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Hydrogen gas, which is produced during fermentation in the human colon, is either excreted in breath or metabolised by gut bacteria through a variety of pathways. These may include methanogenesis, dissimilatory sulphate reduction, and... more
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      HydrogenMethaneClinical SciencesFermentation
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      WaterFoodQuality ControlSaccharomyces cerevisiae
Consumers are becoming increasingly health conscious and therefore more discerning in their food choices. The production of fermented food products with elevated levels of B-vitamins increase both their commercial and nutritional value,... more
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      MicrobiologyFoodIndustrial BiotechnologyFood Microbiology
Grape brandy is a spirit drink produced by wine distillation and is matured in wooden casks. According to legislation, it can be characterised by the geographical area where the grapes were produced, the grape variety used and the... more
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      EngineeringWineWoodVolatile Organic Compounds
Protected denomination of origin (PDO) cheeses have distinctive sensorial characteristics. They can be made only from raw milk possessing specific features, which is processed through the 'art' of the cheesemaker. In general, the... more
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      GeographyNutrition and DieteticsFood MicrobiologyTaste
Committee in Charge 2014 ii Acknowledgements I would be remiss not to acknowledge the many people who have made this work possible, more or less chronologically: My parents, Martha Jurchak and Larry Johnson, for encouraging and pushing my... more
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      MicrobiologyGastronomyFermentation TechnologiesFood Science and Technology
Pectinases are the group of enzymes that catalyze the degradation of pectic substances. It has wide applications in food industries for the production and clarification of wines and juices. The aim of this study was to isolate, screen and... more
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BACKGROUND: Akpan is a traditional ready-to-drink fermented yoghurt-like cereal beverage consumed in urban and rural areas in Benin. With the aim of adapting the product to new local and export markets, this work maps African and European... more
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      EngineeringGeographyFood SciencePrincipal Component Analysis
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      BiologyMedicineWineBiological Sciences
whole-plant forage crops which is based on lactic acid fermentation under anaerobic conditions, whereby lactic acid bacteria (LAB) convert watersoluble carbohydrates (WSC) into organic acids, mainly lactic acid. As a result, pH decrease... more
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    • Fermentation
Decarbonizing the transportation sector is critical to achieving global climate change mitigation. Although biofuels will play an important role in conventional gasoline and diesel applications, bioderived solutions are particularly... more
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Hydrogen gas can be recovered from the microbial fermentation of organic substrates at high concentrations when interspecies hydrogen transfer to methanogens is prevented. Two techniques that have been used to limit methanogenesis in... more
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      Environmental ScienceThermodynamicsHydrogenHeat Treatment
Solid-state fermentation (SSF) has built up credibility in recent years in biotech industries due to its potential applications in the production of biologically active secondary metabolites, apart from feed, fuel, food, industrial... more
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      Environmental EngineeringBioengineeringChemical EngineeringBiochemical Engineering
The objective of this study is to perform a comprehensive enzyme kinetics analysis in view of validating and consolidating a semimechanistic kinetic model consisting of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions for enzymatic hydrolysis of... more
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      TechnologyKineticsBiomassBiological Sciences
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      MicrobiologyBiologyMedicinePlant Secondary Metabolism
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In this study, the behaviour of Lactobacillus fermentum CRL 722 and CRL 251 were evaluated under different pH conditions (pH 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5) and without pH control. Growth was similar under all conditions assayed except at pH 4.5.... more
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      ChemistryApplied microbiologyMedicineMultidisciplinary
MSC (Avemar) is a medical nutriment of which preclinical and observational clinical studies suggested an antimetastatic activity with no toxicity. This open-label cohort trial has compared anticancer treatments plus MSC (9 g once daily)... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineCancerFood and NutritionColorectal cancer
This experiment was carried out to study the effect of a directly fed exogenous fibrolytic enzyme on intake and digestion of DM, OM, protein, NDF, ADF, and hemicellulose of alfalfa and ryegrass hay by sheep. Four diets were randomly... more
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      Animal ScienceBiological SciencesEnzymesAnimal
Humans around the globe probably discovered natural remedies against disease and cancer by trial and error over the millennia. Biomolecular archaeological analyses of ancient organics, especially plants dissolved or decocted as fermented... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyOncologyHistory of Medicine
This project aimed to develop and utilize technology on Indian mango fruit processing. Chemical properties of matured unripe and ripe Indian mangoes were determined in terms of total sugar, reducing sugar, starch, titratable acidity and... more
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      WineFermentationSensory properties
Hydrogen gas can be produced by electrohydrogenesis in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) at greater yields than fermentation and at greater energy efficiencies than water electrolysis. It has been assumed that a membrane is needed in an... more
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To facilitate metabolic analysis, batch fermentations of Lactobacillus rhamnosus were carried out in a new defined medium. Biomass at 10.5 g/l and lactic acid at 67 g/l with a Y P/S of 0.84 were achieved. The maximum specific growth rate... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyMass TransferKinetics
The aim of this work was to determine the effect of yeast extract and of its vitamin contents on autotrophic and heterotrophic growth and metabolism of four acetogenic bacteria from the human colon. Yeast extract exerted a stimulatory... more
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      MicrobiologyHydrogenCarbon DioxideMedical Microbiology
Vegetable proteins are an integral part of infant weaning diets in Latin America. Protein quality in plant-based products, however, is constrained by amino acid composition and intrinsically present antinutritional factors. The goal of... more
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      EngineeringLatin AmericaDigestionInfant
Orientador: Marco Aurélio CremascoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuímicaResumo: O tacrolimo é um potente imunossupressor produzido por meio da fermentação por bactérias do gênero... more
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Lignocellulosic ethanol has been considered as an alternative transportation fuel. Utilization of hemicellulosic fraction in lignocelluloses is crucial in economical production of lignocellulosic ethanol. However, this fraction has not... more
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      EngineeringChemistryTechnologyMetabolic Engineering
The process of desalting of a proline modelling solution by electrodialysis in five-and six-chamber electrodialysis apparatus was investigated. It has been shown that the process effectively proceeded in the six-chamber device. Changes of... more
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To investigate the microbial and nutritional characteristics of dry feed, liquid feed containing fermented liquid cereal grains, and fermented liquid feed, and their effect on gastrointestinal ecology and growth performance, 120 piglets... more
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      Animal SciencePerformanceEcologyBiological Sciences
Gasification of biomass produces a mixture of gas (mainly carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO 2), and hydrogen (H 2)) called synthesis gas, or syngas, by thermal degradation without combustion. Syngas can be used for heat or... more
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      BiomassWastewater TreatmentBiogasMultidisciplinary
An autoclavable sensing film was developed for monitoring dissolved CO 2. The sensing film, based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), consisted of a fluorescent donor, an acceptor, and a quaternary ammonium hydroxide, which... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyCarbon DioxideBiological Sciences
Rice straw was treated with a mixed solution of acetic acid and propionic acid to enhance its biodegradability. The effect of acid concentration, pretreatment time, and the ratio of solid to liquid on the delignification performance of... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyMultidisciplinaryCellulosePropionic Acid
Lactose maldigestion and intolerance affect a large part of the world population. The underlying factors of lactose intolerance are not fully understood. In this review, the role of colonic metabolism is discussed, i.e. fermentation of... more
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      NutritionMetabolismMedicineInternal Medicine
Integrative flourishing stems from patterns of eating, living and engaging with the world that promote well-being and a healthy environment. For proliferating integrative flourishing, we need to explore novel, design-led collaborations... more
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      Social PsychologyAgroecologyUrineFermentation
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      MalariaMultidisciplinarySaccharomyces cerevisiaeEthanol
Most commercial yeast strains are nonflocculent. However, controlled flocculation phenotypes could provide significant benefits to many fermentation-based industries. In nonflocculent laboratory strains, it has been demonstrated that it... more
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      Cell AdhesionApplied microbiologyGene expressionMultidisciplinary
Different pH control agents (NaOH/H 2 SO 4 -SodSulp, NaOH/CH 3 COOH-SodAcet, NH 4 OH/CH 3 CO-OH-AmmoAcet and NH 4 OH/H 2 SO 4 -AmmoSulp) were used to investigate their effects on growth, enzyme production (alkaline protease and amylase),... more
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      Chemical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringAgricultural BiotechnologyStarch
The present study describes citric acid fermentation by Aspergillus niger GCB-47 in a 15-l stainless steel stirred fermentor. Among the alcohols tested as stimulating agents, 1.0% (v/v) methanol was found to give maximum amount of... more
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      MultidisciplinaryMethanolEthanolStainless Steel
Aims: The present investigation deals with the development of thermotolerant mutant strain of yeast for studying enhanced productivity of ethanol from molasses in a fully controlled bioreactor. Methods and Results: The parental culture of... more
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      ScienceMicrobial diversityBiodiversityMultidisciplinary
Virus-like particles (VLPs) of the recombinant hepatitis B virus (HBV) core protein (HBc) are routinely used in HBV diagnostics worldwide and are of potential interest as carriers of foreign peptides (e.g., immunological epitopes and... more
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      Electron MicroscopyMass SpectrometryPharmaceutical TechnologyGene expression
An in vitro ruminal gas production study was conducted to assess the effect of yeast supplementation on rumen fermentation of tanniniferous tropical browse mixtures prepared by mixing Berchemia discolor with Acacia brevispica, Acacia... more
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      Food ScienceBiologyYeastGrassland Science
A circulating loop bioreactor (CLB) with cells immobilized in loofa sponge was constructed for simultaneous aerobic and anaerobic processes. The CLB consists of an aerated riser and a non-aerated downcomer column connected at the top and... more
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h i g h l i g h t s Biohydrogen production using coffee mucilage and swine manure was achieved. C/N ratio around 50 could support the increase in organic load keeping stability. Repetitive batch cultivation is useful to detect changes in... more
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Methods used for biosurfactant recovery include solvent extraction, precipitation, crystallization, centrifugation and foam fractionation. These methods cannot be used when distillery wastewater (DW) is used as the nutrient medium for... more
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Previous winery-based studies showed the strains Lalvin ® RC212 (RC212) and Lalvin ® ICV-D254 (D254), when present together during fermentation, contributed to >80% relative abundance of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae population in... more
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    • Fermentation
Gluconobacter oxydans converts glucose to gluconic acid and subsequently to 2-keto-D-gluconic acid (2-KGA) and 5-keto-D-gluconic acid (5-KGA) by membrane-bound periplasmic pyrroloquinoline quinone-dependent and flavin-dependent... more
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      Applied microbiologyMultidisciplinaryGlucoseIndustrial microbiology
A previously published two-dimensional discrete particle simulation model for radial mixing behavior of various slowly rotating drums for solid-state fermentation (SSF) has been extended to a three-dimensional model that also predicts... more
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      BiotechnologyImage AnalysisMultidisciplinaryHeat and Mass Transfer
The formation of hydroxystearic acid (HSA) and ketostearic acid (KSA) from oleic acid transformation has been documented in a variety of microbial species, including several isolated from the rumen of domesticated ruminant species.... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionAnimal ProductionFatty acids
Arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS) are a recently newly discovered class of candidate prebiotics as – depending on their structure – they are fermented in different regions of gastrointestinal tract. This can have an impact on the... more
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      MicrobiologyMicrobial biotechnologyPrebioticsPolymerization