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This article addresses some of the opportunities and challenges the Afro-Caribbean American author faced whilst researching Afro-Caribbeans in Britain. Despite perceptual insiderness as an Afro-Caribbean person, the author’s positionality... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesOral historyCaribbean History
Introduction to the volume: Women, Enlightenment and Catholicism
(Routledge: 2017).
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionTheologyHistory of Religion
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      EntrepreneurshipFeminist historyFeminist HistoriographyOrganizing
Despite pioneering reclamation efforts, feminist rhetoricians have only scratched the surface of the multilayered historical reception and representation of Aspasia, a fifth-century BCE Milesian woman famous for the company she kept.... more
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      RhetoricArtVisual RhetoricAncient Greek Rhetoric
Co-authored with Melanie Bell, Christine Gledhill, Shelley Cobb, Rashmi Sawhney, Laraine Porter, Ulrike Sieglohr. While 1970s/1980s feminist film theory questioned the representability of women within a male-dominated industry, renewed... more
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      Film StudiesFilm HistoryWomen & FilmIndian Cinema
Yirminci Yüzyıl savaşları, kadınların sokakta oy kullanma hakkı için verdiği mücadeleden, evinde çocuğunu emzirmesine kadar hayatındaki her değişimi derinden etkiledi. Kadınların hayatındaki en köklü değişim belki de iş hayatına... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGender StudiesFeminist Theory
Biographical entry on Serbian philosopher Ksenija Atanasijević
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      PhilosophyFeminismHistory of Central and Southeastern EuropeSoutheastern Europe
Through the use of feminist historiography this article examines some of the myriad ways in which feminist praxis has pushed against, challenged, enriched, dismantled, assimilated or otherwise affected archival theory and practice. We... more
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      Information ScienceGender StudiesArchival StudiesLibrary Science
This contribution wants to retrace American feminist Betty Friedan’s fascinating biography and controversial reflection, adopting as focal point the book which allowed her to become a strong reference for the Liberal Women's Rights... more
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      AutobiographyIntersectionality TheoryWomen and PoliticsAmerican feminism
How can feminism draw productively on its own history, without passively conforming to expectations of the past, or elevating the past as a nostalgic ideal against which to measure and compare the present? Feminism, Time, and Nonlinear... more
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      Feminist TheoryHistoriographyFeminist PhilosophyPhilosophy of History
My PhD thesis explores the ways the attribution of women’s authorship is used in the construction and development of the Vārkarī bhakti tradition in order to ask what function the high visibility of female poet-sants (santakaviyatrīs) in... more
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      ReligionGenderFeminist HistoriographyDiscursive Construction
"The work of the Women and the Silent Screen Conferences [...] is to collectively create a new realm of cinema history, neither 'the' history, nor 'a' history, but a strange double world." These words are from Jane Gaines in her keynote... more
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      Gender HistorySilent FilmEarly CinemaFilm History
Max Tomba aims to reconstruct how historical actors reconstructed the past to open the future in ways that diverged from the trajectory of the dominant modernity. Insurgent Universality would break open the dead logic of the juridical,... more
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      Feminist TheoryPolitical TheoryHistoriographyFeminist Historiography
Declaration for SOAS PhD thesis I have read and understood regulation 17.9 of the Regulations for students of the SOAS, University of London concerning plagiarism. I undertake that all the material presented for examination is my own work... more
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      ReligionSociologyGender StudiesGender
ACÇÃO! V CIAG. V Congresso Internacional Arquitectura e género. Acção! Feminismos e a espacialização das resistências. Livro de resumos. V Congreso Internacional Arquitectura y género. Acción! Feminismos y la espacialização das... more
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      ArchitectureFeminist HistoriographyGender and ArchitectureFeminist Urbanism
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      Gender HistoryHistoriographyFeminist HistoriographyCourt Women in Habsburg Spain
The key aspects of historical thinking and practice which are essential to an understanding of how historians come to terms with the past consist of, according to Alan Munslow, the epistemological model on which knowledge of the past... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist historyFeminist HistoriographyWomen`s History and Gender History
Buddhist monastic law codes (vinaya) are rich sources for writing the history of the early nuns' community. If we hope to encounter these ascetic women of long ago as full real people, however, we must apply an intentional , transparent,... more
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      Feminist HistoriographyVinayaBuddhist NunsCritical menstrual studies
Co-authored with Melanie Bell, Christine Gledhill, Shelley Cobb, Rashmi Sawhney, Laraine Porter, Ulrike Sieglohr. While 1970s/1980s feminist film theory questioned the representability of women within a male-dominated industry, renewed... more
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      HistoryFilm StudiesFilm HistoryWomen & Film
This article discusses transgender history, and argues for a broad understanding of such. The first part contains a discussion on cis normativity and historical research, specifically within women’s and gender studies. Certain... more
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      Women's HistoryTransgender StudiesHermaphroditism19th Century (History)
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      Basque StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignHistory of Women's StudiesFeminist Historiography
एम.ए. भाग २ : इतिहास : पेपर ३०१
इतिहास लेखन परंपरा (Traditions of History Writing)

घटक ३ -आधुनिक भारतीय परंपरा  (Modern Indian Traditions)


घटक ४ -  भारतातील तळाकडून इतिहासाची परंपरा (Traditions of 'History from Below' in India)
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      HistoriographyFeminist HistoriographyMarxist HistoriographyOrientalism
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      History of MedicineHistory of HistoriographyFeminist HistoriographyWomen in Science
In breve: Le questioni poste dalla storia delle donne si estendono a una contemporaneità che è sotto i nostri occhi. Gli effetti della pandemia di Covid-19 sul lavoro di cura ma anche sulla violenza domestica, la sanzione delle... more
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      History of FeminismFeminist HistoriographyWomen's and gender historyContemporary Italian History and Politics
In Portugal, the participation of female architects in the development of the profession-in the broad sense of the word: project, research, education, criticism, and policy-is far from having been identified, problematized, and... more
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      ArchitectureFeminist HistoriographyGender and ArchitectureWomen Architects
Sojourner Truth and Intersectionality investigates how the story of the 19th-century abolitionist and women’s rights advocate Sojourner Truth has come to be an iconic feminist story, and explores the continued relevance of this story for... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyBlack Feminist Theory/Thought
What happens when feminist activism turns art making into social practice? What happens when feminist conversations, at once joyful, contentious, conflictual, and generative, are being cared for through curatorial practice that mobilizes... more
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      Feminist TheoryMigration StudiesDiaspora StudiesFeminist Historiography
Las propuestas de publicación han de ser remitidas (en archivo adjunto, con formato PDF) a alguna de las siguientes direcciones electrónicas: [email protected], [email protected] Antes de aceptar una obra para su publicación en la colección... more
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      Simone de BeauvoirFeminist TranslationHistory of TranslationFeminist Historiography
This article re-reads from a feminist perspective and with the interpretative strategies of feminist criticism, two pieces of late-twentieth-century Hungarian literature, Sándor Weöres's Psyché and Péter Esterházy's Tizenhét ha yúk... more
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      Literary CanonFeminismHungarian LiteratureFeminist Historiography
Religious concepts and themes are central to many of Mary Wollstonecraft's writings, yet rarely feature within popular representations of her life, work and legacy today. This paper examines the forgetting of Wollstonecraft's religiosity... more
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      Feminist TheoryHistoriographyFeminist HistoriographyMary Wollstonecraft
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      Women's StudiesOttoman HistoryArmenian StudiesWomen's History
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      Media ActivismCanadian PoliticsFeminist HistoriographyEventfulness
Many of the conventions of received feminist historiography have already come under attack, be it the habit of counting "waves" in a way that would leave Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoir unaccounted for, construing feminists as... more
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      PhenomenologyPhilosophy of HistoryPostcolonial TheoryFeminist Historiography
This paper considers the impact of using artists' diaries, sketchbooks and notebooks in feminist art history of the 1960s and 1970s. This paper would outline some of the critical issues surrounding the use of women's biographical ephemera... more
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      Feminist historyWomen ArtistsArtists' WritingsFeminist Historiography
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricFeminist TheoryWomen Writers
Responding to specific contemporary challenges posed by ecological threat, decolonial movements, global capitalism, and the ensuing entanglement of gender, ethnicity and class, feminist perspectives have recently integrated notions of... more
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      Feminist HistoriographyFeminism(s)Postwar ItalyArt and Feminism
ABSTRACT This article examines the rhetorical framing of San Jose’s “Winchester Mystery House” house tour to consider the role of spatiality in shaping the ethos and subsequent public remembrance of women. Built in the late... more
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      RhetoricPublic MemoryFeminist HistoriographyLiterary studies
This essay explores potential connections between feminist historiography in rhetoric and the digital humanities. We investigate how specific digital innovations might invigorate feminist historiographic study, and we pause to consider... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesRhetoricDigital Humanities
Co-authored with Melanie Bell, Christine Gledhill, Shelley Cobb, Rashmi Sawhney, Laraine Porter, Ulrike Sieglohr. While 1970s/1980s feminist film theory questioned the representability of women within a male-dominated industry, renewed... more
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      HistoryFilm StudiesFilm HistoryWomen & Film
Los diferentes movimientos emancipatorios de mujeres que se gestaron a partir de fines del siglo XVIII, impugnaron modos patriarcales de entender no solo en qué consisten los derechos, sino también qué estrategias utilizar a la hora de... more
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      FeminismGender and Sexuality StudiesFeminist HistoriographyAffect (Cultural Theory)
The political history of Western feminism is typically described as encompassing various “waves” of theory and practice, with each wave building on, but also going beyond, an earlier wave. Thus, the second-wave (1968-1980s) is seen as... more
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      Feminist HistoriographyFeminist Political TheoryReinhardt Koselleck
Note de lecture croisée des deux ouvrages Séverine Sofio – Artistes Femmes. La parenthèse enchantée, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles (2016). Paris, CNRS Editions, 373 p. Charlotte Foucher-Zarmanian – Créatrices en 1900. Femmes artistes en France... more
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      Art HistorySocial HistoryWomen ArtistsFeminist Historiography
In:  Maralee Mayberry, Banu Subramaniam, Lisa Weasel (eds.), Feminist Science Studies: A New Generation. (London and New York: Routledge, 2001), pp. 120-124.
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      History of MedicineHistory of HistoriographyFeminist HistoriographyWomen in Science
This article addresses the Italian feminist movement of the 1970s and its historiography from the perspective of its witness and researcher, Anna Rossi-Doria. In the first part, the essay investigates the Italian feminist movement in the... more
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      Women's HistoryContemporary HistoryFeminist historyFeminist activism
Ruth Mary Weeks , the nineteenth president and second woman president of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), initiated an innovative interdisciplinary curriculum project for NCTE that specifically viewed English as the... more
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      Feminist HistoriographyFeminist rhetorics and rhetorical theory
In: Laurinda Abreu, Patrice Bourdelais, Teresa Ortiz-Gómez and Guillermo Palacios, eds., Dynamics of Health and Welfare: Texts and Contexts (Évora: Ediçoes Colibri/ Universidade de Evora, 2007), pp.118-120.
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      History of MedicineHistory of HistoriographyFeminist HistoriographyWomen in Science