Fifteenth century history
Recent papers in Fifteenth century history
L’articolo mette in luce il profilo e l’azione di Michele d’Acqui, soffermandosi principalmente sulla fondazione del Monte di Pieta` di Verona, promosso nel 1490 da questo predicatore francescano. L’analisi si concentra su un incunabolo... more
With his solemn canonisation in 1450, Bernardin of Siena was officially presented as a model for preachers and as a re-founder of the Franciscan Order. His tireless commitment to preaching and his virtues as a friar made him a perfect... more
This article considers the way in which Henry Tudor understood the significance of his victory on 22 August 1485 at Bosworth Field. It does so by examining the reasons why the battle was initially associated with the name 'Sandeford',... more
This article examines the efficiency with which John the Fearless used his personal badges during his conflict with Louis of Orleans and the Armagnacs, and questions current thinking on the relationship between the emblems of both... more
Il nome di John Fortescue (1396 ca.-1478 ca.), il più eminente giurista e teorico politico inglese del XV secolo, a lungo presidente della suprema corte di giustizia sotto Enrico VI, durante la guerra delle Due Rose, è legato soprattutto... more
s University has discovered a note about Robin Hood in the margin of Ranulf Higden's Polychronicon that is in Eton College library. The book was originally in the Carthusian monastery of Witham, in Somerset, and Luxford thinks that the... more
Codificate sulla base della Scrittura e divulgate attraverso una pluralità di testi e immagini, le opere di misericordia fornirono a istituzioni e città un riferimento fondamentale nell’individuare bisogni primari e interventi esemplari... more
Juana de Castilla, hija puesta en duda de Enrique IV, fue una víctima de los tiempos, de las ambiciones de la nobleza y de las posturas vacilantes de su padre. Ya desde su nacimiento hubo todo un despliegue de propaganda para convertirla... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the reading habits of the late fifteenth-century English gentry as their preferences would help to envisage the process of shaping political mentality and ultimately the identity of the... more
A Brief Account of the Conciliar Movement in Western Christianity in the fifteenth century, and its interaction with Greek uniatism.
The handgunners were a portuguese military squad whose emergence is noted during the second quarter of the fifteenth century. They obtained a considerable representation in the king’s army becoming one of the military corps that composed... more
In his 'Livre du Coeur d’Amour épris' (1457), René, Duke of the Angevin territories and King of Sicily during the fifteenth century, recounts the journey undertaken by his personified Heart toward Douce Merci, the woman of his affection.... more
On 2 August 1441 a supplication was filed at the papal curia against the vicar of Glenorchy in Argyll. It alleged that he was 'utterly ignorant of the idiom accustomed to be spoken' there and was therefore 'unable fittingly to preach the... more
A key strand of research for social and economic historians of the pre-industrial period is the relationship between city and countryside. Sometimes urban and rural environments enjoyed mutually beneficial relationships, though in other... more
Es conocida la estrecha vinculación de Galicia con el reino de Portugal anterior a su independencia y a lo largo de toda la Edad Media. Muchos son los elementos que hicieron que existiera una mayor conexión: cercanía geográfica, pasado... more
The Ottoman imperial ideology developed under Süleymān the Magnificent (r. 1520-66) was heavily occult-scientific in tenor, as is well known, and especially lettrist; less well known is the fact that Selīm the Grim (r. 1512-20) too... more
From the late Middle Ages onwards, many regions of Western Europe experienced heightened levels of inequality in the distribution of land, caused in many cases by the consolidation of property in the hands of various interest groups.What... more
The article analyses one of the episodes of the Hundred Years War, the Treaty of Amiens — an alliance made by the duke of Bedford, English regent of France, with the dukes of Burgundy and Brittany in an attempt to consolidate his position... more
At the battle of Mortimer’s Cross in Wales on the 2 February 1461, the eighteen year old Edward earl of March, proved himself to be a capable soldier, defeating a Lancastrian force. At the time Edward’s contemporaries did not doubt his... more
This paper focuses on the development and the dissemination of Ciceronianism in Italy in the first half of the fifteenth century, not as much as a doctrine than as a characteristic pratice of writing, evidenced through the many humanists... more
Il saggio offre, per la prima volta, l’edizione critica integrale di uno scambio epistolare, risalente all'estate del 1440, tra Guiniforte Barzizza, Alfonso d’Aragona e Iñigo d'Avalos, di cui sopravvivono sei missive dell’umanista. Il... more
L’Agneau Mystique. Van Eyck. Art, Histoire, Science et Religion. Danny Praet & Maximiliaan Martens (eds.), © Flammarion, Paris, 2019 ISBN : 978 2081492868 No d’édition : L.01EBUN000761 Dépôt légal : octobre 2019 L’Agneau mystique des... more
Sir Thomas More's account of the murder of the 'princes in the Tower' has been treated with varying degrees of scepticism over the past century and a half. More's History of King Richard III is notable, nonetheless, for the way it... more
In the history of scholastic philosophy, the fifteenth century is traditionally regarded as a period of decay, a downturn between the heights of fourteenth-century nominalism and the Spanish revival of scholasticism in the sixteenth... more
Introduction and Epilogue are available in open access - see links. In the Mirror of the Prodigal Son provides a comprehensive history of the function of the parable of the prodigal son in shaping religious identity in medieval and... more
Italians began moving to work as mint masters in Central Europe in the fourteenth century. Rulers sought their management expertise while the masters were enticed to these positions by the extensive profits which could be made from a... more
(French and Dutch below) ABSTRACT - The report of the voyage undertaken by the Flemish nobleman Joos van Ghistele at the end of the fifteenth century, is considered to be one of the most valuable European travel narratives. The text... more
Este trabajo aborda el estudio, edición y traducción de un documento notarial árabe que refleja la actividad de una mujer granadina del siglo XV, la cual compra una finca de regadío en la Vega de Granada
Кале и Ле Кротуа – два французских города, которые длительное время находились под властью англичан (первый с середины XIV по середину XVI вв., второй несколько десятилетий в XV в.). Их объединяет то, что при установлении на протяжении... more
One problem with scholarly research into land reclamation has been the tendency to overly focus on two questions - how and why did it happen? It has led to an over-emphasis on technological innovation and demographic and commercial... more
Next to the local craftsmen and the non-agrarian activities that families undertook for their own use or local consumption, which had always existed in the countryside, in some places rural industries aimed at non-local markets developed... more
Τον Απρίλιο του 1424, ο Frangia Venier, ένας από τους τελευταίους απογόνους των πρώτων κυρίων των Κυθήρων, άφησε με τη διαθήκη του το μερίδιό του στο νησί στον εκ πλαγίου συγγενή του, βενετό ευγενή, Blasio Venier. Κατά τη διάρκεια του... more