We use the Feynman path integral approach to nonrelativistic quantum mechanics twofold. First, we derive the lagrangian for a spinless particle moving in a uniformly but not necessarily constantly accelerated reference frame; then,... more
Google: chip cuántico indica existencia de otros universos https://www.dw.com/es/google-dice-que-su-nuevo-chip-cu%C3%A1ntico-apunta-aexistencia-de-universos-paralelos/a-71038849?maca=es-Whatsapp-sharing El fundador de Google Quantum AI... more
We use the influence functional path-integral method to derive an exact master equation for the quan- tum Brownian motion of a particle linearly coupled to a general environment (ohmic, subohmic, or supraohmic) at arbitrary temperature... more
We review the properties of supersymmetric quantum mechanics for a class of models proposed by Witten. Using both Hamiltonian and path integral formulations, we give general conditions for which supersymmetry is broken (unbroken) by... more
In this paper we present the theory of oscillation numbers and dual oscillation numbers for continuous Lagrangian paths in R 2n . Our main results include a connection of the oscillation numbers of the given Lagrangian path with the... more
A perturbation theorem for unitary groups generated by form sums of operators is established. This result is used to derive a general dominated convergence theorem for Feynman path integrals. It is then applied to the modified Feynman... more
This paper is an introduction to the theory of virtual knots. It is dedicated to the memory of Francois Jaeger.
In this paper we combine elements of the b-calculus and elliptic boundary problems to solve the decomposition problem for the (regularized) ζ-determinant of the Laplacian on a manifold with cylindrical end into the ζ-determinants of the... more
In this paper we combine elements of the b-calculus and elliptic boundary problems to solve the decomposition problem for the (regularized) ζ-determinant of the Laplacian on a manifold with cylindrical end into the ζ-determinants of the... more
Attention is given to the interface of mathematics and physics, specifically noting that fundamental principles limit the usefulness of otherwise perfectly good mathematical general integral solutions. A new set of multivector solutions... more
We review localization techniques for functional integrals which have recently been used to perform calculations in and gain insight into the structure of certain topological field theories and low-dimensional gauge theories. These are... more
This paper describes our progress on a neutron interferometry search for the Aharonov-Casher (A-C) effect. Unpolarized neutrons are passed through a 40 kV/mm vacuum electrode system. The spin-dependent phase is set to maximum sensitivity... more
The geometric construction of the functional integral over coset spaces M/G is reviewed. The inner product on the cotangent space of infinitesimal deformations of M defines an invariant distance and volume form, or functional integration... more
The Feynman path integral approach to quantum mechanics is examined in the case where the configuration space is curved. It is shown how the ambiguity that is present in the choice of path integral measure may be resolved if, in addition... more
Effects of the phase periodicity on the quantum dynamics of a resistively shunted Josephson junction
A phenomenological model is introduced for the dissipative quantum dynamics of the phase p across a current-biased Josephson junction. The model is invariant under p &+2m. This enables us to restrict p to the interval 0 to 2x, equating... more
Super Yang-Mills on the Noncommutative Torus 22 2.1 Matrix Compactification 23 2.2 Twisted Quantum Bundles on T 2 30 2.3 Twisted Quantum Bundles on Tori 39 2.4 Adjoint Sections on Twisted• Bundles 42 2.5 Two and Three Dimensional... more
A dominating feature of knot theory is the problem of knot classification. In this paper, we hope to simplify the task of classification through strong connections between Arnold's work with knot invariants and that of Xiao-Song Lin... more
A dominating feature of knot theory is the problem of knot classification. In this paper, we hope to simplify the task of classification through strong connections between Arnold's work with knot invariants and that of Xiao-Song Lin... more
In this paper, we provide the decay of correlations for random dynamical systems. Precisely, we consider the uniformly C 2 piecewise expanding maps defined on the unit interval satisfying As a principal tool of these studies, we use a... more
We apply techniques developed for strings to the case of the spinless point particle. The Polyakov path integral with ghosts is used to obtain the propagator and one-loop vacuum amplitude. The propagator is shown to correspond to the... more
The notion of approximate inertial manifold (AIM) has shown it's usefulness in the construction of approximate solutions for a class of parabolic PDEs generating dissipative dynamical systems. Thus, by the use of AIMs, the so-called... more
A formula for the complex phase shift, pertaining to the one-turning-point scattering problem, where the turning point may be very close to the pole at the origin, is obtained in a general form based on a kind of arbitrary-order... more
A formula for the complex phase shift, pertaining to the one-turning-point scattering problem with a complex potential, is given in. a general form based on a kind of arbitrary-order phase-integral approximation. The accuracy of the... more
Electron attachment of water clusters was explored by the quantum path-integral molecular-dynamics method, demonstrating that the energetically favored localization mode involves a surface state of the excess electron. The cluster size... more
Molecular dynamics simulation is currently the theoretical technique eligible to simulate a wide range of systems from soft condensed matter to biological systems. However, of the excellent results that the technique has arrogated, this... more
Mantel's Theorem from 1907 is one of the oldest results in graph theory: every simple $n$-vertex graph with more than $\frac{1}{4}n^2$ edges contains a triangle. The theorem has been generalized in many different ways, including other... more
The geometrical model of an electrical charge is proposed. This model has the "nake" charge shunted with "fur-coat" consisting of virtual wormholes. The 5D wormhole solution in the Kaluza-Klein's theory is the "nake" charge. The splitting... more
Copyright © 2014 Abdul Rauf Nizami et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Li-cense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work... more
In this letter we provide evidence that quantum mechanics can be interpreted as a rational algorithm for finding the least complex description for the correlations in the outputs of sensors in a large array. In particular, by comparing... more
We provide evidence that quantum mechanics can be interpreted as a rational algorithm for finding the least complex description for the correlations in the outputs of sensors in a large array. In particular, by comparing the... more
Natural modalities are often analysed from an abstract point of view where they are associated with putative laws of nature. However, the way possibilities are represented in physics is more complex. Lagrangian mechanics, for instance,... more
We consider the conductance of an Andreev interferometer, i.e., a hybrid structure where a dissipative current flows through a mesoscopic normal (N) sample in contact with two superconducting (S) ''mirrors.'' Giant conductance... more
We have used the concept of De Broglie's matter wave associated with particles to derive a inverse square law of gravitation like the newton's law of gravitation at the plank's length with a slight modification. Obtaining the Newtonian... more
This paper studies a two-variable Laurent polynomial invariant of regular isotopy for classical unoriented knots and links. This invariant is denoted LK for a link K , and it satisfies the axioms: 1. Regularly isotopic links receive the... more
An apparent difference between formulating mean field perturbation theory for @* field theory via path integrals or via functional differential equations when there are external sources present is shown not to exist when mean lield theory... more
We give a fairly general class of functionals on a path space so that Feynman path integral has a mathematically rigorous meaning. More precisely, for any functional belonging to our class, the time slicing approximation of Feynman path... more
We present novel path modeling techniques suitable for use in the Path-Integral formulation of Quantum Mechanics. Our proposed platform aims to address existing challenges encountered in Monte Carlo and other similar path modeling... more
The vortex system in a high-T c superconductor has been studied numerically using the mapping to 2D bosons and the path-integral Monte Carlo method. We find a single first-order transition from an Abrikosov lattice to an entangled vortex... more
We have found that the Regge gravity [1, 2], can be represented as a superposition of less complicated theory of random surfaces with Euler character as an action. This extends to Regge gravity our previous result [6], which allows to... more
We discuss the canonical derivation of the Feynman rules for relativistic, real-time covariant calculations in field theory at finite temperature. The resulting rules are equivalent to the ones derived using the path-integral method, with... more
There were 25 talks in the workshop in September 17-21, and there were 27 talks in the seminars in the other weeks of September. Each speaker was requested to give his/her open problems in a short problem session after his/her talk, and... more