Most cited papers in Feminist
® my mother spent twenty years in a mental hospital, where she died, while my father, who became a professor of science, lives a life of luxury retirement in Florida. Discourse doesn't tell us enough about men's privileged positions, it... more
® have sprung up, some of them openly declaring themselves feminist, a new turn in revolutionary Third World struggles. Perhaps it is from the organizational and theoretical work bound to evolve from these that we can more reasonably... more
Women in the marginal areas of Uttarakhand have always played and continue to play a significant role in managing and operating most of the household and agricultural activities. They are the main subsistence provider in the hills and... more
Weeping, the sound mingles with the music of Lole y Manuel, Paco de ... Lucia, and Camaron, all singers of flamenco, I confront the frustration ... - the significance of struggle in political work on an individual and collective ...
This book was first published in 2007 by Berg Editorial offices: 1st Floor, Angel Court, 81 St Clements Street, Oxford, OX4 1AW, UK 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA © Mica Nava 2007 All rights reserved. This is a... more
The authors examine 1980 to 2003 trends in female-to-male interpersonal violence reported in Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) arrest statistics and National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) victimization data. Augmented Dickey-Fuller... more
When love is unrequited, lost or betrayed, it hurts, and this pain can strike anyone at any time. Yet, granted that the misery of love is as old as love itself, has the suffering always been experienced in the same way? Does it affect... more
peacekeeping operations has led many feminists to question the appropriateness of using soldiers to create peace. They argue that the problems stem from a particular form of military masculinity, hegemonic within Western militaries,... more
This article contextualizes some of the more speci cally focused articles in this Special Issue of 'Women and Mental Health' by reviewing general historical and political currents structuring contemporary discussions around questions of... more
This paper argues that the 'double-standard' applied to male and female tourists' sexual behaviour reflects and reproduces weaknesses in existing theoretical and commonsense understandings of gendered power, sexual exploitation,... more
been compounded by the failure of courts to recognize that women are not solely dependents, but are also political actors in their own right. Crawley acknowledges that there has been some movement towards a recognition of certain groups... more
From the feminist 'sex wars' of the 1980s to the queer theory and politics of the 1990s, debates about the politics of sexuality have been at the forefront of contemporary theoretical, social, and political demands. This article seeks to... more
This paper represents a collective contribution to an ongoing debate on the benefits and disadvantages of export-based, industrial jobs for women as well as on the implications of global labor standards on these types of jobs. On the... more
Several hooks, some of them painful, drag me towards books about Nazism: my Jewishness and my ancestors, some of them victims and some survivors of the 'holocaust'; and my concern about the antifeminist roots of right-wing and fascistic... more
After years of invisibility, the position of migrant women from Islamic countries now forms the core of the Dutch discourse on integration and emancipation. This article presents the downside of this visibility by showing that it is... more
Kate Eichhorn situates feminist archival histories through contemporary Western paradigms of queer feminism and lesbian reworkings of archival politics. Eichhorn paves pathways for reparative readings of feminist pasts to reconsider,... more
Whether loathed as a symbol of women's objectification or adored as a bringer of erotic delirium, the Victorian corset continues to excite interest well beyond the relatively narrow field of academic histories of fashion. Bound to Please... more
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students... more
The continued underrepresentation of women in scholarly activities slows down the scientific progress of any country. Several studies have analyzed the women representation in authorship of scholarly publications in Science, Technology,... more
Notes 1 This collection is out of print. 2 Quote from which originally appeared in . Screen Education (1980) No. 39. 4 Cohen (1972); ; Hebdidge (1979) 5 For those interested there is discussion about this in contemporary subculture:... more
Palgrave Macmillan Journals is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Feminist Review. www.jstor.org ® reason -for people writing from within the unions and the Labour Party to argue clearly for overturning... more
New Frontiers of Space, Bodies and Gender reflects the current mood among those interested in gender identity to explore the relationships between gender and space. The emphasis has moved from simply identifying and reacting to gender... more
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the discourse of othering of non-Western migrants has been growing in many European societies. And since 2015, refugees have become a quite visible component in this discourse. Although, for... more
The present study is an attempt to underline the economic aspects responsible for the rise in the cases of domestic violence against women especially in during COVID-19 crisis. The issue of domestic violence, especially in India has... more
This article considers some of the ways in which 'the black woman' as both representation and embodied, sentient being is rendered visible and invisible and to link these to the multiple and competing ways in which she is 'present'. The... more
This article explores the roles of social (informal) and institutional (formal) support in the lives of 158 women whose intimate partner abuse (IPA) cases reached the courts in three jurisdictions in the United States. Women were asked... more