Figural Analysis

49 papers
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Figural Analysis is a qualitative research method that focuses on the interpretation and understanding of visual representations, such as images or symbols, within a specific context. It examines the relationships, meanings, and implications of these figures to uncover underlying themes and insights relevant to the subject of study.
The main claim Radner makes in the Introduction/Chapter 8 of his work, The Word’s Work: Figural Preaching and Scriptural Conformance (2016) is that a Figural Reading of Scripture is an ideal hermeneutical approach for Christians in three... more
Film Figures: an Organological Approach develops a figural account of the memory structure of films. Employing concepts and strategies drawn from a range of sources, including French post-humanism and post-Kantian idealism, the book... more
Le titre est une référence avouée à l'article d'André Bazin « Vie et mort de la surimpression », initialement paru en deux volets dans L'Esprit français à l'été 1945. Je rappelle la thèse de Bazin selon laquelle la « bonne vieille »... more
Introduction: This manuscript presents an unprecedented hypothesis that the Flayed Man [Taoula. I. del Lib. II] by Gaspar Becerra (1520-1570), published in the classic study on the Historia de la composicion del cuerpo humano (1556) by... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
Gospels generally render a preeminent position to Peter among the disciples. (Matt 10:2; Lk 22:31-32; Jn 1: 42). According to the Gospels, he was the first called, stood as the spokesperson of other apostles, and enjoyed a privileged... more
Les semestres 1 et 2 de la licence (niveau L1) sont organisés sous forme de Portail avec la Licence de Géographie : ils proposent des enseignements de Tronc commun semblables pour tous (toutes) les étudiant(e)s et des cours... more
« Avons-nous donc tellement besoin de démons ? » Les familiers de Michaux auront reconnu cette citation d'Un barbare en Asie. C'est en effet par cette fausse interrogation que Michaux, dans le chapitre intitulé « Un barbare chez les... more
This essay briefly summarizes the state of art on research about the relationship between Visual Culture and Literary Studies. It aims to exemplify the main critical consequences the methodological acquisitions of visual culture studies... more
Sherry Coman is a writer, educator and story editor with experience in theatre and film as the author of her own plays, screenplays and fiction, and as the consultant on story editing and film production for clients ranging from young new... more
Co-written by Annie Ernaux and Marc Marie, L'Usage de la photo is a narrative that draws from a series of fourteen photos that record their relationship during Ernaux's battle with breast cancer. Our analysis reveals the text's... more
Pour une critique figurale de la violence  (UE PH00403T)
Année académique : 2021-22
Cinéma, pour une histoire figurale
(Université Toulouse II – Jean Jaurès, Département Lettres modernes, cinéma et occitan, MASTER Cinéma et audiovisuel | parcours Esthétique du cinéma, 2021-22)
Characterizing cinematic representations of May 18 Democratization Movement in 1980 and extant studies of the former in terms of ‘melancholic repetition compulsion of mourning,’ this article pinpoints the special amnesty granted to... more
Français : Depuis La Ballade Sauvage (Badlands, 1973), Terrence Malick se plaî à prendre le temps de détourner sa caméra de l’action dramatique pour examiner en gros plans des détails de la nature environnante. Par contraste avec les... more
Summary: The book of Jonah is far more than an unusual sea-story. It’s a story about a God who hurls a wind down to the earth in such a way as to stir up a previously undisturbed sea, so as to lead its sailors to hurl/cast lots and... more
Escribir es un libro difícil de encasillar. Tiene mucho de autobiografía, pero también de ensayo, de relato, e incluso, de guion cinematográfico. Está formado por cinco partes: “Escribir”, “La muerte del joven aviador inglés”, “Roma”, “El... more
The dialectical functioning of the erotic manifests itself as something that necessarily exists and draws nourishment antithetically from its state of unfulfillment – either its failing to happen at all, or its always already having... more
Si, d'après Maurice Blanchot, le quotidien résiste à la représentation, plusieurs démarches littéraires, artistiques ou scientifiques tentent, au XXe siècle, de rendre sensible l'ordinaire de la vie quotidienne. Certaines œuvres de... more
The three translated novels by Li Ang: The Butcher's Wife, Dark Night, Lost Garden.
This study advocates the need for an aestethic grounding for the figural syntax of poetry. To this end, it argues that the vertical semiotic model - “logocentric” and grounded in common sense – must be replaced with a horizontal semiosis... more
This essay investigates the construction of enemy-Others through a post-Freudian notion of dreamwork, as developed in Jean-François Lyotard’s philosophy of the figure. Of critical interest is Lacan’s contention that the unconscious is... more
Dissertation Abstract This research presents examination of the figural theory as established by Jean-François Lyotard in his work Discourse, figure (1971). Figural theory groundwork proved to be underpinned within the psychoanalytical... more
This manuscript is a working draft for the soon-to-be-published book. It has been euqally the thesis as written in the years 2010 - 1014 in Paris, France. Please, if you use parts of this manuscript, do cite accordingly. Thank you very... more
The Work of Terrence Malick: Time-Based Ecocinema develops a timely ecocinema approach to film analysis illuminated by Walter Benjamin’s notion of the turn of time. Emphasizing the currency of phenomenological notions of film-experiences,... more
Jean-Loup Bourget et Françoise Zamour (dir.), "Jouer l’actrice", Paris, Editions rue d’Ulm, coll. « Actes de la recherche à l’ENS », 2017, p.89-97 L’interprétation de Renata Litvinova dans "Deux en un" de Kira Mouratova révèle les... more
La performance Self Unfinished de Xavier Le Roy constitue un cas critique de la puissance de figurabilité du corps dansant, à partir duquel je pose les prémisses d’une approche figurale du geste dansé, dans les termes d’un « mirage dans... more
Ha sido considerado un creador o instaurador de discursividad, es decir, una gura que no sólo ha dado lugar a sus obras, sino que ha creado la posibilidad y las reglas para la formación de otros textos (Foucault, 1989: 53-54). 3 Difundido... more
«Usted permaneció en el estado de quien se ha ido. Y yo he hecho una película con su ausencia». Pronunciadas por Marguerite Duras en L’Homme atlantique (1981), estas palabras sintetizan el viaje de un film en el que la cineasta convierte... more
La Estética de Gilles Deleuze, que encontramos esbozada en Lógica de la sensación, tiene en el concepto de Figura uno de sus pilares clave. Ahora bien, este concepto es forjado gracias a otros practicados en el ámbito de la Ontología y la... more
En la película Le Camión (El camión, 1997), de Marguerite Duras, en lugar de ver un filme, vemos a la guionista, Duras, y al actor Gérard Depardieu, leer un guion. A través de ese proceso inconcluso de eso que habría sido un film, Duras... more
The article tracks allegorical aesthetics –and tragic temptation that has gone through it– in some Hollywood productions born during the First World War and during the twenties. The allegorical allusion to the war, in religious and... more
Fin dalle sue origini il pensiero estetico occidentale si è interrogato sulla relazione tra poesia e pittura, tra letteratura e arti figurative. Il volume ‘Ut pictura poesis’. Intersezioni di arte e letteratura, a cura di Pietro... more
Il volume affronta alcune parole chiave del dibattito contemporaneo come intermedialità, rimediazione, transmedialità. Lo fa in quattro movimenti, con molti case studies sui personaggi transmediali e sul rapporto tra intermedialità e... more
50 years after the birth of the Nouvelle Vague, the inheritance that the contemporary cinema receives from it is inevitable. Figures and visual motifs; stories, themes, faces or common places; aesthetic and language devices. The echoes... more
En la pasada década de los sesenta irrumpe con fuerza en el panorama filosófico la cuestión de la diferencia. Numerosos autores publican textos que giran alrededor de dicha cuestión. La tradición filosófica dominante, esa que Whitehead... more
Le regard-caméra est souvent considéré comme tout à la fois un « point d'incandescence » qui ouvre au seul hors-champ qui ne peut devenir champ, à savoir la salle qui fait face à l'écran, et la « transgression d'un interdit » dans la... more
Dans sa performance "Self-Unfinished (1998)", Xavier le Roy parvient à animer l’oeil du spectateur de visions qui excèdent les aspects visibles, le contour des formes et la structure des mouvements. Or, cette réussite n’est en rien celle... more
I want to propose that figures, at their most potent and pointed depth, are the channel characteristics of a medium, unveiling our positionality and most of the time cutting into the usually imperceptible mediating processes, which, in... more