Film Theory and Practice
Recent papers in Film Theory and Practice
Hunter Vaughan interweaves phenomenology and semiotics to analyze cinema's ability to challenge conventional modes of thought. Merging Maurice Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception with Gilles Deleuze's image-philosophy, Vaughan... more
This chapter examines the meaning-making functions of cinematic sound from the perspective of embodied cognition. Using embodied simulation theory (Gallese, 2005) as a unifying framework, and placing particular emphasis upon the affective... more
Der Begriff des Interface kategorisiert die Ausprägungsstufen einer kommunikationsstabilisierenden Schnittstelle als Interaktionsmechanismus, wobei die Interaktion von maschinellen Komponenten (Hardware, Software) sowie die vielfältigen... more
Edizione italiana del libro intervista "Herzog on Herzog" (a cura di Paul Cronin, 2002). Uscita nel 2009 in Italia, è stata poi ristampata nel 2014 e nel 2018.
John Sayles is one of America’s most successful independent filmmakers, whose works include Return of the Secaucus Seven (1980), City of Hope (1991), and Lone Star (1996). This article examines Sayles’ portrait of place in Sunshine State... more
Please cite this article as: Finsterwalder, J., Kupppelwieser, V.G. and de Villiers, M. ( ), The effects of film trailers on shaping consumer expectations in the entertainment industry -A qualitative analysis.
Tra le varie ricorrenze dell'anno in corso, una delle più significative e attraenti è, forse, quella del ventennale della morte del grande Maestro Federico Fellini, regista che guardava agli uomini con ironia e solidarietà, che credeva... more
Wes Anderson's masterpiece The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) is a reflexive film about making a documentary within a film. The boundaries between what is 'reality' and what is performed become blurred. The production elements such... more
An examination of Charles and Ray Eames and Josef Svoboda's multi-screen exhibits at the US Worlds Fairs in the 20th century. These exhibits still have a lasting impact on narrative cinema, video art, and interactivity within in film today.
Composing for the Films, written by Theodor W. Adorno and Hanns Eisler in 1947, seems to have been consigned to a fate of oblivion. The reasons could be related to the controversy about the authorship... more
Acercamiento académico al video documental realizado en Puebla, México, a partir del estudio de los recursos que utiliza para su construcción como el material de archivo, las recreaciones y las entrevistas.
In his early days with the Perlmans, Oliver is mocked by the family for his repeated use of the word “later” as a salutation, and with this word, and the film’s attention to it, he sets the tone of a projective temporality. Later there... more
Fundamentals of Screenwriting
The 2011 film Ang Babae sa Septic Tank (dir. Rivera) was lauded as a parody of Philippine cinema, mocking certain films by imitating conventions that are recognizable in other films of that particular genre. The paper tries to discuss... more
Arthur Kok (red.) Bewegen en bewogen worden Retorisch handelen in taal, beeld en muziek Volgens Aristoteles is de kern van retorica, als de kunst van het overtuigen, dat de ziel erdoor in beweging wordt gebracht. Daarbij gaat het niet... more
In Moving Environments: Affect, Emotion, Ecology, and Film, international scholars investigate how films portray human emotional relationships with the more-than-human world and how such films act upon their viewers’ emotions. Emotion and... more
Throughout Kore-eda Hirokazu’s films, a series of themes related to death, memory or the assumption of loss are repeated are repeated, often in relation to a paternal figure. From Dare mo shiranai (No Body Knows, 2004), through Hana yori... more
Análisis textual del universo Tim Burton. Escenas Fantasmáticas. Análisis de varias escenas de la filmografía de Tim Burton acompañadas de datos clave sobre el autor y sus influencias para el análisis de éstas. Trabajo de Finde... more
‘There are no new stories … We see them on the screen or on the stage reflected through the personalities of men and women whom we have learned to love and respect.’ So wrote Lillian Gish in an unpublished work on the role of stars in... more
What makes us who we are? There are many ways to answer that question, ranging from how we look and what we wear to our jobs, families and relationships. If we're to arrive at something that's closer to the truth we have to dig much... more
This course aims to introduce the students to the art, craft and technique of filmmaking. Students are expected to learn basic principles of filmic design, four foundational elements of film style (mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing,... more
Henri-George Clouzot’s The Mystery of Picasso (1956) and Lars von Trier’s and Jørgen Leth’s The Five Obstructions (2003) are celebrated experimental documentaries on the creative process in the visual arts and cinema made (or co-made) by... more
An overview of the work of film director, Gus Van Sant.
Mit o Medeji jedan je od temeljnih narativa putem kojeg se u društvu legitimizira društveno uspostavljenog identiteta, uglavnim ženskog. Upravo zbog toga se lik medeje, antičke čedomorke, pokazao kao neiscrpan izvor različitih tumačenja o... more
'Eraserhead' (1977), directed by David Lynch, has intrigued and interested film critics for decades. A cinematic puzzle, David Lynch successfully creates a surreal and dystopian world through Eraserhead. With its twisted plotline and... more
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Le choix de traiter de Marina, la production cinématographique de Stijn Coninx sortie en 2013, se justifie par la réponse aux critères implicitement imposés par le cours de Multilingual Communication: Film and Television in the... more
En este artículo se relacionan algunos de los temas que suelen movilizarse en el mejor anime contemporáneo —como los multiversos y los décadrage temporales— con una teoría del cine relacionada, a su vez, con los hologramas y el... more
What do we mean by the slippery term 'animation' when discussing moving image culture? Is it a technique? – A style? – An interdisciplinary artistic medium? An art form that enables us to see and experience a 'world' that has little... more
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
If mediatization has surprisingly revealed the secret life of inert matter and the 'face of things' , the flipside of this has been the petrification of living organisms, an invasion of stone bodies in a state of suspended animation.... more
The narrative perspective of a movie provides not only the focus of the narrative information given to the audience, but also size the mediated spatial impressions. The view through the lens of the camera puts the viewers right into the... more
Neste ensaio abordaremos dois documentários recentes dos diretores brasileiros João Salles (Santiago) e Eduardo Coutinho (Jogo de Cena). Para analisá-los, buscamos desenvolver análise, com inspiração de metodologia fenomenológica,... more
Philosophical discussions of film are divided in their treatment of the subject rhythm in film editing. Analytic philosophers tend to avoid discussion of it, while continental philosophers give it expansive consideration. This chapter... more
There is a hierarchy of sound and image in films but that is not a natural one. There are moments in the history of cinema when a rupture occurs in the process and sound affects us more than visual. The lack of discussion on film sound is... more
Rituparno Ghosh was one of the rare film makers in India who recognized the power of silence both as a text and a narrative. Gosh made conscious efforts to communicate the music of silence in many of his films. These sincere attempts... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Resumen: TRABAJO DE FIN DE GRADO DE CRISTINA MARTÍNEZ GARÍN. Análisis textual fílmico en el que se analizan dos de las obras del director griego Yorgos Lanthimos, destacado por la creación de mundos distópicos, en los que la represión... more