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      French CinemaFilm PolicyFrench film industryFilm funding schemes
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      film festivals, Hubert Bals FundFilm funding schemes
This study aims to determine of the commercialization of R&D in Indonesia starting from the research planning to the commercialization process including the domination obstacles of R&D commercialization as well as searching for policy to... more
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      AlgebraChemistryInstructional DesignSoutheast Asian Studies
Critical take on crowdfunding and its potential impact on public funding of audiovisual content, especially documentary film.
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      Public ArtMedia ManagementPublic Service BroadcastingDocumentary Film
The article examines the extent to which Greek cinema has engaged with European co-productions and identi es the ways in which these have changed its production culture, as well as, indirectly, its form, content and mode of address. While... more
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      Film StudiesEuropean CinemaMedia IndustriesGreek Cinema
La revolución digital ha facilitado la expansión de nuevos formatos audiovisuales que se reinventan brindando nuevas posibilidades al público. El documental interactivo es uno de los géneros en gestación en continuo crecimiento que se ha... more
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      Interactive Digital StorytellingInteractive and Digital MediaTransmedial StorytellingInteractive Documentary
Through a focus on La niña santa/The Holy Girl by Lucrecia and XXY by Lucía Puenzo , this article aims to examine the relationship between texts, sex and money. It considers theoretical approaches to European funding programmes and world... more
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      IntersexualityQueer TheoryNew Queer CinemaLatin American Cinema
In the Turkish film industry, the term independent is mostly used for certain kinds of film to differentiate between mainstream films. Even though the terms independent and mainstream are used to refer to films’ positions within the field... more
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      Political EconomyTurkish CinemaCinemaFilm Distribution
Latin American Cinema, Beyond the Festival Film: Funding, Aesthetics and Debates Deborah Shaw Forthcoming 2019 Latin American Cinema: Film Funding, Film Festivals, Debates and Aesthetics (in Spanish ) , Peter Lang, Matthias Hausmann... more
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      Latin-American FilmFilm Festival StudiesFilm funding schemes
Resumen: En los últimos años del siglo xx un innegable optimismo se manifestaba, en la crítica de cine y en la academia, en torno a las oportunidades de difusión que los nuevos medios digitales supuestamente iban a brindar al cine de... more
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      Film ProductionTransnational CinemaFilm funding schemes
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      Digital MediaDigital CinemaAesthetics of digital cinemaShort Films
The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the ways students' instrumentation of Computer Algebra System (CAS) can help promote their algebraic reasoning while solving polynomial inequalities. In addition, the relation... more
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      Computer SciencePragmaticsHeuristicsEpistemic Justification
Over the past ten years an increasing amount of films from the Middle East have entered the international film festival circuit. Some major works like Paradise Now (Al-Jana Alan, Hany Abu Assad, NL/D/F/IL... more
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      International RelationsCinema and MemoryCinemaCultural Diplomacy
Latin American Cinema, Beyond the Festival Film: Funding, Aesthetics and Debates Deborah Shaw Forthcoming 2019 Latin American Cinema: Film Funding, Film Festivals, Debates and Aesthetics (in Spanish ) Estudios hispánicos en el contexto... more
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      Film Festival StudiesLatin American CinemaFilm funding schemes
En Archivos de la Filmoteca, nº76, 2019, pp. 145-166. Acceso en línea: El Pampero Cine: producir al margen y otros modos de subversión / El Pampero Cine: Non-industrial... more
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      Film StudiesFilm ProductionFilm DistributionLatin American Cinema
What is the public film-funding orientation in times of crisis and is the funding of non-mainstream projects
of any benefit to the audience?
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      Media StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesFilm funding schemes
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      Film StudiesLatin-American FilmEconomics of Film FestivalsFilm Festival Studies
This chapter will consider the new funding landscapes for Latin American filmmakers with a focus on European funding bodies and will ask whether these have created new forms of dependence or new partnerships. European social funding... more
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      Latin American CinemaFilm FestivalsFilm funding schemes
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      Economics Of Film Festivals (Business)Film Festival StudiesFilm Festivalsfilm festivals, Hubert Bals Fund
"Nuevo cine colombiano: lo(s) nuevo(s), lo auténtico y el factor Proimágenes // Nouveau Cinéma Colombien : le(s) nouveau(x), l’authentique et le facteur Proimágenes"; en Cinémas d'Amérique Latine, nº25 - cinéma colombien CALIWOOD, pp.... more
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      National CinemasLatin American CinemaCine LatinoamericanoColombian cinema
This volume explores and interrogates the shifts in film policies over the past thirty years. It assesses the logic that has traditionally guided policy-makers, while bringing to light the agency of film professionals. It covers film... more
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      Film StudiesNational CinemasFilm IndustriesCinema
Nel corso degli ultimi anni le Regioni italiane sono divenute degli importanti attori nell’ambito della produzione audiovisiva per risorse e servizi erogati. Tale operosità è oggi accompagnata da un’azione altrettanto vigorosa (ma meno... more
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      Italian CinemaCreative IndustriesPolitical Economy of MediaFilm industry
En el contexto de programas de financiación destinados a determinados cines periféricos y/o minoritarios creados por los festivales de cine y fundaciones asociadas a ellos, este artículo se centra en el programa "Cine en Construcción":... more
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      Film StudiesEconomics of Film FestivalsFilm Festival StudiesLatin American Cinema
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      Economics of Film FestivalsLatin American CinemaTransnational CinemaFilm Festivals
After 1989, the Czech film industry underwent a transformation from an integrated state-funded monopoly to numerous largely privatized and disintegrated film institutions and activities that had to struggle for their existence in the new... more
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      Film StudiesFilm ProductionCinemaCzech Cinema
European horror films have often been characterised by a tendency towards co-production arrangements. Recent developments within regional European funding bodies and initiatives have led to a proliferation of films that combine... more
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      European CinemaFilm funding schemesEuropean horror
Climate change is a concern for many nations, industries, and citizens. However, for some it will also be a moment of opportunity. As witnessed in relation to the pandemic, dynamics of power have a particular purchase at moments of... more
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      Cultural PolicyEnvironmental SustainabilityPolitical Economy of the MediaEcomedia Studies
The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the ways students' instrumentation of Computer Algebra System (CAS) can help promote their algebraic reasoning while solving polynomial inequalities. In addition, the relation... more
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      PragmaticsHeuristicsEpistemic JustificationInstrumentation
Es conocida la posición de la industria del cine hollywoodiense hacia el cine europeo y, en general, hacia toda cinematográfia foránea. El cine europeo es visto como una cinematografía marginal que apenas puede tener un pequeño espacio en... more
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      Film StudiesEuropean CinemaCinemaContemporary Hollywood
Minerva Campos Rabadán, "10 años, 20 años de Cine en Construcción", en Quim Casas (coord.), Zinemaldia 1953-2022. Singularidades del Festival de Donostia / San Sebastián, 2022, Donostia Kultura / Filmoteca Vasca; pp. 53-60. ISBN:... more
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      Film StudiesSpanish CinemaFilm Festival StudiesLatin American Cinema
This thesis is aimed to focus specifically on online crowdfunding of creative ideas, namely, narrative films in a South African context, in order to illustrate ways to create a sustainable online crowdfunding infrastructure in South... more
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      Film StudiesSocial MediaCrowdsourcingSouth Africa
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      Film IndustriesFILM COMMISSIONSFilm funding schemes
Through a focus on La niña santa/The Holy Girl by Lucrecia Martel (2004) and XXY by Lucía Puenzo (2007), this article aims to examine the relationship between texts, sex and money. It considers theoretical approaches to European funding... more
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      Performing ArtsIntersexualityQueer TheoryNew Queer Cinema
Petar Mitric reports on the MEDICI programme, a series of workshops on the future of public film funding in Europe.
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      European CinemaFilm ProductionFilm financingFilm funding schemes
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      Economics Of Film Festivals (Business)Economics of Film FestivalsFilm Festival StudiesTransnational Cinema
Italian cinema is by long time a battle field between national government and local administrations. Since 1975 many laws and negotiations have been promoted in order to find a compromise between a centralistic control of the... more
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      Media EconomicsMedia ManagementItalian CinemaFilm Industries
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      Media EconomicsMedia PolicyItalian CinemaFilm Industries
Prendendo in esame produzioni audiovisive realizzate nelle regioni italiane nel nuovo millennio, non è possibile prescindere dai cambiamenti occorsi nelle topografie produttive e negli immaginari geografici in seguito alla nascita di... more
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      Italian CinemaProduct PlacementVenice and the VenetoFILM COMMISSIONS
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      National CinemasBelgian CinemaFilm funding schemesFilm Economics
Co-Producing the Memory. Cinema Production between Europe and the Middle East Irit Neidhardt , and a lack of funding in the region of origin, most of the financing for films from the Middle East is provided by European public funds. As... more
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      GeographyInternational RelationsCinema and MemoryCinema
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      Interactive Digital StorytellingInteractive and Digital MediaTransmedial StorytellingInteractive Documentary
Sinemanın küresel çapta bir endüstri haline gelmesiyle birlikte Hollywood şirketleri film yapım, dağıtım ve gösterim ağlarında baskın bir konum elde ederek diğer film yapımlarının alanlarını daraltmışlardır. Bağımsız filmler; devlet... more
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      Critical Political EconomyFilm funding schemes
Državne potpore za proizvodnju audiovizualnih djela uvedene su u hrvatski pravni sustav 2012, s ciljem poticanja ulaganja u filmsko stvaralaštvo i ostvarenja kulturnih i gospodarskih pozitivnih učinaka. Državne potpore pod nadzorom su... more
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      CroatiaState aidFilm funding schemesEU State Aid Law
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      Italian CinemaFILM COMMISSIONSFilm funding schemes
The idéaltype of "quality" considerated as an objective reference frame of the public action in the field of the cinema goes up wellbefore the creation of a French administration of cinema. Symptomatically, it is under the direction of... more
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      French CinemaFilm HistoryFilm PolicyFrench Culture