Recent papers in Feminism(s)
This book illuminates the rhetorical work performed by contemporary representations of a specific type of postfeminist hero who has garnered a lot of cultural capital: women who are smart, capable, physically agile and fit, and proficient... more
The purpose of the BA Thesis is to examine to what extent Emma Woodhouse’s character can be considered as an independent woman in Jane Austen’s novel. With the help of historical analyses on women’s lives in the Regency era it is... more
This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
This paper outlines a theory explaining why the provider role is important to boys in the development of their masculine identity. The family is a primary site for identity formation, and boys appear to be more badly affected by growing... more
This article has been mainly inspired by Tamara Shefer; Sally, R. Munt (2019) A feminist politics of shame: Shame and its contested possibilities https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0959353519839755 Questo articolo è stato... more
Anne Sexton is one of the most famous "women" poets of her time, which is the 20th century. She wrote all of her poems under the name of "confession poetry" that emerged in the 20th century. In this poetic style, Anne Sexton often used... more
This article explores theoretical alternatives to contemporary western hegemonic feminist discourses, advancing methodologies that mark an epistemological break with western feminist scholarship; namely Orientalist criticism, third world... more
The kind of education you receive as a child plays a large role in determining the kind of person you become as an adult. The education system consequently has a very important role to play in rooting out issues such as sexism, racism and... more
Review of Anne Stopper, Monday at Gaj’s: The Story of the Irish Women’s Liberation Movement (Liffey Press, 2006). The Irish Literary Supplement 27: 1 (fall 2007): 12.
In Fashion: Culture, Commerce, Craft, and Identity For the contributors to In Fashion: Culture, Commerce, Craft, and Identity being "in fashion" is about self-presentation; de ning how fashion is presented in the visual, written, and... more
This research article on feminism gives an account of the interaction between a female teacher and her students at a public university in Tunja, Colombia. The study aims to evidence features of feminism within an English as a foreign... more
Sweden, France, Canada, Mexico, Luxembourg, Spain have all adopted Feminist Foreign Policies. How did they get there? A new report exploring trajectories to Feminist Foreign Policy, by International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA).... more
This paper explores parasocial phenomena on social media pages related to Spanish television fiction by analysing the development of parasociality through relationships established between users and characters and the characteristics of... more
Cultural narratives of digital technology in architecture rely heavily upon stories of unique, almost always male, genius and often deny the collective intellectual labor of technology's construction. These narratives are perpetuated by a... more
Diverse women’s social backgrounds, family relationships, educational achievements, personal experiences, and religious preferences have shaped their perception of and participation in the women’s rights movement, their understanding of... more
An Interview with Elizabeth Grosz by Katve-Kaisa Kontturi & Milla Tiainen
The present catalogue text discerns between two kinds of eco-centric works the Austrian artist Herwig Scherabon presented in his latest solo exhibition “Against Nature“ (July 2021, Berlin Neukölln): landscapist and objectivist. Whereas... more
This essay discusses the historical origins of the witchcraft trial phenomenon, its roots, and the causes for its occurrence in New England from a historical, social, anthropological, and gender perspective. Salem witchcraft had its roots... more
In this article, I have analysed how women are not seen in leadership positions on Nepali Child Rights Networks historically and light questioning the commitment of Nepali Child Rights on Inclusion, Women's Empowerment, Intersectional and... more
This book review of Emma Young's important monograph calls for more inclusivity in short story theory. Article also accessible here: https://academic.oup.com/cww/article/14/1/144/5316465 Contemporary Women's Writing, Volume 14, Issue 1,... more
"Why feminist? Why postmodernist? A preface Halah Afshar, giving a talk entitled 'Ferninisms, Islamophobia and Identities' at the Feminist and Women's Studies Association Conference, UK (2006), emphasised her sense of having a mobile... more
On April 8, 1976, a women’s cooperative comprising eleven members variously active in the field of art inaugurated a self-run art gallery in Rome’s city center, at Via Beato Angelico 18. Surprisingly, instead of showing works from the... more
« Le refus du mariage : le cas des mères non mariées dans le Japon contemporain », (dir.) Julien Martine et David-Antoine Malinas, Japon pluriel 11, Arles, Éditions Philippe Picquier, 2017, p. 221-229.
CATALOGUE D'EXPOSITION - Galerie Pauline Pavec En 1919, Marcel Duchamp offrait à son ami et mécène Walter Arensberg, l’Air de Paris enfermé dans une ampoule. Par ce geste, par ce ready-made où ce que l’on inhale est déterminé et... more
Cosa significa protestare per le strade, perché occupare uno spazio nella città? Veniamo da un recente risveglio, da anni che hanno riportato la politica nelle piazze e nelle strade. In tutto il mondo uomini e donne sono scesi in piazza... more
At last our book Confidence Culture is coming out with Duke University Press. We are thrilled with Asma Istwani's stunning cover image. Thanks to everyone involved!
Pretendo compreender o lugar do lugar de fala como uma dimensão espacial constitutiva dos atuais conflitos discursivos em torno da produção e da legitimação de saberes e de a quem se atribuem autoridade e credibilidade. Comparo as... more
The American feminist writer and activist Betty Friedan, in her canonical work Feminine Mystique (1963), vocalizes the discontentment and estrangement of mid-century American women. After World War II, many women with small children had... more
In the summer of 1990, a four-storey tenement of council flats in the Castlemilk district of Glasgow was home to an unusual work in progress. A group of artists, led by three graduates of the Glasgow School of Art, created installations... more
«The sulphurous actress», «L’enfant perdue du cinéma», «The woman of Last tango»: this is how media have defined Maria Schneider, the french actress who gained international renown for her performance in Last tango in Paris, at the age of... more
A literary criticism on A Thousand Splendid Suns of Khaled Hosseini
Cette étude porte sur la féminitude de la négritude senghorienne à travers son poème « Femme noire » [2] tiré de son premier recueil, Chants d'ombres. La féminitude selon le dictionnaire Le Nouveau Petit Robert [3] est « d'après négritude... more
La vida del cuerpo de Roxane Gay, de su cuerpo de niña, de su cuerpo de mujer. Un cuerpo maltratado por el mundo que acabó siendo maltratado por ella misma. Es un libro duro, para que el que hay que estar en un buen momento emocional.
This study investigates how age, gender, social class and dialect influence how frequently speakers of British English use intensifiers (e.g. 'very') in private conversations and whether this has changed over the last two decades. With... more
With my fingers too, rather than with my eyes, I read these poems. Ionic volutes-delicate and ringed-white shells with the inner side of pearl-indented cup with the chiseling as fine as the pattern of the under-leaf lining of the wine... more
En la investigación propuse problematizar sobre las condiciones históricas del trabajo en la producción de conocimiento de mujeres latinoamericanas. Es decir, busqué comprender qué tipo de organización social, económica y política... more
Carole Pateman jest znana na wielu polach badawczych: idei demokracji, problemu zobowiązania politycznego czy krytyki liberalizmu. Jej teoria polityczna przynależy również do tradycji feministycznej. W tym obszarze C. Pateman stawia tezę... more
Virginia Woolf in her seminal work - A Room of One's Own, takes up the issue of women's subjugation in the field of literature. Women writers had to spend years hiding behind the pseudonyms they had to take up forcefully. The paper... more
The Project: Why theory? Why not just practice? Why are the two so often held apart? This course seeks to engage you in not just the texts, but the operations of Feminist Theory: how the discourse took shape, what its shifts have been,... more
Rokeya waged a persistent struggle for female education braving the social norms and barriers that dictated an all-male presence in education and stood between women and intellectual culture. She did not believe in any disparity or... more
La luz es uno de los recursos cinematográficos centrales en la conformación de la narrativa audiovisual y la identidad de los personajes. En el presente artículo se reflexionará en torno al papel de la luz – y de la sombra-en la... more