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      Film TheoryFilm As A Language3D CinemaPaul Valéry
There are over 50 film versions of Hamlet. This article looks at how four directors use film language to depict the words of Hamlet's soliloquy ( "To be or not to be") and examines how production design, props, costume, camera movements... more
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      Film StudiesShakespeareFilm AnalysisShakespeare and film
Graphic design and cinema have worked together since the early days of filmmaking, driven by the effort to develop autonomous visual narratives in silent films, in much through the use of intertitles. It is meaningful to recognize how... more
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      Graphic DesignCinemaHollywoodFilm Language
Maverick film maker Ritwick Ghatak was an aesthete par-excellence, especially of Indian art music which he employed abundantly in his films. This is an analysis of three of his films using the method of Semeiosis.
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The introduction of Nature of Science in Science Education has been a goal for educators. In this proposal, it is presented an analysis of how film language can be used to discuss Nature of Science. The costumes and colors in the movie... more
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      Science EducationNature of ScienceFilm Language
There is fundamentally more to Baul spirituality and scripture than merely the music and lyrics that one comes by, and conceivably nobody can ‘delve deep’ into the music form without having some basic understanding and concepts about its... more
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      English for Specific PurposesMultimodalityPolitical DiscourseFilm Language
The social, academic and intellectual construct given to the Baul movement ofBengal for centuries have been attempts by the elite status quo to box-in the music, lifestyle and philosophy of Fakirs, Sadhus and Sages of our time, thereby... more
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Département de littérature, théâtre et cinéma Professeur : Jean-Pierre Sirois-Trahan Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines Session : automne 2024 CIN-1000-Introduction au langage cinématographique Horaire : Mercredi, 12h30-15h20... more
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    • Film Language
Note: This is the pre-print version of a book chapter and not identical with the published version.
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      Corpus LinguisticsMedia (Languages and Linguistics)Media DiscourseCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
The aim of the article is to describe the relationship between the romantic synthesis of the language and the language of silent cinema based on the reconstructed film "Pan Tadeusz" -  an adaption of Adam Mickiewicz's poem (1928).
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      RomanticismFilm TheorySilent FilmFilm As A Language
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      Film SoundFilm Music And SoundLanguages and Film StudiesFilm Language

1. Shahada/Kalima
2. Eternal Wealth
3. Mi’raj
4. Freedom for Mankind
5. Ancient Makkah -  The Human Temple
6. Aleef Laam Meem
7. Of Sins and Salvation
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      Film StudiesEnglish languageFilm Language
Article published for the British Artists' Film & Video study collection archive.
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      Poetry and FilmFilm LanguageVisual PoeticsText and Image, Visual Poetics
The word film itself is simply magical; it is a form of art which touches every kind senses which an individual posses. The essence of films has been memorizing the human kind ever since its origin. The film industry, like so many other... more
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      SemioticsMedia StudiesDigital MediaFilm Analysis
Dialect, along with being systematically exploited in the national films and, since the 1970s, also in dubbed foreign ones, has arrived to animated films, where it can fulfil three different functions: imitative function, when the... more
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      Italian StudiesDubbingFilm LanguageAnimated Cartoons
Un abîme sépare l’hyper-complexité technique, rhétorique et logistique de l'audio-visuel et la quasi-automaticité de son décodage. Ce qui conduit souvent a confondre l'outil et le langage : chacun veut être cinéaste, mais personne ne... more
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      ScriptwritingStory TellingFilm LanguageRhetoric and Film
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      Film SoundFilm Music And SoundLanguages and Film StudiesFilm Language
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      Discourse AnalysisEarly CinemaFilm CensorshipCinematic Language
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      SemioticsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGender Studies
This article covers the issue of foreign languages interrelation of " The Da Vinci Code " (2003) novel by Dan Brown and the screen version (2006) by Ron Howard, their functions, usage and screen representation peculiarities. Audio cinema... more
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      Literature and cinemaIntermedialityFilm As A LanguageDa Vinci Code
More and more, the discourse of as a vehicle through which messages are communicated in film is taking centre stage. Its use necessitates an understanding not only of the vocabulary, but also of the content. Cameroon filmmakers exploit... more
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In 2019, decades after the earliest experiments with DH methodologies, scholars hoping to apply DH approaches to the study of audiovisual media continue to find themselves at somewhat of a disadvantage relative to colleagues working with... more
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      Digital HumanitiesFilm As A LanguageCinema and Media StudiesFilm Language
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      Film StudiesFilm and HistoryÉticaFilm Editing
The beginning of the 21st century saw the emergence of neurocinematics, the nneuroscience of film, as a new interdisciplinary field that investigates the effect of free viewing of films on the spectators’ brain-activity, searching for... more
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      Human Computer InteractionBrain-computer interfacesInteractive and Digital MediaLive Cinema
Taking a cross-linguistic perspective to the analysis of original cinematic speech, this book examines the dialogues of English and Italian films with the objective of assessing their degree of lexico-grammatical and phraseological... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish languageApplied LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics
The present study concentrates on the representation and the reception of gender stereotypes. The analysis was first carried out on an ad hoc corpus of cult romantic comedies and dramedies of Anglo- American pop contemporary culture and... more
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      Language and GenderCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisGender stereotypesFilm Language
This paper presents an ongoing project sponsored by the University of Pisa Language Centre to compile an audiovisual corpus of specialized types of discourse of particular relevance to ESP learners in higher education. The first phase of... more
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      Academic discourseMultimodalityGesturesPolitical Discourse
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisFilm As A Language
In-camera effects are special effects in a video or a film achieved by techniques in and on the camera or its parts. They are a part of the film language and serve many purposes. Some of them undermine normal visual perception, for... more
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      Special EffectsAudiovisual TranslationIntersemiotic TranslationAudio Description
The relation between war and cinema, propaganda and cinema is a most intriguing area, located at the intersection of media studies, history and film aesthetics. A truly tragic moment in human history, the First World War was also the... more
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      PropagandaCinema StudiesFilm LanguageCinema and Technology
This paper presents an ongoing project sponsored by the University of Pisa Language Centre to compile an audiovisual corpus of specialized types of discourse of particular relevance to ESP learners in higher education. The first phase of... more
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      English for Specific PurposesAcademic discourseMultimodalityGestures
The impact of French film critic André Bazin (1918-1958) on the development of film studies, though generally acknowledged, remains contested. A passionate initiator of film culture during his lifetime, his ideas have been challenged,... more
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      Media StudiesFilm TheoryPhilosophy of FilmAuteur Theory
Hollywood ha desempeñado un papel decisivo en la configuración de la corta historia del país bajo cuyo abrigo nació, los Estados Unidos de América. En este artículo se examinan la representación de los pueblos no occidentales en las... more
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      Cold WarPoliticsVietnam WarCinema
This paper addresses the problem of dubbing linguistic variation in general, and ethnically marked varieties in particular. The small corpus under scrutiny in the article is the Italian film dubbing of Eat Pray Love (2010), with... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeAudiovisual TranslationFilm LanguageTranslation of Feature Films
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      English for Specific PurposesMultimodalityPolitical DiscourseFilm Language
Liveness seems to have a mimetic charge that dichotomously disavows the need to prove a point by argument and proof, a temporal framework that empowers the protagonist with the invincible prowess of addressing the whole nation at a time,... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesGlobalizationFilm StudiesTelevision Studies
Na década de 1970, o vídeo surgiu como um aparato tecnológico produtor de imagens rejeitado inicialmente por cineastas, devido a sua imagem precária e tecnicamente experimental. A profundidade de campo, um dos fundamentos do cinema, é... more
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      Image AnalysisFilm & Digital VideoJean-Luc GodardFilm Language
Film language theory is mostly examined in an abstract manner. This is academically and practically logical: learning defined ‘rules’ and techniques is paramount to successfully understanding the methodology of directing film. However, if... more
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      ScreenwritingFilm Theory and PracticeFilm LanguageFilm Directing
Este artículo pretende analizar cómo Arantxa hace frente a su condición como persona dependiente en la serie Patria. El objetivo principal es demostrar cómo Arantxa se comunica con sus cuidadoras a través de los gestos limitados que le... more
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      SociologySpanish HistoryRelaciones InterpersonalesPatria
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm As A LanguageFilm Language
In the conclusion to his seminal essay on the ontology of film, André Bazin writes, “on the other hand, cinema is also a language” (1958). Given his insistence on cinema’s immediate access to reality, this recourse to language raises the... more
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      Film Theory3D CinemaAndre BazinFilm Language
I`d like to introduce a view on the experimenting with the inner technology of the film.
This paper was originally used as final essay for MoMA
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      NarrativeContextSergei EisensteinMOMA
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisSilent FilmEarly Cinema
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      Film StudiesItalian StudiesFilm Music And SoundFilm Analysis
Las nuevas tecnologías digitales nos han costumbrado al control sobre el punto de vista con total libertad, pero esta posibilidad es un logro fruto de una larga conquista para superar las limitaciones del rectángulo escenográfico y el... more
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      CommunicationFrench CinemaCinemaCinema Studies
Un invito a visitare il mio nuovo sito bilingue dedicato al linguaggio cinematografico e agli studi sul cinema

An invitation to browse my new website dedicated to film language and film studies
mailto:[email protected]
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisCinema
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è analizzare e paragonare il parlato trasmesso di tre film italiani di periodi diversi (1937, 1957 e 1991), accomunati dal soggetto, ma eterogenei dal punto di vista delle scelte linguistiche, al fine di... more
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      Linguistica italianaSociolingüísticaStoria Del Cinema ItalianoFilm Language
Jak bardzo nasza cywilizacja zmieni się pod wpływem nieustannego i dynamicznego rozwoju cyfrowych środków komunikacji masowej? Naukowcy i filozofowie formułują najróżniejsze przewidywania, wśród których nie brak wizji ścisłego... more
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      Media EducationPolish StudiesFilm EducationFilm Language