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La Tesorería General fue una de las instituciones centrales del aparato de gobierno borbónico en el siglo XVIII. Centrándose en ella y en sus relaciones con órganos creados conjuntamente (en particular, la secretaría del despacho de la... more
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      Early Modern HistoryAccounting HistoryFinancial History (History)Modern Spanish History
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      Financial History (History)Financial CentresIndian Financial SystemFinancial Geography
President Andrew Jackson’s conflict with the Second Bank of the United States was one of the most consequential political struggles in the early 19th century. A fight over the Bank's reauthorization, the “Bank War,” provoked fundamental... more
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      Economic HistoryPolitical EconomyPolitical PhilosophyMedia Studies
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      Business HistoryFinancial History (History)Southern AfricaSouth African War (1899-1902)
Early modern states faced numerous challenges in subsisting their prisoners of war, not least the problems of remitting them money for their subsistence, which had to pass across hostile borders. Examining how the British state achieved... more
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      Military HistoryEconomic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern Europe
Despite the emphasis on materialism prompting many debates about the growth of the gold industry and the outbreak of the South African War in 1899, little research has focused on the nancial institutions of South Africa’s early gold... more
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      Economic HistoryBusiness HistorySouth African Politics and SocietyFinancial History (History)
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      Cooperatives (Development Studies)Financial History (History)Stock MarketStock Markets
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireFinancial History (History)
When they tell the story of the origins of financial instruments and markets, most financial historians begin in the Middle East, and go via the Mediterranean to the Northwest of Europe. Along the way financial instruments were... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryFinancial History (History)The Hansa League
Few financial crises, historically speaking, have attracted such attention as the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles of 1719–20. The twin bubbles had major economic and political implications, sending shock waves through the whole of... more
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryFinancial History (History)Causality
A detailed study of the urban finances of the town of Ghent, during the second half of the 15th century. The focus lies particularly on the different financial policies enacted by subsequent political regimes during the turbulent final... more
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      Medieval HistoryFinancial History (History)History of the Low Countries
Sample pages of the the bilingual book (English and Greek) describing a vast number of archival photographic proofs of Greek banknotes from the 1890's to 1930's. Published by A. Karamitsos International Philatelic Auctions
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      BankingFinancial History (History)GreeceBanknotes
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      EconomicsAncient economies (Archaeology)Financial History (History)Monetary history
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      Economic HistoryRenaissance HistoryItalian (European History)Renaissance Studies
Bergbau und Krieg : 12. Internationaler Montanhistorischer Kongress. Sterzing – Hall in Tirol – Schwaz 2013. Herausgeber Wolfgang Ingenhaeff – Johann Bair. Sterzing; Hall in Tirol; Schwaz. Wattens : Berenkamp Verlag, 2014, S. 109–145.
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      Economic HistoryCentral European historyHabsburg StudiesFinancial History (History)
The polemic surrounding the 1753 Jewish Naturalization Bill was one of the major public opinion campaigns in Britain in the eighteenth century, as well as the most significant event in the history of Britain's Jews between their... more
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryEuropean StudiesEarly Modern History
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission.
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      Architectural HistoryFinancial History (History)
The thirteenth-century English exchequer carefully retained pipe rolls and referred to them over many decades. Most writers have concentrated on the annual audit function of the rolls, but they had a much longer-term significance for the... more
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      Financial History (History)Medieval EnglandExchequer
The purchase of the town of Maqueda in 1483 by Gutierre de Cárdenas, chief accountant of the Catholic Monarchs, from Alonso Carrillo de Acuña, senior guard, was related, until 1491, to the prolix negotiation of an important royal loan of... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Iberian History
Roman businessmen evidently faced a paradox. The requirements of ancient law made it impossible for them to convert into liquidity at any time the financial belongings at their disposal in the form of receivables; yet these were... more
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      Accounting HistoryFinancial History (History)Roman Economic HistoryAncient Roman economy, trade and commerce
A discussion of the origins and development of Brazil's banking system from colonial times to present days.
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      Economic HistoryBankingBrazilFinancial History (History)
This paper describes the adjustments and changes of Ming military system after the war against Wokou (1549-1564/1565), especially in the garrison army section and the expenditures. I discuss the administrative-military change, social... more
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      Military HistoryEconomic HistoryMaritime HistoryFinancial History (History)
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      Economic HistoryIrish HistoryFinancial History (History)Financial Revolution
In July 1696 the deputy-paymaster of the British army in Flanders, Richard Hill, was in the throes of a moral reckoning. “I walk about as impudently as other men’, he told his friend William Blathwayt, the secretary at war, “but God... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryFinancial History (History)History of War
In 1957, Clinton Hartley Grattan, one of Australia’s most important foreign observers, wrote of the shadow of the “urban” in legends of the Australian “bush”.1 He argued that the early frontiers of Australian settlement were frontiers of... more
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      CartographyDigital HumanitiesArchitectureMaritime History
Topic: 'How far did the international monetary and financial system of the Bretton Woods Era successfully address the problems of the interwar era?'
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryInternational HistoryFinancial History (History)
Breves estudios de las finanzas municipales en la valencia medieval y del término de la ciudad, sus límites y los derechos de sus habitantes.
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      Human GeographyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesUrban History
The birth of the financial press in the UK in the early nineteenth century corresponded with a series of financial crises, from the crash of 1825, through the railway manias of the 1830s and 1840s, to the collapse of Overend and Gurney in... more
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      Economic HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesBusiness HistoryFinancial History (History)
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      Medieval HistoryFinancial History (History)
A Russian aristocrat and a Jew? Yakov Polyakov was a rare breed. Luckily
for us, this fascinating figure also kept a diary
The article is also published here:
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      Financial History (History)DiariesTravel DiariesJewish Bankers
"The Monetization of Silver in China: Ming China and Its Global Interactions," China’s Development from a Global Perspective (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017), pp. 274-296. It is widely held that the sixteenth century was the... more
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      Economic HistoryMonetary EconomicsFinancial History (History)Monetary history
Данная книга — первое комплексное исследование характера и факторов движения курсов акций российских промышленных предприятий на фондовом рынке дореволюционной России. Изучение биржевых процессов конца XIX — начала ХХ вв. позволяет глубже... more
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      Economic HistoryFinancial History (History)Russian HistoryStock Market
《明史·食货志》考源——以计数为中心 “The Statistics: Tracing the Source of the Food and Money Essay in the History of Ming,” Graduate Students’ Journal of Peking University 北京大学研究生学志 25.2 (2009): 60-71. Based on the Shihuozhi (“Essay on Food and... more
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      Economic HistoryFinancial History (History)Monetary historyMing Dynasty
2 A partire dal 1959-60 il Banco comincia ad operare direttamente anche al di fuori dell'area laziale. Al 31 dicembre 1974 il Banco di Santo Spirito costituiva la seconda banca italiana di credito ordinario per massa fiduciaria... more
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      EntrepreneurshipModern HistoryEconomic HistoryBusiness History
A full description of British Military Authority banknotes circulated in Greece between 1944 to 1947. Published in the official Journal of the "Society of Paper Money Collectors"
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      HistoryFinancial History (History)Collecting and CollectionsGreece
Η παρούσα μελέτη περιγράφει με λεπτομέρειες τις πέντε τελευταίες εκδόσεις ελληνικών χαρτονομισμάτων από το 1954 έως και το 2002.
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      BankingFinancial History (History)GreeceBanknotes
In 1784 the ship Empress of China set sail for Canton and initiated the direct tea trade between China and the United States. The United States thereafter grew to be the second-largest importer of tea, known as “green gold,” from China in... more
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      Financial History (History)Chinese history (History)SilverCredit
[Public Finance in the Low Countries (1330-1800)] edited by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Dries Raeymaekers.

Publicaties van de Vlaams-Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nieuwe Geschiedenis nr. 14.
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      Economic HistoryPublic FinanceMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
Spanish Scholastics on Money and Credit: Economic, Legal and Political Aspects. In: W. Ernst - D. Fox (Eds.), Money in the Western Legal Tradition, Oxford, OUP, 2016, p. 267-283
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      Business EthicsHistory of Political Economic ThoughtFinancial History (History)European Legal History
The study of prisoners of war has taken on a number of useful forms in military history. Historians have often looked at the experiences of POWs to understand how individual soldiers, captors, and civilians understand the concept of... more
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      Military HistoryDiplomatic HistoryFrench HistoryEarly Modern History
This article explores the ways in which Philadelphia banker Nicholas Biddle financed the political economy of cotton and slavery. Most historians have focused on Biddle's political interactions with President Andrew Jackson during the... more
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      Economic HistoryAmerican StudiesPolitical EconomyU.S. history
Le fiere di cambio sono istituzioni ben consolidate che scandiscono il calendario della finanza europea con un ritmo costante nel corso dei secoli XVI-XVII. Dopo essersi spostate dalla Francia -Lione -alla Franca Contea -Besançon -le... more
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    • Financial History (History)
tavole e vedute prospettiche Studio Zibordi&Croce impaginazione Type&Editing stampa Microart's crediti L'editore rimane a disposizione per gli eventuali diritti sulle immagini pubblicate.
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryFinancial History (History)
A presente dissertação centra-se no estudo de uma instituição de cariz financeiro os almoxarifadose dos seus agentesos almoxarifes -, durante o reinado de D.
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      FinanceHistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval History
Published in Slavic Review, 74 (4) Winter 2015
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      Economic HistoryFinancial History (History)World War IFirst World War
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      Early Modern HistoryPolitical HistoryCongregational StudiesHistory of Sociability
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryNative American StudiesGlobalization
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      Economic HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
This study, my professorial thesis, or Habilitationsschrift, focuses on administrative confusion and social disruptions in the Habsburg monarchy from the Thirty Years' War to Charles VI (r. 1711-40). I will demonstrate that these two... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCzech HistoryAdministrative HistoryCentral European history
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      History of TechnologyNumismaticsMoney and BankingFinancial History (History)