Feminist legal theory
Recent papers in Feminist legal theory
This book review evaluates Janet Halley's hedonics of critique, a theoretical approach that prioritizes the celebration of pleasure over harm - harm that Halley claims Feminism has not only unduly emphasized but has in many cases created... more
This two-day symposium explores the relationship between the material, cultural, psychic and symbolic dimensions and effects of dispossession. Building on a range of critical feminisms, the papers, collective discussions and keynote... more
cadernos pagu tem seu conteúdo sob uma Licença Creative Commons "El feminismo de la gobernanza en la CEDAW: la cuestión sobre el trabajo sexual y la prostitución" Felipe JARAMILLO RUIZ - Lina-María CÉSPEDES-BÁEZ*** Resumen: A partir... more
To what extent does the essentialist Cult of Domesticity still haunt the legal imagination in the United States and elsewhere? This paper scrutinizes the feminist slogan " the personal is political " through a series of reform legal... more
Esta ponencia aborda el problema de la legislación actual sobre acoso sexual en Chile y propone criterios para generar normas jurídicas con perspectiva de género, a fin de fortalecer los mecanismos de prevención y sanción del acoso.
The putative crisis of international law, today as well as in other eras, is inseparable from its own production of crisis. That is, traditional approaches to international law generally see it as a means to address, manage, and resolve... more
The theme running through this analysis is the medium, rather than the content, is the most important aspect of communication and command. The paper thinks of law through the lens of communication theory and cybernetics. Law is... more
The aim of this article is to lay the foundations for restoring voice and visibility to some women who made significant contributions to the development of legal and political thought, but who remain overshadowed and outside of the... more
Sexual harassment is a complex and evolving practice. The rise of sexual discrimination in cyberspace is only one of the most recent and most striking examples of the phenomenon's increasing complexity. Sexual harassment law, however, has... more
What does it mean for a man to conduct oneself as a feminist? It is this question that the author, a legal academic, dwells on in this essay. The article can be seen as a jurisdictional auto-critique about feminism's relationship with... more
Reductive and corrosive imagery of women - rampant within historical sexual offence discourse -persists in contemporary sexual offence law despite its ostensibly value-free language. Today’s legal language surrounding sexual offences is... more
Women’s rights are often curtailed online due to the pervasive internet atmosphere of cybermisogyny. Extreme examples include ‘image-based sexual abuse’, a term which encompasses the non-consensual creation and/or distribution of private... more
In der Feministischen Rechtswissenschaft wird davon ausgegangen, dass es geschlechtsneutrales Recht, das für alle gleich gilt und sich auf alle gleich auswirkt, nicht gibt. Sie thematisiert Ungleichheiten aufgrund des Geschlechts, die vom... more
A feminist reworking of the Edinburgh 7 judgment
Özet: Hukuk eğitimindeki ana akım anlayış, nesnellik iddiasına karşın kendi ideolojisini taşımakta ve aktarmaktadır. Özgürlükçü, çoğulcu ve katılımcı olmayan, eleştirel düşünceyi teşvik etmeyen hukuk eğitimi, hukuk uygulamasında da... more
Using evidence from the Cairo Geniza, I revisit the oft-cited view of Jewish marriage as the "purchase" of a bride. Relying on the work of those who connect "partnership" and "marriage", I argue that the term "qinyan"--often translated as... more
per il dialogo, negli anni, in tema di discriminazioni di genere e per lo spirito sempre costruttivo che lo ha animato e orientato.
Violence Against Women (VAW) is a worldwide pervasive phenomenon. This paper, making use of a variety of primary and secondary resources, including legislation, international law instruments, official statistics, book chapters, books and... more
RÉFÉRENCE: Alexandre Baril, « Société de l’aveu, cis-tème de l’aveu : repenser le consentement à la lumière des images intimes de personnes trans* dans les medias », GLAD! [En ligne], 05 | 2018, mis en ligne le 15 décembre 2018, consulté... more
Annamaria Galoppini è senza dubbio una figura emblematica nel rapporto fra donne e diritto, ed è figura unica nel panorama della civilistica italiana, soprattutto se facciamo riferimento agli anni in cui pubblica il suo libro Il lungo... more
This is a syllabus/course manual of an elective I will be teaching this Fall. The course draws from the Feminist Judgment Project, a shadow judgment writing project (in UK, Australia, ireland, USA etc) that has taken over feminist... more
This is a chapter in Elizabeth Brake and Lucinda Ferguson (eds), Philosophical Foundations of Children's and Family Law (OUP 2018). This chapter's argument stems from the premise that legal language should speak for itself. The... more
Investigating minority and indigenous women’s rights in Muslim-majority states, this book critically examines the human rights regime within international law. Based on extensive and diverse ethnographic research on Amazigh women in... more
Predložený príspevok predstavuje vo všeobecnosti základné znaky právneho feminizmu ako smeru právneho myslenia a bližšie sa venuje diverzite ako znaku právneho feminizmu. V tejto súvislosti sa zameriava na päť základných podôb právneho... more
Catherine Malabou's philosophical thought stages a new and restless encounter with form, and so transforms the possibilities of philosophy for thinking contemporary politics, law, and justice. In a series of books, most of which have been... more
Esta publicación correspóndese co 4º número da colección "Ideas Impresas". Baixo o título "Vivas e libres. Lexislación e violencia machista: contribucións do nacionalismo galego", a doutora en filosofía e pensadora feminista, Carme Adán,... more
This article focuses on the doctrine of undue influence as applied in bilateral transactions between spouses (husbands and wives), civil partners, and other couples that are in long-term cohabitation. // I am grateful to Professor Colm... more
It is important to embrace the responsibility that comes with the new geological epoch of the Anthropocene, which, in terms of environmental law, requires nothing less than a radical revisiting of its basics tenets. In an attempt to... more
Contemporary feminist theory by and large agrees on criticizing the traditional, autonomous subject and instead maintains a relational, dependent self, but the vocabulary used to describe the latter remains contested. These contestations... more
This book offers a much-needed new political theory of an old phenomenon. The last decade alone has marked the highest number of migrations in recorded history. Constrained by environmental, economic, and political instability, scores of... more
Sexual harassment is a complex and evolving practice. The rise of sexual discrimination in cyberspace is only one of the most recent and most striking examples of the phenomenon's increasing complexity. Sexual harassment law, however, has... more
This article analyzes how concepts of gender, gender equality, and secularism have been addressed by the higher judiciary in India in cases dealing with matters of religion. The discussion focuses on three landmark decisions of the Indian... more
Predkladaná štúdia sa zameriava na objasnenie podstaty, znakov a významu feminizmu a následne feministickej právnej vedy. Obsah štúdie je venovaný rovnoprávnosti pohlaví a rodov, problému patriarchálneho usporiadania spoločnosti a... more
This article advances an interpretative account of parental rights and builds a normative case against them. This normative account considers how parental rights function in existing constitutional and family law, and assesses theoretical... more
María Eugenia Monte (2017). Abortion, sexual abuse and medical control: the Argentinian Supreme Court decision on F., A.L. En Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad: Revista Latinoamericana, 26, (68-84). In Argentina, during the 2000s but... more