We present a detailed theoretical study of the ultrafast quasiparticle relaxation dynamics observed in normal metals and heavy fermion materials with femtosecond time-resolved optical pump-probe spectroscopy. For normal metals, a... more
Electrons in quantum materials exhibiting coexistence of dispersionless (flat) bands piercing dispersive (steep) bands can give rise to strongly correlated phenomena, and are associated with unconventional superconductivity. It is known... more
The spatial and energy-dependent fluctuations of the local density of states (LDOS) are calculated by means of a transfer matrix formalism for a model point contact (PC). It is shown that decreasing the size of the orifice the LDOS... more
We employ the Green's function technique to investigate the vacancy-induced quasi-localized magnetic moment formation in monolayer graphene starting with the Dirac Hamiltonian, which focuses on the πorbitals only, involving the nearest... more
As a two-dimensional semi-metal, graphene offers clear advantages for plasmonic applications over conventional metals, such as stronger optical field confinement, in situ tunability and relatively low intrinsic losses. However, the... more
The energy density state are the powerful factor for evaluate the validity of a material in any application. This research focused on examining the electrical properties of the Se6Te4- xSbx glass semiconductor with x=1, 2 and 3, using the... more
Interplay of magnetism and electronic band topology in unconventional magnets enables the creation and fine control of novel electronic phenomena. In this work, we use scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to study thin films of... more
Weyl semimetals were experimentally discovered as a new quantum phase of matter that exhibits topologically protected states characterized by separated Weyl points. Similar to other topological materials, the research of Landau level... more
The transition metal dichalcogenide 1T-TaS 2 is a layered material exhibiting charge density waves. Based on angleresolved photoemission experiments mapping spectral weight at the Fermi surface and density functional theory calculations... more
As a possible way of modifying the intrinsic properties of graphene we study the doping of graphene by embedded boron clusters with density functional theory. Cluster doping is technologically relevant as the cluster implantation... more
After the publication of the Letter, we became aware of related work simultaneously published by Bhalla et al. [Phys. Rev. B 105, 125407 (2022)]. Using Kubo's formalism, the authors theoretically studied "acoustogalvanic effects" in... more
Fano resonance is a quantum effect particularly useful for determining the optical spectra of semiconductor heterostructures and radiation enhancement of semiconductor-based devices. We deal with the nonlinear amplitude equation to find... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
We describe very fast electron dynamics for a graphene nanoribbon driven by a control electromagnetic field in the terahertz frequency regime. The mobility as a function of bias field has been found to possess a large threshold value when... more
Here, we comprehensively investigate the atomic structures and electronic properties of different antiphase boundaries in III-V semiconductors with different orientations and stoichiometries, including {110}, {100}, {111}, {112} and {113}... more
We investigated negative photoconductivity in graphene using ultrafast terahertz techniques. Infrared transmission was used to determine the Fermi energy, carrier density and mobility of p-type CVD graphene samples. Time-resolved... more
Graphene has proven to be a promising candidate for nanotechnological applications, in particular, design Veselago's lenses where the use of pn interfaces could allow to focus electrons without need for magnetic fields. These lenses can... more
In a quantum wire with ideal helical modes, the conductance is quantized in units of e 2 /h, provided the wire is connected to Fermi liquid leads. We show that this universality does not hold in partially gapped quasi-helical systems such... more
We explore the collective electronic excitations of bilayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) using the density functional theory together with the random phase approximation. The many-body dielectric function and electron energy-loss spectra... more
We have measured the dependence of the Fermi energy on carrier concentration in Sn doped InGaAs at 4.2 K and 300 K. At 4.2 K the Fermi energy was measured by photoluminescence spectroscopy, and at 300 K it was deduced from transport... more
We describe a method of Fermi energy measurement, based on the analysis of thermionic emission and diffusion over a barrier with a built-in charge. The method can be applied to a variety of semiconductors and has been successfully tested... more
The combination of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) and graphene-supporting surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) presents a new approach to achieving a plasmonic sensor with adjustable properties in the terahertz (THz) frequency range. In this... more
All-electrical writing and reading of spin states attract considerable attention for their promising applications in energy-efficient spintronics devices. Here we show, based on rigorous first-principles calculations, that the spin... more
All-electrical writing and reading of spin states attract considerable attention for their promising applications in energy-efficient spintronics devices. Here we show, based on rigorous first-principles calculations, that the spin... more
We present a theoretical model for the calculation of the energy loss rate (ELR) of hot electrons in a monolayer graphene due to their coupling with acoustic phonons at high perpendicular magnetic fields. Electrons interact with both... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
We have calculated the conductivities of the 3d, 4d, and 5d transition metals by using a quasiclassical Boltzmann approach which utilizes self-consistent energy bands. Electron scattering is characterized by a constant scattering strength... more
We present a novel technique for measuring the lifetime of quasiparticle excitations of a 2DES by investigating the tunnelling into a quantum dot from a 2DES over an extended range of energy from the Fermi energy to the sub-band edge. We... more
We use the framework of supersymmetric transformations in the construction of coupled systems of Dirac fermions. Its energy operator is a composite of the generators of the associated superalgebra, and the two coupled Dirac fermions... more
In a clean Fermi liquid, due to spin up/spin down symmetry, the dc spin current driven by a magnetic field gradient is finite even in the absence of impurities. Hence, the spin conductivity σ s assumes a well-defined collisiondominated... more
We propose a natural way to create quantum-confined regions in graphene in a system that allows large-scale device integration. We show, using first-principles calculations, that a single graphene layer on a trenched region of [0001] SiC... more
We study the tunneling conductance of a silicene-based ferromagnet/insulator/superconductor (FIS) junction by the use of the spin-dependent Dirac-Bogoliubov de-Gennes equation. We demonstrate that the conductance spectra are strongly... more
We investigate the optical conductivity and far-infrared magneto-optical response of BaNiS 2 , a simple square-lattice semimetal characterized by Dirac nodal lines that disperse exclusively along the out-of-plane direction. With the... more
Using a mode-matching method, we investigate the ballistic transport properties of noninteracting electrons in two types of semiconductor nanostructures in which the confining potential has smooth, rounded corners. The rounded corners are... more
Using a mode-matching method, we investigate the ballistic transport properties of noninteracting electrons in two types of semiconductor nanostructures in which the confining potential has smooth, rounded corners. The rounded corners are... more
Graphene has proven to be a promising candidate for nanotechnological applications, in particular, design Veselago's lenses where the use of pn interfaces could allow to focus electrons without need for magnetic fields. These lenses can... more
We perform a comprehensive analysis of the spectrum of graphene plasmons which arise when a pair of sheets are confined between thick conducting materials. The associated enhanced local fields may be employed in the manipulation of light... more
Profiting from previous works done with the INDRA multidetector [1] on the description of the light response L of the CsI(Tl) crystals to different impinging nuclei [2, 3], we propose an improved ∆E − L identification-calibration... more
We analyze the out of plane hopping in models of layered systems where the in-plane properties deviate from Landau's theory of a Fermi liquid. We show that the hopping term acquires a non trivial energy dependence, due to the coupling to... more
We study the existence and topological stability of Fermi points in a graphene layer and stacks with many layers. We show that the discrete symmetries (spacetime inversion) stabilize the Fermi points in monolayer, bilayer and multilayer... more
We study the transport properties of a neutral graphene sheet with curved regions induced or stabilized by topological defects. The proposed model gives rise to Dirac fermions in a random magnetic field and in the random space dependent... more
We have produced a single quantum dot using a gate fabricated by electron beam lithography on a high mobility heterostructure. A 0.5pm square of two dimensional electron gas is defined between four 0.18pm wide metal lines. When the... more
When a carbon nanotube is truncated with certain type of edges, boundary states localized near the edges appear at the Fermi level. Starting from lattice models, low-energy effective theories are constructed which describe electron... more
Two-dimensional graphite sheets with a certain type of edges are known to support boundary states localized near the edges. Forming a flat band with a sharp peak in the density of states at the Fermi energy, they can trigger a magnetic... more
Large efforts in improving thermoelectric energy conversion are devoted to energy filtering by nanometer size potential barriers. In this work, we perform an analysis and optimization of such barriers for improved energy filtering. We... more
Using four-terminal Landauer-Büttiker formalism and Green’s function technique, in this present paper, we calculate numerically spin Hall conductance (SHC) and longitudinal conductance of a finite size kagome lattice with Rashba... more
In this work we report for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the tunable electronic properties of beta-borophene (BB) on the polar substrate ( Zr O 2 ). We provide an analytical prescription for the calculation of ground state... more