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This work identifies and explains the universal principles of combat.
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      Martial ArtsMartial Arts (Anthropology)Research in Martial artsFighting Tactics
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      Roman ArmyRoman AuxiliaBow and Arrow TechnologyRoman Archery
This paper examines the combative benefits of lion dance training in the curriculum of a traditional Chinese martial arts school. It is one result of an ongoing ethnographic study at a Chinese- Canadian kung fu club that is investigating... more
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Mixed Martial Arts vs. Street Fighting In view of the invincible Conor McGregor's demolition by the larger, but well-used, Nate Diaz, maybe it is time to revisit the difference between the sport of mixed martial arts and real fighting in... more
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      Martial ArtsMixed Martial ArtsKung FuKarate
Who Were These Other Masters Of Fencing ? These men were “other masters” who presented auxiliary longsword fencing lore in context of the professed prevalent longsword fencing lore of Master Johann Liechtenauer, as primarily covered by... more
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      German HistoryMartial ArtsAlchemyGerman Language
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      Martial ArtsWrestlingFighting TacticsTraditional Wrestling and Grappling
Esta obra que distribuye bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución NoCommercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) Egregius editorial autoriza a incluir esta obra em repositórios institucionales de acceso abierto para facilitar su difusión
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
"Keywords: fighting style, skirmish, archer, slinger, spearman This study presents and analyses the style and fighting tactics tackled by the skirmishing troops of the Roman army, with special attention to those that were garrisoned in... more
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      Roman ArmyRoman AuxiliaRoman military equipmentRoman Auxiliary Units
Dissertation excerpt (introduction, 2011) discussing the historiography of the fighting treatises, the importance of cultural context, and the argument that medieval fighting was sometimes organized into recognizable, systematic martial... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryGerman Studies
THIS MAN, Felső-Eöry, was an Austro-Hungarian cavalry lieutenant, who crafted a meditative treatise on dueling, less than one generation before the needless & murdersome tragedy of European self-destruction called the First World War.... more
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      Eastern European StudiesMasculinity StudiesHungarianKinetics
Analisi comparativa tra MMA e Karate. Originariamente pubblicata per il sito
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      Combat SportsMartial ArtsMartial Arts (Anthropology)Mixed Martial Arts
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      Roman HistoryRoman ArmyRoman AuxiliaRoman military equipment
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      German StudiesTactics (Military Science)German HistoryPolish History
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      ViolenceCombat VeteransCombat SportsMartial Arts
direitos reservados. É permitida a reprodução parcial ou total desta obra, desde que citada a fonte e que não seja para venda ou qualquer fim comercial. O conteúdo desta obra é de responsabilidade de seus respectivos autores. As... more
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      Naval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureReligionHistory
The way an army thinks about and understands warfare has a tremendous impact on its organization, training, and operations. The central ideas of that understanding form a nation's way of warfare that influences decisions on and off the... more
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      Military HistoryIntellectual HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
This paper examines the combative benefits of lion dance training in the curriculum of a traditional Chinese martial arts school. It is one result of an ongoing ethnographic study at a Chinese- Canadian kung fu club that is investigating... more
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Publication of my 2011 dissertation, establishing intellectual and social frameworks underpinning the fechtbucher as systematic approaches to personal combat.
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
 Чланак је резултат рада на научноистраживачком пројекту који је финансирала Војна академија Универзитета одбране у Београду, под бројем: ВА-ДХ/1/21-23 "Утицај савременог окружења на извођење борбених дејстава у урбаним срединама"... more
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      Comparative Military SystemsTactics (Military Science)Superior Subordinate CommunicationMilitary
he organization of command in the mechanized section on M80A infantry fighting vehicle is defined by the regulations and textbooks of mechanized units. The problem that is not covered in the regulations is the organization of... more
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      Comparative Military SystemsTactics (Military Science)Superior-Subordinate CommunicationMilitary
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      Martial ArtsKung FuKarateFighting Tactics
The Revolution Command gave a great importance to the military training ,because it has considerable position during the the national struggle's stages , and to develop combat operations and achieve great results in ensuring victory... more
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      Guerrilla WarfareFighting TacticsAmbush
The way an army thinks about and understands warfare has a tremendous impact on its organization, training, and operations. The central ideas of that understanding form a nation's way of warfare that influences decisions on and off... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryIntellectual HistoryAmerican Culture
Oрганизација командовања у механизованом одељењу на борбеном возилу пешадије М80А одређена је правилима и уџбеницима механизованих јединица. Проблем који није обрађен у правилима јесте организација субординације војника укрцног дела... more
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      Tactics (Military Science)SubordinationArmored WarfareCommand and Control
Analisi generale in 5 punti sull'efficacia di una tecnica da combattimento, in riferimento particolare al karate. Articolo originariamente pubblicato sul sito KarateSen.
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      Combat SportsMartial ArtsKarateFighting Tactics
Öz savunma yapmak, dövüşmek, sokakta kendimizi kurtaracak teknikleri öğrenmek ve bunları hakkıyla uygulamak için yalnızca bir dövüş kursuna yazılmak yeterli midir? Yoksa beynimizin ve tabii beyinsel faaliyetlerin de bize bu konuda... more
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      NeuroscienceResearch in Martial artsFighting Tactics