Film Music
Recent papers in Film Music
The advancements of technology in the music industry move at a rapid rate. Within the past century, the core industries have evolved into numerous sub cultures and niche employment careers. Throughout these historical developments,... more
This essay examines the stylistic and cultural aspects of what I call Hans Zimmer’s “Epic Style.” This powerful and understudied idiom has assumed a default status for a huge amount of musical multimedia in the new millennium. Zimmer’s... more
The aim of this article is to interpret the musical layer of Andrzej Wajda’s 2009 movie Tatarak (Sweet Rush), based on the novel by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz. In the first part, the author attempts to depict the complex relationship between... more
Статья посвящена средневековой аллегории Danse macabre и ее кинематографическим интерпретациям. Отмечается особая концентрированность, мотивная многосоставность данной средневековой эмблемы, позволяющая интерпретировать ее как понятие,... more
in: Studienkreis Film (Hg.): Um sie weht der Hauch des Todes.Der Italowestern-die Geschichte eines Genres. Bochum: Schnitt Verlag 1999 (basierend auf einem Beitrag zu Meteor 15, 1999, Dossier "Sound Design")
This paper examines the possibilities of cultural identity construction in connection with Howard Shore's soundrack to the Lord of the Rings movies by Peter Jackson. By applying Philip Taggs musematic analysis as an analytical tool (as... more
Norman McLaren œuvre dans le domaine onirique de l’animation. David Cronenberg est maître du genre de l’horreur intérieure. Que peuvent donc partager ces deux cinéastes canadiens aux univers si distincts? Chacun a construit une relation à... more
David Shore, the co-creator of House M.D., openly acknowledged the show’s debt to the Sherlock Holmes stories of Arthur Conan Doyle, from the anchoring concept of a case-solving genius who lives for his work to the homonymic pun of the... more
In the world of Japanese anime, Studio Ghibli’s co-founder Hayao Miyazaki and the legendary composer Joe Hisaishi are undeniably two of the most iconic people. Often called the Walt Disney and John Williams of Japan, their animations have... more
Linda Maria Koldau (Frankfurt am Main) Der Vortrag Filmmusik als "Baukastenprinzip": Kompositorische Traditionen und ihre Wirkung im Film, der das 2. Kieler Symposium zur Filmmusikforschung am 11. Juli 2008 in Kiel eröffnete, gab Anlass... more
Resumen: En este trabajo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre la relación entre música y cine a través del análisis de la trilogía cinematográfica Tres colores (Trois Couleurs) del realizador Krzysztof Kieslowski y del compositor Zbigniew... more
Obwohl Filmmusik keineswegs mehr ein Randgebiet musikwissenschaftlicher Forschung ist und inzwischen einige Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Thema vorliegen, fehlte bislang ein Grundlagenwerk zu den Wirkungen von Filmmusik. Dies will das... more
The paper focuses on the use of diegetic or source music in the »Star Trek« universe. Its main purpose is to investigate which references are used in »Star Trek: The Original Series« (1966-1969), »Star Trek: The Next Generation«... more
Post on Musicology Now (Blog of the American Musicological Society)
Musik ist in audiovisuellen Medien und speziell Film und Fernsehen von unvermindert hoher Bedeutung. Kaum ein Film, gleich welcher Länge, verzichtet vollständig auf einen wenigstens temporären Einsatz von Musik. Angesichts dieser Tatsache... more
At its most basic, the found-footage film extracts images and sounds from a variety of sources and places them into new audiovisual configurations. Cinema history has thrown up numerous examples of such re-appropriation, from the... more
This is the complete 132 pages of this monumental work, with my notes showing themes, use of doubling, form, harmony and much more. One of Ravel's longest works, it is a seldom played, or studied, masterpiece. A perfect work to examine... more
The growing popularity of TV serials (broadly defined as multi-episode TV productions of various character) goes along with the rapidly expanding reputation of music accompanying such shows. We can talk about the international success of... more
Obiettivo di questa breve analisi è anzitutto dimostrare che anche in un film prettamente musicale -come Whiplash- l’utilizzo del sonoro non è secondo all’utilizzo del montaggio video, ma al contrario svolge un ruolo di fondamentale... more
In the Danish environmental documentary Ekspeditionen til verdens ende (Expedition to the End of the World, 2013), music from Mozart’s Requiem sounds several times as Greenland’s melting ice and swelling ocean fill the screen. This... more
Investigation of the semiotics of Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King" as used in the original play and later films.
This thesis aims to cover two aspects: first, a description of how the work of film composers is; and second, an analysis of how the digital technology affects the musical creation for film, and how different has become film music since... more
Richard Hageman is mainly remembered for his film scores or his art songs. Even though the greatest part of his career unfolded in the United States, his musical roots lie in his native Netherlands. His studies were funded by Regent Emma... more
John Williams is perhaps best known for his film music themes, most of which are based on eight-bar models that divide into discernible halves of 4+4 bars, each half usually containing two short ideas of two bars each. Though this type of... more
A description of the sound of the Godfather films, analyzing the musical subjects underscoring a group of pivotal scenes.
In this paper, I discuss the subject of emotion in some of the film music by Italian composer Ennio Morricone, “one of the world’s most successful and brilliant, composers for film.”
Este artigo procura listar alguns recursos estilísticos recorrentes no som do cinema de horror, examinando e discutindo algumas razões pelas quais essas ferramentas narrativas se tornaram populares entre cineastas, compositores e sound... more
Si la musique de cinéma a longtemps été délaissée sur le plan scientifique, en particulier dans la francophonie, la floraison d’analyses musicologiques spécialisées dans ce domaine depuis quelques décennies commence toutefois à combler... more
The authoritative catalogue of motivic material in the Star Wars film franchise. Includes information on all leitmotifs and incidental themes as well as set-pieces, suites, and source music. Additional sections on thematic... more
Dopo essere stato fatto oggetto di citazione musicale in funzione antifrancese o antirivoluzionaria – per esempio, rispettivamente nell'Ouverture 1812 di Tchaikovski (1880) e nella partitura originale di Gottfried Huppertz per Metropolis... more
Encyclopedia entry in Multicultural America. A Multimedia Encyclopedia, ed. by Carlos E. Cortés. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE 2013, 1101-1103.