Fetal Heart Rate

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Fetal heart rate refers to the number of heartbeats per minute of a fetus, typically measured during pregnancy to assess fetal well-being and development. It is an important indicator of fetal health, reflecting the fetus's response to various physiological conditions and maternal factors.
CTG is a tool used to monitor fetal activity and heart rate, as well as uterine contractions while the baby is in the womb. Through this examination, the doctor can evaluate whether the fetus is healthy before delivery. Objective: To... more
Maternal peptides from the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis rise during human pregnancy. The effects of circulating maternal adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and ß-endorphin (BE) on human fetal behavior was determined in 135 women... more
Background-Continuous fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring remains central to intrapartum care. However, advances in signal analysis are needed to increase its accuracy in diagnosis of fetal hypoxia. Aims-Todetermine whether FHR complexity,... more
Pregnant rats were flown on the NASA Space Shuttle during the early developmental period of their fetuses' vestibular apparatus and onset of vestibular function. The authors report that prenatal spaceflight exposure shapes... more
Background: Fetal heart rate abnormalities (FHR) during and after external cephalic version (ECV) are relatively frequent. They may raise concern about fetal wellbeing. Only occasionally they may lead to an emergency cesarean section.... more
Background: Fetal heart rate abnormalities (FHR) during and after external cephalic version (ECV) are relatively frequent. They may raise concern about fetal wellbeing. Only occasionally they may lead to an emergency cesarean section.... more
Background: Fetal lung immaturity is a major problem in the management of elective birth with respect to predicting the development of infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) in the neonate after birth. Aim and Objectives: The aim of... more
For parturients desiring labor analgesia who have contraindications to neuraxial techniques, intravenous opioid-based patientcontrolled analgesia (IVPCA) offers a reasonable alternative, although incomplete analgesia and maternal and... more
INTRODUCTION: Intrapartum fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring although sensitive, lacks specificity for predicting fetal acidosis. Category II tracings, within the last hour of labor, occur in >/=96% of uncomplicated, term, laboring... more
Objective: To examine the possible maternal and fetal variables associated with meconium aspiration syndrome in labors with thick meconium. Study design: The fetal heart rate tracings, cord pH, Apgar scores and maternal risk factors were... more
Because both fetal movement counting and cardiotocography have separately been proposed to reduce perinatal mortality, we examined the obstetric outcomes of a large consecutive cohort
Fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring is a proven means of assessing fetal health during the antenatal period. Currently, the only widely available instrumentation for producing these data is based on Doppler ultrasound, a technology that is... more
Fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring is a proven means of assessing fetal health during the antenatal period. Currently, the only widely available instrumentation for producing these data is based on Doppler ultrasound, a technology that is... more
This study was performed to investigate whether spinal cord stimulation (SCS) at intensities below motor threshold prolongs cutaneous vasodilation and whether sustained vasodilation by SCS is mediated through sympathetic inhibition and/or... more
Fetal heart rate (FHR) variability is an indirect index of fetal autonomic nervous system (ANS) integrity. FHR variability analysis in labor fails to detect early hypoxia and acidemia. Phase-rectified signal averaging (PRSA) is a new... more
Couplings between uterine contractions (UC) and fetal heart rate (fHR) provide important information on fetal condition during labor. At present, couplings between UC and fHR are assessed by visual analysis and interpretation of... more
This pitching research letter (PRL) describes the application of the pitching research template introduced by Faff (2015, 2021) to a reverse-engineering process in the practice of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) as a form of defensive... more
Objective: To evaluate the inter-and intra-observer agreement of visual analysis of fetal heart rate tracing and to evaluate the bias introduced by knowledge of perinatal outcome in this interpretation. Methods: One hundred tracings were... more
Background and Objectives: Intrathecal opioids used to relieve labor pain have been associated with uterine hyperactivity and nonreassuring fetal heart rate abnormalities. We retrospectively evaluated all charts of singleton, term,... more
1847, the scottish obstetrician james simpson administered ether to a woman during labor to treat the pain of childbirth. He was impressed with the degree of analgesia associated with the use of the drug. Nevertheless, he expressed... more
Purpose of the review The present manuscript reviews recent data on fetal intrapartum surveillance with special attention to new technologies. Recent findings Continuous fetal heart-rate monitoring, fetal blood sampling, intrapartum... more
Nuchal cord, or cord around the neck of an infant at birth, is a common finding that has implications for labor, management at birth, and subsequent neonatal status. A nuchal cord occurs in 20% to 30% of births. All obstetric providers... more
Objective: To co mpare the efficacy of misoprostol 50 μg vaginally and 50 μg sublingually for labor induction at term. Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty wo men were randomized to receive misoprostol 50 μg vaginally (n = 60) or... more
Objectives: This study was undertaken to evaluate whether prenatal zinc supplementation affects maturation of fetal cardiac patterns. Study design: A randomized double-blind controlled trial among 242 low-income Peruvian women was... more
BACKGROUND: Phase-rectified signal averaging, an innovative signal processing technique, can be used to investigate quasi-periodic oscillations in noisy, nonstationary signals that are obtained from fetal heart rate. Phase-rectified... more
Aim: This pilot study was done to evaluate the immediate effect of Sukha Pranayama, a slow and deep breathing technique on maternal and fetal cardiovascular parameters. Subjects and Methods: Single session pre-post comparison was done for... more
Despite an enormous amount of work on changes in fetal heart rate evoked by uterine contractions during labor, many unanswered questions äs to the pathophysiology and prognostic significance of the heart rate patterns ramain open to debate.
Trisomy 9 in complete non-mosaic state is an uncommon chromosomal abnormality. Because of its high intrauterine lethality rate, mainly in the first trimester of pregnancy, only a few cases regarding sonographic findings have been... more
Assessing the health of both the fetus and mother is vital in preventing and identifying possible complications in pregnancy. This paper focuses on a device that can be used effectively by the mother herself with minimal supervision and... more
This study investigated the prediction of the risk of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy using intrapartum cardiotocography records with a long short-term memory recurrent neural network. Across the 12 hours of labour, HIE sensitivity rose... more
The research objective of our group is to improve the intrapartum detection of cardiotocography tracings associated with an increased risk of developing fetal acidosis and subsequent hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). The detection... more
Please cite this paper as: Raheem I, Saaid R, Omar S, Tan P. Oral nifedipine versus intravenous labetalol for acute blood pressure control in hypertensive emergencies of pregnancy: a randomised trial. BJOG 2012;119:78–85.Objective  To... more
Per partum fetal asphyxia is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Fetal heart rate monitoring plays an important role in early detection of acidosis, an indicator for asphyxia. This problem is addressed in this paper by... more
We performed multifractal analysis of fetal heart rate (FHR) variability in fetuses with and without acidosis during labor. Multifractal analysis was performed on fetal electrocardiograms in 10-minute sliding windows within the last 2... more
The improvement in medical care, which we have observed in the last few decades, has been influenced by the introduction of new technologies and methods for monitoring the patient. Medical researchers working have been faced with large... more
The motive of the investigation is analyzing the categorization of fetal state code from the Cardiographic data set based on decision tree method. Cardiotocography is one of the important tools for monitoring heart rate, and this... more
Background: The extent of the benefits of exercise training during pregnancy on maternal, fetal, and neonatal health outcomes has not been sufficiently addressed. While aerobic exercise training has been determined as safe and efficacious... more
Background: Cesarean sections (C-sections) are among the most common surgical procedures worldwide, with an increasing trend in both first-time and recurrent cesareans. Recurrent C-sections, in particular, pose significant risks for... more
Monitoring (EFM) is an indispensable means for fetal surveillance. However, the early enthusiasm was followed by scepticism, since the introduction of EFM in every day practise resulted in an increase in operative deliveries. Nevertheless... more
Spatio‐temporal image correlation (STIC) is a new approach for clinical assessment of the fetal heart. It offers an easy to use technique to acquire data from the fetal heart and to aid in visualization with both two‐dimensional and... more
Pregnant mares are often removed from work during gestation. However, little is known about the effects of exercise on the pregnant mare and her foetus. In the present study, maternal and foetal heart rates were monitored by... more