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The financial industry has witnessed the so-called “fintech revolution” in recent years. Due to the emergence of information technologies such as cloud computing, big data, blockchain and artificial intelligence, the landscape of the... more
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‫التقنيات‬ ‫المالية‬ ‫وتطبيقاتها‬ ‫في‬ ‫اإلسال‬ ‫المالية‬ ‫الصناعة‬ ‫مية‬ 2019 ‫التقنيات‬ ‫المالية‬ ‫وتطبيقاتها‬ ‫في‬ ‫اإلسال‬ ‫المالية‬ ‫الصناعة‬ ‫مية‬ 2019 ‫التقنيات‬ ‫المالية‬ ‫وتطبيقاتها‬ ‫في‬ ‫اإلسال‬ ‫المالية‬ ‫الصناعة‬ ‫مية‬ 2019... more
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      Islamic FinanceFinancial InnovationFinancial TechnologyFintech
Finansal Teknolojiler, aslında bir konsept olarak online alışverişin başlamasıyla 2000’li yılların başında ortaya çıkmaya ve 2008 Finansal Krizi ile önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Kimse o günlerde bunu “finansal teknoloji” olarak... more
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      Financial TechnologyDigital TransformationFintechinsurtech
The underdeveloped financial system, large unbanked population, and rising mobile penetration rate in Bangladesh have ignited the development of innovative digital finance solutions. The increasing demand for Mobile Financial Services and... more
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      FinanceInformation TechnologyFinancial InnovationFinancial Technology
As smartphones become ever more integrated in people’s lives, a burgeoning new area of research has emerged on their well-being effects. We propose that disparate strands of research and apparently contradictory findings can be integrated... more
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      Social PsychologyCyberpsychologyDigital MediaHappiness
The integration of the financial industry and financial technology (Fintech) plays a pivotal role in increasing financial services reach and inclusion for the large unbanked population in Indonesia. Fintech adoption optimization expands... more
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      Financial LiteracyIslamic FinanceFinancial MarketsFinancial Technology
Mein Beitrag widmet sich einer Medienpraktik, die ohne komplexe soziotechnische Arrangements und weitreichende kulturelle Selbstverständigungen über wechselseitiges Vertrauen nicht auskommen kann. Die Rede ist vom Bezahlen, also dem... more
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      Economic HistoryMedia StudiesAccountingFinancial Technology
This report aims to study how recent technological disruptions have affected the Singapore consumers’ decision-making process when purchasing insurance. It also examines the role that an insurance agent/adviser plays and the implications... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingRisk Management and Insurance
New financial technologies (FinTech) may not represent a new era for sustainable development-at least not as currently conceived. Many of the gains espoused by the UN and other cheerleaders come from rebranding the online equivalents of... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentUnited NationsInternational Financial LawFinancial Inclusion
Many SACCOS in Tanzania face problems of poor management, embezzlement, lack of working capital, high loan delinquency rates and poor business practices. Poor management and lack of commitment has resulted in many SACCOS having high... more
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      Information TechnologyInformation ManagementMobile BankingMobile Banking Technology
The fourth industrial revolution presents technologies as the key of development for businesses and societies overall. The digitalization of business models, financial services and products has led to the development of Financial... more
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      Gender StudiesBankingGeorgiaFinancial Technology
This article examines issues concerning regulation of virtual currencies around the world and highlights some lessons that Tanzania can learn in the process of setting up the regime for regulating virtual currencies. The article shows... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceFinancial Technology
Before the pandemic spread, it was obvious Fintech would play a crucial role in financial services in the future, but the process was undoubtedly accelerated by the crisis caused by the COVID‑19. The study revealed technology companies... more
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      Economics and financeFinancial TechnologyBanking and FinanceEuropean Science
Many SACCOS in Tanzania face problems of poor management, embezzlement, lack of working capital, high loan delinquency rates and poor business practices. Poor management and lack of commitment has resulted in many SACCOS having high... more
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      FinanceMicrofinanceAPI DesignBanks and credit markets
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      FinanceEconomicsMonetary EconomicsEconometrics
This study aims to analyze what criteria are used by Venture Capital (VC) firms to value Indonesian tech startups as high-flyer investments. We define high-flyer investment here as start-ups projected to generate return five times or more... more
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      Finance and bankingBusiness Start UpsFinancial TechnologyVenture Capital and Private Equity
The Stockholm School of Economics and PA Consulting present The Next wave of Fintech, a sequel to the 2015 Stockholm Fintech Report, focusing on the new InsurTech and RegTech segments. The report, which describes and quantifies the... more
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      FinanceBankingFinancial InnovationFinancial Technology
Financial technology, commonly used the term as FinTech, is a key emerging driver of inclusive finance. This is also one of the emerging issues of finance as well as financial research. This research is done with the purpose of showing... more
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      BusinessFinancial Technology
Dunia finansial semakin berkembang dari tahun ke tahun, termasuk dengan teknologi yang diaplikasikan di dalamnya. Teknologi tersebut membantu mempermudah segala transaksi finansial yang dilakukan nasabah atau konsumen. Teknologi itu juga... more
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      Peer-to-PeerFinancial Technology
Digital transformation creates challenges in all industries and business sectors. The development of digital transformation has also clearly triggered the emergence of fintech (financial technology) initiatives, which are recognized as... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsFinanceInformation Technology
Abstract This research aims to study a structure of digital banking, including commercial bank employee perspectives, performance impact and adaptability for understanding employee perspectives and to develop an approach of management,... more
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      Knowledge ManagementRural DevelopmentChange ManagementMobile Banking
Innovation and Technology have guided a radical change in traditional financial services. Now, Technology seems an essential keyfor the growth of digital economy. Over the year’s Indian banks and financial service providers have... more
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    • Financial Technology
The book contains consumer behaviour toward purchase decision in marketing.
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      GovernanceRisk ManagementMarketing ManagementFraud Risk Management and Complaince Auditing, Bank Auditing
What effect will new laws regulating financial technologies (FinTech) have on sustainable development -- and particular the sustainable development goal (SDG) scores in the developing world? In this paper, we provide the first rigorous... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Financial LawFinancial TechnologyFinance and banking law
The emerge beginning of financial technology or fintech startup was founded by one or several startup founders. How did a startup founder start until the fintech startup was established? This paper is aimed at addressing this problem,... more
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The mobile microinsurance marketing plan boasts itself as it highlights the overview of the mobile microinsurance industry, its current market condition, its external and internal factors driving and affecting its growth, its competition... more
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      Technology ManagementPhilippinesMarketing StrategyTechnology Commercialization
There is a growing Financial Technology (Fintech) business model, such as Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending. P2P Lending allows individuals and businesses to borrow and lend money to each other. In its development, China has become the market... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyEconomics
The current human resource management (HR) and brand marketing (Employer Branding) issues are recruiting and retention approaches that 'involve internally and externally encourage a clear vision of what makes a business different and... more
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      Employee RetentionStartupsFinancial Technology
This paper aims to interrogate existing FinTech regulations in Nigeria, extract the challenges of the budding industry and illuminate on prospects with the underlying aim of proffering sublime, practical recommendations towards the... more
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      FinanceRegulationFinancial InclusionFinancial Regulation
Fintech pada umumnya bertujuan untuk menarik konsumen dengan memberikan produk serta layananyang lebih user friendly, efisien, transparan, dan otomatis jika dibandingkan dengan produk atau layanan yang tersedia saat ini. FinTech... more
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    • Financial Technology
Рассмотрено развитие современных финансовых отношений в условиях стремительной интернационализации и технологизации и растущей неопределенности финансового рынка. С позиций гуманитарной экономики и гуманитарных финансов проанализированы... more
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      Financial MarketsUncertaintyFinancial TechnologyInternational Financial Markets
Cash has still been the preferred payment method of the Filipino majority—amounting to 51.3% of the population; while there were only 7.1% that prefer using mobile phone or app payments (TheNerve, 2019). Despite the cash-heavy... more
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      Technology ManagementPhilippinesMobile CommerceMarket Segmentation
Nigeria is part of the countries that have enlisted the use of fintech to achieve financial inclusion. In this paper, fintech and financial inclusion are examined. Further, Commercial Banking, Investment Banking and Insurance Offerings... more
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      FinanceInternational LawFinancial Technology
This thesis proposes a framework for the economic analysis of cryptocurrencies as a form of money, and applies it on the case of Bitcoin. The framework has two distinct pillars: 1) a quantitative analysis of time series behavior in... more
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      Monetary EconomicsFinancial TechnologyCryptocurrencyBlockchains
The mobile microinsurance marketing plan boasts itself as it highlights the overview of the mobile microinsurance industry, its current market condition, its external and internal factors driving and affecting its growth, its competition... more
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      Technology ManagementPhilippinesMarketing StrategyTechnology Commercialization
For the last decade, emergence of Fintechs caught the attention of everyone: Individuals working in the financial sector because Fintechs started to become serious competitors, investors and everyone else who received some sort of... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySocial sustainabilityStart UpEconomic Sustainability
Saat ini perkembangan teknologi finansial sangat pesat, kebutuhan pinjaman keuangan dari para pengusaha di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahunnya. Untuk dapat memberikan layanan pinjaman keuangan dibutuhkan persyaratan administrasi yang... more
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      SWOT analysisFinancial Technology
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      FinanceArtificial IntelligenceContract LawBusiness Law
Cash has still been the preferred payment method of the Filipino majority—amounting to 51.3% of the population; while there were only 7.1% that prefer using mobile phone or app payments (TheNerve, 2019). Despite the cash-heavy... more
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      Technology ManagementPhilippinesMobile CommerceMarket Segmentation
In recent years, there is a noticeable increase of cashless transactions due to the development of financial technology. As a result of being expansion of fintech products such as e-wallet, consumers are shifting from cash-based to... more
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      Technology acceptance model(TAM)Financial TechnologyPls-sem
Data-driven technologies and platform economies have been widely employed by Chinese companies in a variety of business sectors. In the past decade, these digital applications have profoundly restructured economic development and power... more
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      Political EconomyCommunicationFinancial Technology
Perkembangan teknologi membuat kehidupan di zaman sekarang menjadi sangat mudah. Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi merata di segala bidang, tak terkecuali berdampak pada bidang pembayaran. Keberadaan fintech bertujuan untuk... more
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      Electronic PaymentsFinancial Technology
This study examined the effects of exchange rate volatility on financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to: assess the extent to which exchange rate volatility affects return on capital... more
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      Business AdministrationEconomicsEconometricsMicroeconomics
Before the pandemic spread, it was obvious Fintech would play a crucial role in financial services in the future, but the process was undoubtedly accelerated by the crisis caused by the COVID‑19. The study revealed technology companies... more
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      Economics and financeFinancial TechnologyBanking and FinanceEuropean Science
Financial Technology (FinTech) muncul seiring perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat yang saat ini didominasi oleh pengguna teknologi informasi tuntutan hidup yang serba cepat. Dengan FinTech, permasalahan dalam transaksi jual-beli dan... more
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    • Financial Technology
Pengaruh nyata dari FinTech terhadap pebankan menjadi topik debat di kalangan akademis. Financial Technology (FinTech) adalah sektor baru dalam industri keuangan untuk operasi penyedia jasa keuangan dan interaksi penyedia jasa keuangan... more
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      EconomicsMacroeconomicsEducationFinancial Econometrics
Stabilitas keuangan merupakan topik yang selalu berkembang dan menjadi perhatian banyak kalangan sejak krisis keuangan yang terjadi pada tingkat nasional maupun internasional beberapa tahun terakhir. Di penelitian ini, kami ingin melihat... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMicroeconomicsFinance and Education system
Transformation towards Financial technology makes possibilities throughout all areas of the economy for growth. Emerging developing economies have seen a fast expansion of financial technology and mobile money services. FinTech projects,... more
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      FinanceFinancial InclusionDeveloping EconomiesFinancial Technology
The Stock Market is known for its volatile and unstable nature. A particular stock could be thriving in one period and declining in the next. Stock traders make money from buying equity when they are at their lowest and selling when they... more
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      Machine LearningData ScienceFinancial TechnologyTime Series Forecasting
Today, following the globalization of business and systems, together with advancement of technology, has revolutionized the way users access their finances. A new mean of banking services which use innovative information and automation... more
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      MarketingComputer SecurityTechnology AdoptionFinancial Technology