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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION honoring Colonel Thomas J. Kelly posthumously upon the occasion of his designation as recipient of a Liberty Medal, the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the New York State Senate. WHEREAS, It is... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryAmerican Civil WarHistory of Revolutions
A commemoration to Colonel Thomas J. KELLY & the Manchester Martyrs. Originally produced for the Sesquicentennial procession and program, Sunday, April 23, 2017, 3:00PM at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, NY.
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      American Civil WarPrinting HistoryTelegraph (History of Technology)US Civil War History
This book deals with the formation of state surveillance and the emergence of institutionalized political policing in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Little has been written on this early formative period for the British security... more
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      Victorian StudiesBritish HistoryLiberalismAnarchism
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      Native American StudiesCanadian HistoryInternational LawLaw and Society
The attack on Canada in 1866 by 19th Century Irish republican revolutionaries, formed part of their strategy to liberate Ireland from the yoke of British rule. What was unique about the venture was that it was the first attempt made... more
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      American HistoryMilitary HistoryIrish StudiesCanadian History
The dissertation examines allegations that Fenians deliberately joined the Liverpool Irish Rifle Volunteer Corps (64th LRV) during the second half of the 1860s in order to gain access to military training and weapons. Chapter one... more
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      Irish StudiesBritish and Irish HistoryIrish Republican BrotherhoodLiverpool History
This paper examines the connection between Canon PA Sheehan (1852-1913) and the Fenian movement in his life and writings. Growing up in north county Cork before and after the events of the abortive 1867 rising, Sheehan retained the sense... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureIrish PoliticsIrish History
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      American HistoryIrish StudiesAmerican StudiesFolklore
Mortimer Moynahan was a leading figure in both the IRB and the Fenian Brotherhood. He was a founder of the Phoenix National and Literary Society in Skibbereen. He was a prominent leader in the early expansion of Fenianism and was arrested... more
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      West CorkFenianismFenian BrotherhoodThe Fenians
Engels, the founders of modern revolutionary socialism, showed a keen interest in developments in Ireland throughout the tumultuous period between the onset of famine in the late 1840s and the rise of the Land League 30 years later. From... more
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      MarxismIrish HistoryKarl MarxIrish Famine
This article examines the impact of Irish nationalism on the tiny, mid-Atlantic island-colony of Bermuda. It begins by uncovering the numerous institutional, literary, military, naval, and penal connections between the islands in order to... more
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      Irish StudiesInternational TerrorismMaritime HistoryAtlantic World
The paper addresses the existence of urban working-class nationalism through the 1850s in the form of the Catholic Ribbon secret societies. It then goes on to examine briefly the conflict and co-operation that these societies came to... more
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      Urban HistoryNationalismFenianism
Drawing on a detailed examination of both the Outrage Reports and the Chief Secretary’s Registered Papers this paper addresses post-Famine survivals of Ribbonism in Ulster and elsewhere. Tom Garvin alluded to the Fenian Michael Davitt’s... more
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      Social MovementsIdentity politicsPolitical IdeologyIrish Republicanism
Review of Shane Kenna's Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa: Unrepentant Fenian (Irish Academic Press, 2015) appeared in the Irish Studies Review, 25:2
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      Irish StudiesAtlantic WorldIrish DiasporaIrish History
This research is an admirable combination of an interesting topic Bollywood and feminism. There is anextraordinary Hindi movie named Parched which has explored the women empowerment through its characters and its unique storyline.... more
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      Bollywood cinemaFenianism
Irish republicanism is commonly associated with martyrdom and with terrorism. The historical roots of these joined connotations can be found in nineteenth-century Fenianism. However, Fenianism is a somewhat elusive term. By surveying the... more
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      TerrorismHistory and MemoryPolitical Violence and TerrorismHeroes
Historians have always argued that U.S. President Andrew Johnson and his Secretary of State William Seward either secretly conspired with Irish American Fenian insurgents in their attempt to invade Canada in 1866 or at least “looked the... more
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      International RelationsCanadian HistoryIntelligenceConspiracy Theories
Between 1848 and 1867 in Ulster there existed numerous modes of political and social collective action which had their antecedents in pre-Famine developments and which Catholics continued to engage in. In these could be discerned... more
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      RepublicanismNationalism19th Century (History)Sectarianism
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The aim of this bachelor thesis is to clarify the underlying causes and circumstances leading to emergence of the first terrorist groups in Ireland and Great Britain, as well as to detail the events preceding the establishment of the... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismCounter terrorismIreland
This paper gives an overview of the development of the republican armed force tradition in Irish politics from the 1790s. It concludes that while Wolfe Tone and Emmet may have been inspirational, it was the experiences in politics and... more
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      Victorian StudiesRevolutionsColonialismIrish Republicanism
The goal of this paper is to develop a better understanding of the relationship between the Royal Navy, more particularly its Channel Squadron, and Ireland. By examining the visit of the Channel Squadron, under the Command of Sydney... more
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      Naval ArchitectureNaval HistoryDeterrenceIrish Diaspora
The life and times of Colonel Thomas J. KELLY, one of the Chief Organizers of the Irish Republic in opposition to the English government and its misrule, neglect, and abuse of the people of Ireland. His life work covers Irish immigration... more
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      American HistoryNew York historyHistory of CanadaIrish History
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      Irish HistoryAustralian History19th Century (History)19th-Century American Literature
For over 100 years now, elected Irish Republican politicians have refused to take their seats in the British Parliament. Kerron Ó Luain tells the story of abstentionism.
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      Irish RepublicanismUnited IrishmenArthur GriffithsDaniel O'Connell
Judith E. Campbell is a retired senior business executive and a current doctoral candidate at Drew University, New Jersey. (Shannon, 1969). J. O'Donovan Rossa, Irish rebels in English prisons: a record of prison life (Kenmare, 1878). M.... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureIrish HistoryFenianism
In 1866 Irish Americans invaded Canada in an attempt to hold the country as ransom for a free Ireland. ‘International Anti-Colonialism: The Fenian Invasions of Canada’, in Studies in Settler Colonialism: Politics, Identity and... more
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      Canadian HistoryAnticolonialismFenianismColonialism and Imperialism
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      LiberalismInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Irish Legal HistoryCivil-military relations
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      American LiteratureIrish StudiesIrish DiasporaAustralian history (Australia)
Conference Paper University of Strasbourg 16 Jan 2016 "Not the repeal of the Union, then, but the Conquest": James Fintan Lalor, Irish Revolution and the Great Famine The full program L’EA SEARCH (Savoirs dans l’Espace Anglophone :... more
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      RevolutionsYoung IrelandFenianismLandlords and Tenants
In February 1915 the final completed novel from the pen of Canon PA Sheehan of Doneraile, who had died just over eighteen months previously, was published. The Graves of Kilmorna was Sheehan’s final, pessimistic, salute to an Ireland... more
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      Irish LiteratureIrish HistoryIrish NationalismFenianism
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      American LiteratureIrish StudiesIrish DiasporaAustralian history (Australia)
Colonel Thomas Joseph KELLY (1833-1908), famine emigrant to military leader
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      Irish StudiesIrish DiasporaIrish HistoryKnights Templar
The trades of Cork city first entered politics in force during the O'Connellite decades. Withdrawing again in the 1850s, they became prominent again in local and national politics from the early 1860s through involvement in the Fenian... more
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      Popular PoliticsTrade unionsIrish Republican BrotherhoodArtisans
This is the Prologue and Chapter 1 of 'Blood Runs Green' (Hardback, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2015; Paperback, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 201
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      Irish HistoryChicago HistoryIrish RepublicanismIrish-Americans
McConnell, James & McGarry, Fearghal (Eds.), The Black Hand of Republicanism: Fenianism in Modern ireland , Irish Academic Press, London, 2009, pp 55-71
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      British and Irish HistoryIrish RepublicanismIrish Republican BrotherhoodFenianism
This paper gives an overview of the development of the republican armed force tradition in Irish politics from the 1790s. It concludes that while Wolfe Tone and Emmet may have been inspirational, it was the experiences in politics and... more
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      Victorian StudiesRevolutionsColonialismIrish Republicanism
A blog post analysing the connections between Emmeline Pankhurst and Irish nationalism for the Institute of Irish Studies blog at the University of Liverpool.
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      Woman SuffrageFenianism
In the aftermath of the Land War, Parnell’s fortunes were far from assured. Having courted Advanced Nationalist anti-English rhetoric along with his Land League associates, he had struck a secret deal with the United Kingdom government.... more
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      Irish NationalismFenianismCharles Stewart Parnell
Adopting a transregional approach, this course will offer a comparative study of religious uprisings and insurgency in the nineteenth and early twentieth-century British Empire. Readings will address metropolitan millenarianism, Fenian... more
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      AfghanistanSouth AsiaBritish EmpireIslam
Inaugural meeting of the International Network of Irish Famine Studies (INIFS) on Famine Migration and Diaspora, Radboud University Nijmegen, Pays-Bas, 23-24 Avril 2015
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Reviews of John Sarsfield Casey, A Mingling of Swans: Edited by Mairead Maume, Patrick Maume and Mary Casey. (Dublin, 2010) et J.F.X O'Brien, For the Liberty of Ireland at Home and Abroad (Dublin, 2010), Edited By Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre
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      Irish StudiesIrish DiasporaIrish HistoryBritish and Irish History This was the winning essay in the Alan Villers Memorial Postgraduate Essay in Naval History Competition, run by the British Naval Research Association,... more
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      Irish StudiesVictorian StudiesBritish HistoryMaritime History
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      Diplomatic HistoryLegal HistoryInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Nineteenth Century British History and Culture