Cari colleghi, sono lieto di informarvi che a breve sarà in distribuzione il libro “Di Melusine e Gorgoni. Entità mostruose femminili tra passato e presente”, testo edito con il patrocinio dell’Università del Lussemburgo e pubblicato... more
Női szörnyek két kortárs young adult fantasy regényben gyerek-és ifjúsági irodalom |
Beautiful and monstruous. Why so many mythological monsters in Antiquity were female? In the ancient cultures of the Near East and the Mediterranean monsters were the visual representation of phenomena that were perceived as evil or... more
Just like the monster at the center of Mary Shelley's tale has been parodied worldwide, the socalled "bride of Frankenstein" has also become a cultural touchstone. Though she doesn't exist as a full character in the original novel-having... more
Mélusine ou la Noble Histoire de Lusignan tells us about the peculiar founding mother of the house of Lusignan. Cursed by her fairy mother at a young age, Mélusine is forced to transform her body into a half-serpent, half-human body every... more
There are many reasons why Rachel Feinstein’s choices among Northern Renaissance altarpieces and sculptures are fitting, sensible foundations for the paintings in her exhibition Mirror. That time and place, like our current age, also... more
Sofia Papastergiadis - the protagonist of Deborah Levy's Hot Milk - seems to be encircled by various monstrosities. First, her overbearing, monstrous mother suffers from an equally monstrous unidentifiable illness, because of which the... more
M. Stępnik, Sphinx and Gorgons: The Evolution of the Psychoanalytic Bestiary - Reinterpretations, transl. J. Szelągiewicz, "View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture", [special issue: Visualising Psychoanalysis, eds. K. Bojarska and... more
O presente artigo busca como objetivo geral destacar certos trabalhos artísticos que refletem sobre o corpo feminino. Pretende, especificamente, observar como agressões impostas ao corpo das mulheres são reveladas, nomeadamente, nas obras... more
Julian of Norwich is also briefly mentioned on p. 728. I could find no mention of Catherine of Genoa and the index was no help in this respect. The fourth and "missing" woman from this volume was Hildegard of Bingen. 3 For a consideration... more
Esse artigo visa destacar a importância da Tertúlia literária para o ensino da Língua Inglesa a leitura, compreensão, comunicação e reflexão crítica sobre a obra durante os encontros estabelecidos nas aulas. A Tertúlia Literária é uma... more
Apresentação da obra literária O processo Violeta, de Inês Pedrosa.
Roberta Flores Pedroso descreve Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), autora de Quarto de despejo (1960), como “mulher negra, pobre, semialfabetizada e migrante” que “se tornou um fenômeno editorial”. Na tentativa de estabelecer um... more
Julian of Norwich is also briefly mentioned on p. 728. I could find no mention of Catherine of Genoa and the index was no help in this respect. The fourth and "missing" woman from this volume was Hildegard of Bingen. 3 For a consideration... more
Looking at mythical dimensions in medieval narratives, the aim of this paper is to show – by discussing monstrosity in conjunction with femininity and orientalism respectively – that medievalism, which is not automatically a purely... more
Although Daphne du Maurier has always been recognised for her atmospheric stories ridden with darkness and suspense, the critical analysis of her work as part of the Gothic tradition is relatively recent. For this reason, the aim of the... more
Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações 4.0 Internacional. Palavras-chave: Educação. Mestrados profissionais. Gêneros textuais. Práticas de escrita.
The following article takes into consideration two cases of early modern female 'monstrosity' drawn from the Italian collection of Novelle published by Matteo Bandello in 1554. The events recount the stories of two mothers who, seized by... more
This research aims to determine the type of bullying experienced by the main character in Carrie’s novel. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on Erikson’s theory. This data is taken froma novel titled Carrie... more
Embora a novela tenha apresentado o vampiro ao mundo literário inglês, The Vampyre (1819) de John Polidori consta na história como uma realização menor quando comparada com essa outra criação monstruosa, Frankenstein (1818), ambas... more
O presente artigo busca como objetivo geral destacar certos trabalhos artísticos que refletem sobre o corpo feminino. Pretende, especificamente, observar como agressões impostas ao corpo das mulheres são reveladas, nomeadamente, nas obras... more
The primordial relationship between writer and reader presents a wonderful paradox: in creating the role of the reader, the writer also decrees the writer's death, since in order for a text to be finished, the writer must withdraw, cease... more
The aim of the paper is to pose questions concerning the current perspectives of a gender focused approach within Translation Studies, as well as to examine its potential to influence every day translation practices. From the academic... more
The example of Thüring of Ringoltingen's Melusine powerfully illustrates the dialectics of the binary opposition between Other and Self. Although Melusine's husband fears his monstrous wife once he has discovered her true identity, he... more
This research aims to determine the type of bullying experienced by the main character in Carrie’s novel. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on Erikson’s theory. This data is taken froma novel titled Carrie... more
O artigo propõe uma leitura de Frankenstein (1818), de Mary Shelley, por meio de algumas de suas figuras femininas ou feminizadas, de modo a sugerir, em diálogo com autoras e autores como Halberstam, Mellor, Riskin e Haraway, uma... more
In Losing Our Heads, Regina Janes writes that “decapitation..., [is] motivated by the irresistibility of symbolism, grounded in the body and coded by culture” (Janes 9). The head, as a signifier, denotes countless signified meanings in... more
This article examines the treatment of fatherhood in works by influential mendicant encyclopedists writing between 1240 and 1260: Liber de Natura Rerum by Thomas of Cantimpré, De Proprietatibus Rerum by Bartholomaeus Anglicus, and... more
Artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.
Artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.
Drawing from the mainly Bakhtinian theories of the grotesque and its further readings by Kristeva, Foucault, and Bhabha, the present paper tends to examine the representation of “feminine grotesque” in one of the less discussed novels of... more
The focus of my reflection will be the circulation and reception of canonical texts of twentieth-century feminist thought in translations. Making use of the concept of a travelling theory put forth by Edward Said (1982: 226-247) and its... more
Traditionally, translation was valued to the extent that it created a subservient equivalence to the ideas and meanings of the original text; translation was deemed no more than impersonal, transparent activity. This status of... more
In the Victorian society, the fallen woman was identified with the monstrous Other as in the case of George Eliot's Hetty Sorrel in Adam Bede as well as the author herself. Both Eliot and her Hetty were monsters of their society as they... more
Hablar del rito de iniciación de una heroína implica, en principio, repasar algunos elementos y tópicos que componen este ritual de reactualización del mundo sagrado; para luego retorcerlos bajo la óptica del relato fílmico.
O presente trabalho pretende abordar o romance O morro dos ventos uivantes (1848), de Emily Bronte, segundo alguns conceitos filosoficos de Gilles Deleuze, como o rizoma, a maquina de guerra e as linhas de fuga. Para tanto, observaremos... more
El presente artículo analiza la trilogía "La guerra de las brujas" de Maite Carranza, publicada entre 2005 y 2007. La figura de la bruja, tradicionalmente considerada como un exponente de lo monstruoso femenino, ha surgido como una figura... more
Drawing from the mainly Bakhtinian theories of the grotesque and its further readings by Kristeva, Foucault, and Bhabha, the present paper tends to examine the representation of “feminine grotesque” in one of the less discussed novels of... more
Desde finales de los años 60 del siglo xx el movimiento feminista intensificó la recuperación de las figuras femeninas monstruosas que el poder patriarcal había vinculado con la transgresión de las normas de género, de la corporalidad, la... more
We believe that the representation, construction, manufacture, and exclusion of monsters across genres and media is an increasingly pressing issue for individuals and civil societies on a global scale. The widespread use of exaggerated... more
RESUMO: Este artigo propõe uma análise do filme Sangue de Pantera (Cat People, 1942), de Jacques Tourneur, no que concerne às questões de controle intrínsecas à construção do conceito de monstruosidade, principalmente de uma... more
Delineates a practice of monstrous reading and highlights some of its implications for literary and cultural studies
This chapter discusses the relationship between Mary Shelley's Frankenstein monster and Lily Frankenstein, from Penny Dreadful series, and the shifting that happens in the concept of monstrosity.