Finacial Markets

21 papers
AI Powered
Financial markets are platforms or systems that facilitate the buying, selling, and trading of financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, currencies, and derivatives. They play a crucial role in the allocation of resources, price discovery, and risk management within an economy.
Buku ini hadir untuk memberikan pemahaman dasar dan praktis tentang data mining, sebuah bidang yang semakin berkembang pesat dalam dunia yang didorong oleh data. Data mining memainkan peran penting dalam mengungkap pola dan informasi... more
AI in finance refers to the application of AI techniques in financial businesses. With the proliferation of AI-based tools and algorithms in financial decision-making, it is increasingly necessary to assess the impact of these... more
Dalam merancang dan menganalisa sistem yang ada pada perusahaan digunakan metode analisa CSF, analisa SWOT dan analisa matriks. Data warehouse menyimpan data transaksional baik yang bersifat histori ataupun data baru yang telah... more
A well-developed capital marked is the backbone of any economy. Its growth depends on active issuing companies and even the investors. Initial Public Offer (IPO) is one of the most popular techniques of raising capital by companies. The... more
Pisang sebagai salah satu komoditas buah-buahan yang menjadi produk perdagangan dengan tahapan Supply Chain, memerlukan informasi guna mengefisienkan operasional. Penelitian tentang Dukungan Informasi pada Pola Supply Chain
Pisang sebagai salah satu komoditas buah-buahan yang menjadi produk perdagangan dengan tahapan Supply Chain, memerlukan informasi guna mengefisienkan operasional. Penelitian tentang Dukungan Informasi pada Pola Supply Chain
A well-developed capital marked is the backbone of any economy. Its growth depends on active issuing companies and even the investors. Initial Public Offer (IPO) is one of the most popular techniques of raising capital by companies. The... more
Perdagangan valuta asing memiliki risiko yang tinggi sehingga manajemen risiko sangat diperlukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui risiko perdagangan valuta asing dan untuk mengetahui penerapan manajemen risiko pada perdagangan... more
Notary is a public official who has the authority to make authentic deeds and has other authorities as referred to in Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary. Notary as a... more
 Abstrak Seiiring dengan semakin luasnya wilayah kerja dan peran dari jasa penilai publik serta risiko yang harus dihadapi dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan penilaian publik harus diimbangi dengan adanya kepastian hukum. Rumusan masalah dalam... more
Foreign exchange (Forex) adalah perdagangan pasangan mata uang dari harga mata uang suatu negara terhadap mata uang negara lainnya. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) untuk memprediksi harga close mata... more
Investment refers to personal bussiness. So many people have got profit from investment both real and non real sectors. Foreign Exchange (FOREX) is the example of non real sector. The currency fluctuation of FOREX usually occurs and this... more
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah data warehouse dan aplikasi web browser business intelligence. Aplikasi yang dibuat akan dilengkapi dengan fasilitasfasilitas sistem informasi berupa pivot tabel dan grafik, dimana pivot tabel... more
The study aims to focus on the role of investor behavior in understanding the volatility of financial markets by examining the impact of the GARCH (1,1) model on the relationship between volume and market volatility and the impact of... more
In this paper, some GCC stock markets' characteristics and features (volatility clustering, reversion to the mean, risk return relationship, leverage effect and weakform efficiency) were investigated. For this purpose, the following tests... more
Bursa valuta asing atau forex adalah tempat dimana mata uang dari suatu negara diperdagangan dengan mata uang negara lainnya. Perdagangan berlangsung secara global antara pusat-pusat keuangan dunia, dengan melibatkan bank-bank utama dunia... more
There are many types of investments that can be used to generate income, such as in the form of land, houses, gold, precious metals etc., there are also in the form of financial assets such as stocks, mutual funds, bonds and money markets... more
ملخص ٍ البتكوين )Bitcoin فيزايئي هلا، ّرة، يتم تداوهلا عرب اإلنرتنت فقط، من دون وجود (: هو عملة رقمية إلكرتونية مشف ٌ وهي أول عملة رقمية ال يعمل دون مستودٍع مركزٍي أو مدير واحد، أي أهنا ختتلف عن العمالت التقليدية بعدم مركزية، فهي نظام... more
Foreign exchange (Forex) adalah perdagangan pasangan mata uang dari harga mata uang suatu negara terhadap mata uang negara lainnya. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) untuk memprediksi harga close mata... more
There are many types of investments that can be used to generate income, such as in the form of land, houses, gold, precious metals etc., there are also in the form of financial assets such as stocks, mutual funds, bonds and money markets... more
This paper aims to investigate and compare two stock market crashes in Bangladesh and suggest policy measure to prevent such collapses in the future. In doing so, it was found that the crashes have certain similarities between them in... more
Tujuan penelitian ialah menganalisa sistem yang berjalan, merancang sistem basis data, dan merancang aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat menunjang transaksi valuta asing di PT. Bank Jasa Jakarta. Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan 3 metode... more
The importance of having viable corporate governance guidelines has recently become visible in the stock market of Bangladesh when the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) has held several factors responsible for... more
Determining variabilities of soil properties is important for ecological modelling, environmental predictions, precise agriculture, and management of natural resources. This study was aimed to examine Inverse distance weight (IDW) to... more
Segala Ucap Syukur alhamdulillah kepada ALLAH SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan ridho-Sehingga Penulis bisa menyusun makalah ini disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah "APLIKASI DATA MINING" Penulis menyadari pasti ada kekurangan... more
In this paper, some GCC stock markets' characteristics and features (volatility clustering, reversion to the mean, risk return relationship, leverage effect and weakform efficiency) were investigated. For this purpose, the following tests... more
Di zaman yang modern saat ini peran komputer sangatlah penting di suatu perusahaan. hampir semua perusahaan memiliki dan menggunakan piranti elektronik yang satu ini. PT. LI sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang eksport import... more
The research problem in the presence of money laundering in private banks reflects negatively on economic activities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the dimensions of forensic accounting (analysis of sources of use and... more
Some properties of topological space X depend on the distribution of open sets in the topological space. Compact sets in Hausdorff space is closed and limited. Sliced set - which have the nature of a closed set of slices through the... more
The growing importance of financial markets around the world renews the interest to investigate whether development of the stock market specifically can promote long-run economic growth or not. The objective of this study is to... more
The purpose of this study is to formulate a model for sustainable development of the mortgage market in Azerbaijan, taking into account commercial risks of housing construction, the risks of the construction industry, social visions of... more
In this paper, some GCC stock markets' characteristics and features (volatility clustering, reversion to the mean, risk return relationship, leverage effect and weakform efficiency) were investigated. For this purpose, the following tests... more
The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze about electronic signatures application in manufacture of authentic deeds reviewed from Indonesia legislation perspective and the validity of authentic deed that signed electronically.... more
Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang pesat menuntut berbagai macam industri untuk menerapkan teknologi informasi dalam berbagai aktivitas bisnisnya salah satunya pengolahan dan penyimpanan data. Retail pada umumnya menghasilkan dan... more
 Abstrak Seiiring dengan semakin luasnya wilayah kerja dan peran dari jasa penilai publik serta risiko yang harus dihadapi dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan penilaian publik harus diimbangi dengan adanya kepastian hukum. Rumusan masalah dalam... more
This paper is a comparison the volatility of price between Dhaka stock exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE). I did this study on volatility as a part of academic course of Research Methodology and Dissertation. The main... more
This study aims to examine the legal arrangements for the role and authority of the capital market supporting profession in the face of globalization, namely the notary public. Notary public is a public official who has the authority to... more
Foreign exchange (Forex) adalah perdagangan pasangan mata uang dari harga mata uang suatu negara terhadap mata uang negara lainnya. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) untuk memprediksi harga close mata... more
In this study, the interdependency is presented between the characteristics of the buildings and the relative economic value, in order to plan economic policies and preconditions for improving the quality of the European buildings... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between trading volume ، on one hand ، and stock returns and volatility on the other ، in the financial stock market. In this respect، we employ the study on all companies listed on... more
This study aims to examine the legal arrangements for the role and authority of the capital market supporting profession in the face of globalization, namely the notary public. Notary public is a public official who has the authority to... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between trading volume، on one hand، and stock returns and volatility on the other، in the financial stock market. In this respect، we employ the study on all companies listed on... more
Notaris saat ini diperbolehkan melakukan sertifikasi dokumen elektronik. Kewenangan ini termaktub dalam Pasal 15 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Jabatan Notaris. Selain mengesahkan akta, notaris juga dapat menyimpan... more