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The European Union (EU) was arguably the first body to establish multinational anti-market abuse laws aimed at enhancing the detection and curbing of cross-border market abuse activities in its Member States. Put differently, the EU... more
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      Corporate LawSecurities LawCommercial LawInternational Financial Law
"The increasing sensibility regarding intangible cultural heritage provides momentum to better define a legal framework for the protection of these peculiar immaterial goods. This article questions whether the current intellectual... more
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      Islamic LawIndigenous StudiesIntellectual PropertyGlobalization
Various taxing power-related challenges have negatively affected the governance of state and federal governments of Nigeria since1999 to date. For instance, the poor drafting of the Nigerian constitution of 1999 and the failure on the... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate LawCorporate GovernanceBanking
Głównym celem opracowania jest przedstawienie tematyki źrodeł finansowania samorządu terytorialnego i zagadnień prawnych z nią związanych. Książka zawiera omówienie poprawności rozwiązań legislacyjnych oraz stosowania norm prawnych... more
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      FinanceLawTax LawRegional and Local Governance
Banking regulation
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureBusinessOrganizational Behavior
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      FinanceCivil LawContract LawInsurance Law
COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST WILMINGTON, BANK OF AMERICA FORECLOSURE FRAUD In this case of obvious and patent FORECLOSURE FRAUD a Homeowner in Florida lays out exactly how the securitization Ponzi scheme takes place leaving the mortgage... more
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      BankingBanking LawMortgage ForeclosureFlorida
This paper examines the moratorium on loan repayments, which was intended to relieve debtors in a difficult situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, various aspects of such moratoria are critically discussed and compared... more
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      FinanceBanking and Finance lawBanking LawInternational Financial Law
Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
Commento alla sentenza della Corte D'Appello Di Milano n. 1228/20, che, confermando nella sostanza la decisione di primo grado, ha accolto tutte le tesi del nostro Studio in questa complessa azione di nullità/accertamento e risarcimento... more
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      Corporate LawBankingCivil LitigationBanking Law
As Association Football Clubs look to finance player transfer fees, lenders have seen an increasingly prevalent role and will seek to secure their loan against club assets. One of the methods of securing lending has been to utilise the... more
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      Football (soccer)Sports LawInternational Sports LawInsolvency Law
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipIndustrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)
Con l'introduzione dell'istituto della mediazione i compiti affidabili dai clienti agli avvocati sono aumentati rispetto alla comune tutela in sede giudiziale (e stragiudiziale). Si è altresì assistito, negli ultimi anni, alla creazione... more
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      Legal ProfessionArbitration LawBanking LawMediation (Law)
This article presents a study of the so-called ‘unilateral’ (‘optional’, ‘hybrid’) jurisdiction clauses combining arbitration and choice of court options, which business tends to favour as such clauses seek to designate a method of... more
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      International ArbitrationInternational Commercial ArbitrationArbitration, Civil Procedure, Transnational LitigationJurisdiction and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
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      Law of Independent Guarantees and Standby Letters of CreditFinance and banking law
Green Finance includes all initiatives taken by private and public banks, businesses and international organizations in developing, promoting, implementing and supporting projects with sustainable impacts through financial instruments.... more
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      Corporate FinanceIslamic Banking and Fiance During Financial CriesesFinance and banking law
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      Civil LawBanking LawLaw of ContractFinance and banking law
KATA PENGANTAR Beberapa hal yang baru selalu muncul mengikuti perkembangan dunia yang semakin cepat berubah karena adanya teknologi-teknologi terkini yang hadir. Perubahan itu suatu hal yang pasti tanpa seorangpun bisa mencegahnya.... more
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      Bank ManagementBankingInternet BankingIslamic Banking
Le cœur de l'ouvrage consiste en une présentation de la prohibition d'exploiter des informations d'initiés en droit américain, en droit européen ainsi que, de façon approfondie, en droit suisse. La partie de droit suisse traite autant... more
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      Criminal LawEuropean LawBanking LawEconomic Law
In this paper at hand, an effort has been made to discuss a few matters concerning Western jurisprudence and Islamic jurisprudence as briefly as possible.
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      General JurisprudenceIslamic JurisprudenceCapital PunishmentPrinciples of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)
Podstawa faktyczna decyzji podatkowej zawiera okoliczności, które w poszukiwaniu i rekonstrukcji podatkowego stanu faktycznego organ podatkowy uznał za udowodnione i w oparciu o nie dokonał rozstrzygnięcia, wydając stosowne orzeczenie.... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTax reformBusiness Taxation
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    • Finance and banking law
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    •   44  
      LawIslamic LawConstitutional LawInternational Economics
SUMMARY This article analyses the regulation of cross-border insolvency under the Cross-Border Insolvency Act 42 of 2000 1 in order to examine the adequacy of such regulation as regards to the enforcement of insolvency proceedings in... more
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      Corporate LawSecurities LawCorporate FinanceBanking Law
BREAKING: Evidenced Corruption and Collusion in Federal and Massachusetts State Courts - Recused/Disqualified Judges, Attorneys for Bank Defendants Wells Fargo/US Bank, Federal/State Prosecutors and the Deafening silence of Massachusetts... more
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      Constitutional LawEconomicsFinancial EconomicsPublic Economics
Banking and Financial Law are radically changing thanks to new technologies. In this paper, I try to offer a definition of blockchain and smart contracts, looking at the main features of these new tools and analyzing the recent action by... more
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      Banking LawNew TechnologyNew TechnologiesLaw and New Technology
“A performance guarantee stands on a similar footing to a letter of credit. A bank which gives a performance guarantee must honour that guarantee according to its terms...The only exception is when there is a clear fraud of which the bank... more
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      Letter of Credit RulesFinance and banking law
En la obra, a partir de una contextualización de los sectores bancarios español y europeo, se analizan los múltiples cambios que, en los últimos tiempos, han venido a afectar a la intervención sobre la banca, haciendo especial hincapié en... more
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      European LawBanking and Finance lawBanking LawAdministrative Law
Pendant des siècles, la représentation monétaire était limitée à sa forme numismatique, en recourant à des métaux précieux comme l'or ou l'argent, ou semi précieux comme le bronze, voire même à des alliages non précieux pour les pièces de... more
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      BitcoinCryptocurrencyFinance and banking lawCentral Bank Digital Currencies
These conference proceedings constitute a selection of the best papers submitted to the 13th International Scientific Conference "Law in Business of Selected Member States of the European Union" which was organized by the Department of... more
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      European LawInternational BusinessRegulation And GovernanceInsurance Law
Abstrakti: Përmes këtij punimi kemi paraqitur sfidat kryesore që polikat fiskale kanë në Kosovë dhe poashtu kemi paraqitur se cilat janë alternativat procedurale ligjore për ti eliminuar defektet e politikave fiskale në Kosovë. Një nga... more
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      FinanceCriminal LawConstitutional LawPublic Finance
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      Consumer Credit LawFinance and banking law
This paper is an exposition of salient principles of appellate practice and procedure in Nigeria. Particularly, it examines the Constitution and Judicial position on the issue of appeals to the Supreme Court on grounds of fact/ mixed law... more
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      Dispute ResolutionTaxation LawFinance and banking law
Its time when people have preferred to carry and execute a small piece of paper called cheque than carrying the currency worth the value of cheque. Dealings in cheques are vital not only for banking purposes but also for the commerce and... more
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      Banking LawIndian LawLegalFinance and banking law
It is important to construe correctly what type of guarantee is involved in a particular matter, because di erent types give rise to di erent principles and consequences that may be vital in determining the outcome of a case. erefore,... more
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      Banking LawFinance and banking law
The Capital Conservation Buffer (CCoB) and the Countercyclical Capital Buffer (CCyB) are relatively new macroprudential instruments in the EU, aimed at improving the resilience of the banking sector in order to sustain the provision of... more
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      Banking RegulationFinance and bankingBanking Laws and RegulationsFinancial Stability
Recently there has been the formalization of the “Socio-environmental Responsibility Policy”, incident about the internal and external activities of the institutions authorized to operate by Central Bank of Brazil. Those rules have... more
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      Banking LawFinance and bankingResponsabilidade socioambientalDireito Bancário
In South African law the required standard of compliance regarding documents presented in terms of commercial letters of credit is unclear. It is presumed that the English law is followed. However, the English law is also not entirely... more
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      Banking LawFinance and banking law
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      Critical TheoryBusinessMarketingBusiness Administration
Podstawa faktyczna rozstrzygnięcia podatkowego pomimo ustanowienia domniemania wiarygodności dokumentów urzędowych może być zbudowana z uwzględnieniem prawdy materialnej. Postępowanie podatkowe prowadzone z wykorzystaniem dokumentów... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationTax reform
What effect will new laws regulating financial technologies (FinTech) have on sustainable development -- and particular the sustainable development goal (SDG) scores in the developing world? In this paper, we provide the first rigorous... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Financial LawFinancial TechnologyFinance and banking law
Un état des lieux de l'utilisation des clauses d'élection de for dans les matières bancaire et financière semble utile pour trois raisons. Tout d'abord, l'importance des établissements de crédit ou institutions financières dans... more
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      Private International LawBanking LawCompétence judiciare internationaleInternational jurisdiction
Banking regulations on NPA's
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      FinanceAccountingNon Performing AssetsFinance and banking law
Das europäische Recht der laufenden Bankaufsicht bezweckt neben dem Systemschutz zunehmend auch den Schutz individualisierbarer Kundengruppen, insbesondere der Einleger, Anleger und Verbraucher. Derzeit werden diese vor allem durch... more
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      European LawContract LawCompetition LawCapital Markets
The prime objective of the study is to evaluate the performance of the commercial banks operated in Chittagong zone in COVID-19 situation. The secondary objective is to analyze the financial performance of five commercial banks operated... more
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Purpose – Organisations utilise Business Continuity Management (BCM) to support sustained performance of electronic systems on which their core activities are based. These organisations require a tool that can be used to assess the... more
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      BusinessManagementFinanceInformation Technology
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    • Finance and banking law
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    • Finance and banking law
The study investigates the influence of financial development on non-performing loans using a global sample. The findings indicate that two financial development proxies, foreign bank presence and financial intermediation, are positively... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsMacroeconomicsDevelopment Studies