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Esse artigo tem o intuito de refletir sobre algumas particularidades da história de uma tecnologia de captura, exibição e distribuição de obras audiovisuais que, apesar de recente, já é considerada parte do passado: o vídeo... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesPhotographyInternet StudiesFilm and Video
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      NeuroscienceCultural StudiesMedia SociologyPsychology
Full document in download. Or broken up as slide-show on HuffPo link below.
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      PsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied PsychologyBehavioural Science
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      Film AestheticsMichelangelo AntonioniFilm and PhotographyModern Cinema
This research is a mapping of the moving image art produced in Brazilian Amazon from the 1970s to 2010s. It is based on archive research and an oral history methodology. We aim at writing a history that exposes the relationship of this... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtVideo ArtAmazonia
While the Greek film musical enjoyed popularity and commercial success in the 1960s, introducing new discourses on tradition, Greekness and modernity, it virtually disappeared from the Greek film charts in the next decade after the fast... more
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      Cultural StudiesFilm GenrePopular Cinema (Film Studies)Genre Theory
Objavljeno na Tportalu ( U umjetnosti postoje velikani koji stvaraju nova pravila i proširuju stara, a postoje i drugačiji velikani, istraživači nepoznatog koji pravila zaobilaze, uvijek odlazeći barem dva koraka dalje nego... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryPerforming ArtsArt
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      Art ExhibitionsFilm and Video
This article examines the first Greek film to give a central role to the concept of the mermaid: Georges Skalenakis’ 1987 direct-to-video feature 'Gorgona' ('Mermaid'). Although actually concerning an all-human female, 'Gorgona' attaches... more
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      Video ArtGreek CinemaFilm StarsModern Greek Studies
On the relation of film and video
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      Film and New MediaFilm and VideoThe Future of Cinema
Version française avant traduction et publication du texte pour le catalogue Defiant Muses, PETRESIN-BACHELEZ, Natasa; ZAPPERI, Giovanna (eds.). Madrid/Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2019. En anglais et en espagnol Le texte... more
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      Feminist EthicsActivist ArtFeminism(s)Feminismo
La forma que encontré para explorar el video arte y su poder expresivo es a través de la experimentación de la forma visual del cuerpo registrado y las alegorías sobre él. En ese sentido, mi trabajo es un acercamiento a la categorización... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyStop-motion AnimationSurrealismImage and Video Compression
Centrado en el período del retorno democrático en Bolivia, a partir de 1982, este trabajo presenta un panorama de las prácticas y reflexiones realizadas por las jóvenes mujeres documentalistas bolivianas. Afines a un feminismo incipiente... more
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      Bolivian studiesLatin American CinemaHistoria De Las MujeresCine Latinoamericano
The object of my dissertation is the commercial video production that has developed in Douala, Cameroon, since the liberalization of the audiovisual sector in 2000 and the diffusion of low-cost and easy-to-use digital technology among the... more
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      African StudiesMedia StudiesMedia AnthropologyDigital Media
Who or what is designated as being in crisis by the notion of the "refugee crisis"? Ubiquitously employed today in European journalistic discourses as well as political rhetoric, the phrase does not refer to the catastrophes experienced... more
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      Refugee StudiesPolitical ScienceVideo ArtArt and Independent Cinema
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      DanceFilm and Video
This research is a mapping of the moving image art produced in Brazilian Amazon from the 1970s to 2010s. It is based on archive research and an oral history methodology. We aim at writing a history that exposes the relationship of this... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtVideo ArtAmazonia
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      PsychologyFamily TherapyCanadian StudiesMedia Studies
This issue contains reviews of the films-- The Saragossa Manuscript, Lorenzo's Oil, & Gravity.
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      NeuroscienceCultural StudiesMedia SociologyPsychology
the renewed cinematic interest in mountains reveals not only the transformative virtue of mountains as mediators of new experiences, ranging from rituals of spiritual purification to consumerist tourist culture, but also the fluid nature... more
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      ArtAuteur TheoryFilm and VideoUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
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      Refugee StudiesVideo ArtArt and Independent CinemaRefugees and Forced Migration Studies
This issue contains reviews of Viva la Vie (Long Live Life ) 1984, Death Bed (1977) , and Beyond Dreams Door (1989)
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      NeuroscienceMedia SociologyPsychologyAbnormal Psychology