Skip to main content The second woman who reached the buzzer of the Israeli Ninja competition was the 26-year old Amour Paz. You can read about her, watch her spectacular performance and admire her for doing it... more
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      Sports PerformanceGiftednessSportsNinja
Feminist sports histories have sought to give voice to the experiences and subjectivities of female athletes and increasingly of female sports fans. Yet the passions of female sports fans have been neglected. This paper traces the affects... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesSports HistoryHistory Of Emotions
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    • Feminism and sport
Para abordar los orígenes del balonmano en España, el estudio de nuevas fuentes documentales históricas nos permiten tratar el estado de la cuestión y describir o reinterpretar los acontecimientos hasta la fecha conocidos. El balonmano... more
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      Boy ScoutsFeminism and sport
As momentum around surfing builds with over 35 million surfers globally and the sport rapidly growing in developing countries, how can we better understand the benefits of surfing and acknowledge its differential effect on minority... more
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      Feminism and sportBlue Space
How can ballet offer women an empowering experience? At first sight, it might seem that the centuries-old practice of romantic or classical ballet limits women’s opportunities to transcend gender norms. As feminist readings of ballet... more
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      Feminist TheoryDance StudiesEmbodimentPhenomenology