with the intent to decrease the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and the False Rejection Rate (FRR) in order to achieve minimum Equal Error Rate (EER)... more