Female Monstrosity

79 papers
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Female monstrosity is an academic field that examines the representation and cultural significance of women depicted as monstrous or aberrant figures in literature, art, and media. It explores themes of gender, power, and societal norms, analyzing how these portrayals reflect and challenge traditional notions of femininity and identity.
In the Victorian society, the fallen woman was identified with the monstrous Other as in the case of George Eliot's Hetty Sorrel in Adam Bede as well as the author herself. Both Eliot and her Hetty were monsters of their society as they... more
This article examines examples of the monstrous-feminine in the form of abject maternal monsters in a selection of commercially successful and critically acclaimed mainstream video games using conceptual frameworks and textual analysis... more
The essay outlines a “critical genealogy” of the notion of resemblance which structures the hierarchical relationship between the impeccable Original (Man, the source text) and its ultimately imperfect, failed copy (woman, translation). I... more
The article proposes a reading of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818) through some of her feminine or feminized figures, in order to suggest, in dialogue with authors such as Halberstam, Mellor, Riskin and Haraway, an interpretation of... more
Chimera is one of the Federico García Lorca´s three brief dramatic Dialogues. Chimera, in classical mythology, is a hybrid monster, however, over time the word “chimera” acquires another, metaphorical meaning, that of the desire of the... more
Drawing from the mainly Bakhtinian theories of the grotesque and its further readings by Kristeva, Foucault, and Bhabha, the present paper tends to examine the representation of “feminine grotesque” in one of the less discussed novels of... more
One of the typical figures used to construct monstrosity in terms of gender is that of the witch and, probably, one of the best well-known portrayals of these women appears in Shakespeare's Macbeth. Written at the beginning of the... more
Die Idee des »neuen Fleischs« durchkreuzt herkömmliche Grenzziehungen, welche die Domänen Natur und Technik klar voneinander unterscheiden. Was sagen uns die gleichermaßen verstörenden wieverführerischen Körperbilder in den Filmen David... more
First, don't let the table of contents mislead you. This is a massive issue, featuring an impressive cohort of articles. The editors and the technical team set up the contents so that the headings will direct you to the papers that relate... more
The legend of the Countess Erzsebet Bathory presents a unique case in which the fictional elements of vampire and witch folklore combine with true historical facts to create the quasi-mythical figure of the Bloody Countess. Alejandra... more