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Ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) is a new class of concrete that has been developed in recent years. UHPFRC results from the addition of either short discrete fibers or continuous long fibers to the cement based... more
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    • Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the effect of steel fibres and recycled aggregate on the drying shrinkage and creep deformations of concrete. Steel fibres (Dramix 3D 65/35BG) were added to the mixes and washed... more
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      ConcreteConcrete TechnologyDurability of ConcreteConcrete structures
This paper presents the development of simple semi-empirical formulae for the analysis of nominal flexural strength of high strength steel fiber reinforced concrete (HSFRC) beams. Such developed formulae were based on strain compatibility... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceHigh Strength ConcreteFiber Reinforced Concrete
This paper investigates the applicability of artificial neural network model for strength prediction of fibers' self-compacting concrete under compression. The available 99 experimental data samples of fibers self-compacting concrete were... more
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      Artificial Neural NetworksCompressive StrengthFiber Reinforced ConcreteSelf-compacting Concrete
This paper summarizes flexural modeling and design procedures for strain softening fiber reinforced concrete. Closed form solutions for calculating neutral axis, moment and curvature are presented and used to study the effect of post... more
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      Fiber Reinforced ConcreteTensile Strength
Ce papier présente les résultats d'une étude expérimentale sur l'influence de la rhéologie sur l'orientation des fibres métalliques et par suite sur le comportement en flexion et compression des bétons de fibres. Plus précisément, on... more
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      Compressive StrengthHigh Performance ConcreteSelf Compacting ConcreteExperimental Study
An experimental program has been carried out to evaluate the performance of plain concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete under compressive fatigue loading. Two types of hooked-end steel fibers (30 mm length and 60 mm length) have been... more
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      Civil EngineeringBuildingFiber Reinforced ConcreteCement Concrete Composites
Effect of superelastic SMA fibers end-shape on pullout resistance was investigated. Four end-shapes: straight end, L-shaped N-shaped, and crimped end were considered. Pullout test was done by displacement control to obtain hysteretic... more
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      Shape Memory AlloysSmart Materials and StructuresFiber Reinforced ConcreteSelf-centering structures
In the present paper, a numerical and experimental study about creep and shrinkage behavior of a high strength self-compacting concrete is performed. Two new creep and shrinkage prediction models based on the comprehensive analysis on the... more
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      Civil EngineeringConcreteConcrete TechnologyPrecast Concrete
This paper presents the results of a research work aimed to determine the efficiency of using different materials to increase the punching shear strength of slab-column connections. These materials are steel bars, and glass or carbon... more
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      CFRPHigh Strength ConcreteDevelopmentsCracking
In this research paper, effect of textile waste on compressive strength of concrete cubes are analyzed. Textile waste is collected from stitching shops and cut into small fibers size of 25mm×5mm. Ten concrete mixes with dosage of textile... more
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      ConcreteFiber Reinforced ConcreteTextiles WasteAlternative Materials
Carrier compounds besides the type of bacteria for microbial induced calcite precipitation are equally important in self-healing concrete. This study investigates the potential utilization of natural fibers namely, coir, flax, and jute... more
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      Self-healing materialsNatural FibersFiber Reinforced ConcreteSelf Healing Concrete
Considerable amount of energy is spent in the manufacturing processes and transportation of various building materials. Conservation of energy becomes important in the context of limiting of greenhouse gases emission into the atmosphere... more
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    • Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Aim of study is examine the effect on compressive strength of concrete by use of waste plastic and human hair as composite fiber reinforced material. The above plastic waste and human hair are mixed with cement concrete in various... more
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      Compressive StrengthHuman HairFiber Reinforced ConcretePlastic waste
Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) is a composite material consisting of cement based matrix with an ordered or random distribution of fiber which can be steel, nylon, polythene etc. The addition of steel fibre increases the properties of... more
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      Civil EngineeringCompressive StrengthFlexural StrengthFiber Reinforced Concrete
Fibers and bacterial additives in concrete have achieved significant success as a construction material. This paper presents the field of concrete self-repairing by introducing both Bacillus subtilis bacteria and polyethylene fiber as a... more
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      Structural EngineeringConcreteFEA with ANSYSReinforced Concrete Structures
El hormigón es el material de construcción más ampliamente utilizado por sus múltiples propiedades. Sin embargo, a pesar de sus propiedades reconocidas, tiene sus puntos débiles que es necesario fortalecer. Conocemos su buen... more
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      ConcreteNanomaterialsNanotechnologyReinforced Concrete Structures
Developing countries like Iraq suffers from high quantities of solid waste such as empty beverage plastic bottles. This type of waste forms one of the serious environmental pollution resources. The main aim of this research is to study... more
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      Mechanical propertiesFiber Reinforced ConcretePlastic wasteCement Mortars
El shotcrete convencional, tal como lo conocemos, requiere una planta dosificadora, un equipo de transporte de la mezcla y un lanzador robótico. Este es el sistema de sostenimiento con shotcrete utilizado por la mayoría de las minas... more
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      ConcreteConcrete TechnologyGeopolymer ConcreteFIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE
Özet: Bu çalışmada, polipropilen, cam ve çelik lifli betonların dona dayanıklılıkları araştırılmıştır. Deneyler için, lifsiz, polipropilen, cam, çelik ve karışık lifli 12 farklı beton üretilmiştir. Beton karışımında mikro yapılı çapı 50... more
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      Weight LossPolypropyleneGlass FiberFiber Reinforced Concrete
Perhitungan perkuatan struktur Balok dengan FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer)  Momen lentur yang bisa dipelajari bagi mahasiswa/i teknik sipil
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      TeknikBehavior of Concrete Structures Reinforced with FRP CompositesTeknik SipilFibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Materials for Infrastructure
Fibers used to enhance the brittleness property of steel reinforced concrete and plain concrete, and modify the tensile strength by increasing work of fracture. Thus, the toughness measurements are valuable for assessing the post crack... more
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      Flexural StrengthFiber Reinforced ConcreteFlexuralToughness
In conventional concrete, micro-cracks develop before structure is loaded because of drying shrinkage and other causes of volume change. When the structure is loaded, the micro cracks open up and propagate because of development of such... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceNatural fiberGlass Fiber
Fibres have been used in construction materials for a very long time. Through previous research and investigations, the use of natural and synthetic fibres have shown promising results, as their presence has demonstrated significant... more
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      Natural Fiber CompositesTextile and Fiber ArtMasonry BuildingsNatural fibre composites (Engineering)
Concrete exhibits brittle nature it is not strong enough to resist tension. Fibers are used to enhance tensile strength to the concrete. They also increase many engineering properties of concrete. They are very helpful in controlling... more
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      Fly AshNylon 6 FiberFiber Reinforced Concrete
Bu çalışmada, bükülebilir betonun deneysel olarak hazırlanması ve kullanım alanlarını araştırmak amacıyla bir literatür çalışması yapılmıştır. Bükülebilir betonu geleneksel beton ile kıyaslayarak malzeme içeriğinin davranışı nasıl... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresConcreteConcrete TechnologyCement
Many construction buildings and Structural barrier members that was built before 90s in USA, they weren't designed for Seismic resistance until Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA started to do seismic evaluation and rehabilitation... more
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      Reinforced concrete and bondingFIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETEReinforced Concrete Structures3. Study the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Elements Incorporating Different Waste Materials
In the present era, a number of researchers are using either industrial or agricultural priceless products as a basic source of raw materials for the construction industry. ese waste products are economical and helpful in producing a... more
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      Civil EngineeringConstruction TechnologyConstruction ManagementConcrete
This research concerns the development of guidelines for the design and use of externally-bonded FRP strengthening systems on bridges in Michigan. Six representative international FRP-related guidelines were analyzed and compared for... more
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      FRPBehavior of Concrete Structures Reinforced with FRP CompositesStructural Risk, Reliability and SafetyFRP Strengthening and Repair Assessment
About 30% of European citizens are concentrated in 500 largest cities of the continent. Most of these cities are now subjected, or will be in the near future, to significant modification of their urban texture, brought about by the... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresReinforced Concrete StructuresFiber Reinforced Concrete
Low impact on the environment and low cost are the key drivers for today's technology uptake. There are many concerns for cement production in terms of negative environmental impact due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, deficiency of raw... more
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      Supplementary Cementitious MaterialsDurability of ConcreteNatural FibersFiber Reinforced Concrete
The secondary spiral and skin reinforcement in the anchorage zone of prestressed post-tensioned girders cause congestion and poses difficulty in the placement of concrete. It is also labor intensive to produce and place the secondary... more
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      Compressive StrengthFinite Element ModelFiber Reinforced ConcreteFiber Steel Reinforced Concrete
Delay in timely completion is one of the main issues in public sector construction projects of developing countries. Time overrun can be defined as " a condition where a construction project does not complete within the designed schedule... more
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      Construction ManagementFiber Reinforced Concrete
Strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures using fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) has emerged as a potential solution to the problems associated with civil infrastructures. FRP is made of high tensile strength fibers such as... more
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      Fiber Reinforced ConcreteFiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)
In the recent years, the basalt fiber (BF) reinforced polymer composites were introduced to retrofit the structural elements. However, on the contrary, the studies on the use of BF in concrete are very limited. This study addresses... more
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      Composite Materials and StructuresConcreteCementBasalt
Plain cement concrete has inferior performance in tension and a very high carbon footprint. These issues can be minimized by simultaneous incorporation of fibers and recycled aggregates in concrete. This research paper investigates the... more
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      Concrete TechnologyGlass FiberFiber Reinforced Concrete
Fibre reinforced concrete is of high strength compared to normal concrete and also reduces the cracks due to shrinkage. In this investigation, Recron fibre is added to concrete in the proportion of 0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, and 1% by the weight... more
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    • Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Bridge deck formwork Model specification Permanent formwork Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) Impact tests a b s t r a c t This paper discusses the development of a model design and construction specification... more
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      Civil EngineeringConstruction IndustryBuildingBuilding Materials
In the present paper, a numerical and experimental study about creep and shrinkage behavior of a high strength self-compacting concrete is performed. Two new creep and shrinkage prediction models based on the comprehensive analysis on the... more
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      Civil EngineeringConcreteConcrete TechnologyPrecast Concrete
Macrosynthetic fiber–reinforced concrete (MSFRC) has reached maturity as an engineering material and is widely being used in some civil engineering applications. However, design approaches for MSFRC are not as well developed as for steel... more
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      ConcreteComposite MaterialsConcrete TechnologyMechanical Behavior Of Materials
ATENA simulates real behavior of concrete and reinforced concrete structures for materials like FRC and modern fibre reinforced concrete materials: SHCC, ECC, HPFRC, UHPFRC
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      Structural AnalysisReinforced Concrete StructuresNonlinear Analysisimpact behavior of HPFRCC
Conventional shotcrete as we know it, requires a batching plant, barrel mixer and robotic sprayer. This is the support system used for the majority of the underground mines throughout the world today. Deeper mining, requires a thicker... more
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      Civil EngineeringConcreteConcrete TechnologyGeopolymer Concrete
The world's population growth and the increasing demand for new infrastructure facilities and buildings present us with the vision of a higher resources consumption, specially in the form of more durable concrete such as High... more
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      ConcreteSustainable DevelopmentWaste recyclingConcrete Technology
This paper presents the comparative study of effect basalt, glass and steel fiber on compressive and flexural strength of M40 grade concrete. For flexural and compressive strengthening of reinforced concrete, total thirty-nine cubes and... more
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      Civil EngineeringFiber Reinforced Concrete
The primary objective of this study to investigate the strength of cement mortar. Cement is part replaced by Rice Husk Ash up to 30%. Jute fiber were added in the percentage of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% by total weight of cement mortar. Jute... more
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      Compressive StrengthFiber Reinforced ConcreteRice husk AshCement Mortars
This paper investigates on analyzing the effects of use of fibers and mineral admixtures in the mechanical properties of high strength concrete. This study involves the use of different mineral admixtures like fly ash, ground granulated... more
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    • Fiber Reinforced Concrete
A detailed description of the instrumented dropweight impact machine is presented. The instrumentation, the calibration, the inertial loading correction, and the dynamic analysis of a concrete beam specimen undergoing three-point impact... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringExperimental MechanicsDynamic Analysis
A theoretical study was performed to investigate the punching shear strength of interior slab-column connections made of steel fiber reinforced concrete (FRC). In the steel FRC slab-column connection, the shear force applied to the... more
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      Civil EngineeringBuildingShear StrengthShear Force