Female Labor Migration
Recent papers in Female Labor Migration
Esta investigación tiene como propósito abordar cómo se concretan los espacios mercantiles que genera el trabajo de cuidado remunerado y sus efectos sobre los patrones de incorporación laboral de las trabajadoras extranjeras en Cataluña,... more
Athena. Unica divinità a nascere senza madre, venne al mondo dalla testa di Zeus. Esiodo narra che Zeus, temendo che la sua sposa Meti gli partorisse un figlio capace di spodestarlo, la inghiottì mentre stava con lei riposando. Dopo un... more
In western Friuli and in Friuli Region in general, the events of the recent past are closely linked to emigration, an experience which has involved almost every Friulan family. The Museum Section "Work and Emigration" in Cavasso Nuovo - a... more
There is still deep disagreement over the meaning of the term trafficking in persons, despite having had legal definitions for it for nearly 20 years. These disagreements continue to persist despite extensive scholarly attention and... more
Increasing numbers of female labour migrants are independently going abroad for work, which offers them new economic opportunities but also exposes them to risks. These international movements are often preceded by rural–urban migration,... more
In western Friuli and in Friuli Region in general, the events of the recent past are closely linked to emigration, an experience which has involved almost every Friulan family. The Museum Section "Work and Emigration" in Cavasso Nuovo - a... more
This paper examines the representation of the Goan ayah in the recent history of Goa. Taking Damodar Mauzo's Karmelin (1981), a novel which portrays the life of a Goan woman who migrates to Kuwait for employment, as an entry point, I will... more
How do fast fashion production cycles impact labor conditions for women garment workers in Asia? What forms of gender based violence and harassment do women garment workers face at the intersection of supply chain employment practices and... more
G ünümüz Türkkyess hem göç veren hem göç alan bbr ülke konumundadır.-'lerde Batı Avrupa ülkelerrnde ortaya çıkan şgücü httyacını kar-şılamak üzere Türkkye'den başta Almanya olmak üzere çeşştll Avrupa ülkelerrne ktlesel göçler yaşanmış,... more
Women, within the gendered organization of sex work, are situated as passive subjects under a dominant sexuality. The act of selling sexual services relies upon patriarchal, socially constructed notions of gender, sexuality and... more
Taking up better paying jobs in a foreign country is much more rewarding compared to many professions in Nepal. It is evident from the movement of more than half a million Nepalis for employment beyond India in the last fiscal year... more
Across the Western world, the air is filled with talk of immigration. The changes brought by immigration have triggered a renewed fervor for isolationism able to shutter political traditions and party systems. So often absent from these... more
Over the last two decades, a new model of private welfare addressed to elders in which migrant women are usually engaged as domestic caregivers has been spreading in many European Countries, especially in Italy. About one million of women... more
Oh, the West, the West! Migration and economic culture. The Transylvanian perspective Publisher: Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület, Cluj-Napoca, 2015 Keywords: migration, working culture, female foreign workers, Transylvanian specific,... more
The metaphor of “care drain” has been created as a womanly parallel to the “brain drain” idea. Just as “brain drain” suggests that the skilled migrants are an economic loss for the sending country, “care drain” describes the migrant women... more
Agoraia "Beschützerin des Versammlungsortes ", Aithuia "Beschützerin der Seefahrer", Ambulia "jene, die Rat gibt", Ossiderchia "die mit dem scharfsinnigem Blick", Poliate und Polisca "Beschützerin der Stadt", Xenia "Beschützerin der... more
The Norwegian Directorate of Labor-Aetat-started recruiting Polish nurses in 2001, but Polish nurses continued to seek employment in Norway long after the official recruitment of foreign-born nurses ended in 2004 (van Riemsdijk, 2013). As... more
This thesis engages with different mobile livelihood strategies in Kyrgyzstan. The two prevalent types of mobility are small-scale cross-border trade and labor migration. Bazaar traders travel far distances to purchase merchandise in... more
Africa and the Indian Ocean, especially Mozambique and Southern Africa, on topics relating to scientific expeditions, indigenous traditional knowledge, biodiversity and environmental problems in the colonial context.
Africa and the Indian Ocean, especially Mozambique and Southern Africa, on topics relating to scientific expeditions, indigenous traditional knowledge, biodiversity and environmental problems in the colonial context.
En todas las sociedades la gente se siente más cercana a unas personas que a otras. Estas relaciones humanas conllevan diferentes derechos y obligaciones, roles y estatus. Si nos centramos en la literatura antropológica vemos que la... more
It’s possible to protect human rights, only if social services are defined at the extent of civil rights. Despite this ideal social services have been reduced to social aids in the scope of last year’s neoliberal-conservative policy... more
Женская трудовая миграция из Таджикистана и Киргизии в Россию требует пристального анализа, так как она недостаточно полно отражена в официальной ста-тистике (женщины-мигранты часто работают в неформальном секторе). В статье используются... more
"Filipina Immigrant Laborers’W ork and Lives in Korea: The Paradox of Illegal Long-term Residence" // This paper examines the working conditions of Filipinas living as undocumented long-term immigrants in Industrial Complex A located in... more
This report is the result of the transnational project “Housework and caretaking: Strategies of reconciliation and conditions of employment in different family units. Gender, class and ethnic inequalities” promoted and coordinated by the... more
Women make an increasingly important contribution to the skilled workforce. Nations like Australia that suffer skill shortages need to attract, but also retain, more skilled female migrants. The latter has become an important policy issue... more
İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrası göç hareketleri içinde Batı Almanya’ya Türk göçünün tarihini toplumsal cinsiyet perspektifinden inceleyen çalışma, Türk kadınlarını zayıf, uysal ve çok geri kalmış bir ülkenin simgesi olarak gören yaygın... more
Africa and the Indian Ocean, especially Mozambique and Southern Africa, on topics relating to scientific expeditions, indigenous traditional knowledge, biodiversity and environmental problems in the colonial context.
Distintas investigaciones han demostrado la importancia del trabajo doméstico como sector privilegiado de inserción de las trabajadoras migrantes en España, principalmente en los primeros años de su inmigración, independientemente del... more
Previous studies of female migrants from Central Asia in Russia suggest that their life is characterized by unprotected work, cramped living conditions, lack of health insurance, discrimination and scarce information about medical... more
In this article, I analyze changes in the Czechoslovak-Vietnamese labor exchange program between 1967 and 1989, specifically Czechoslovak state’s policies toward pregnant Vietnamese workers. In the program, Czechoslovak state’s... more
Migrant Rights as Human Rights: The Need for Human Rights-Based Approach to Migrant Mobilizing
This paper analyzes the involvement of Mexican women in the formal and informal self-employment sector in a large metropolitan area of Arizona. Qualitative research is used to explore factors that impact self-employment activities of... more
O filme Que horas ela volta? (2015), de Anna Muylaert, narra a perturbação do cotidiano de uma família da elite paulistana depois da chegada da filha de sua empregada doméstica. Este artigo analisa os modos como o filme narra vivências... more
Women population migrations are very significant in the broader international migration phenomenon, not only because of the number of people involved, but also because they have their own particular characteristics which distinguish them... more
Female labor force participation is lower than men's in many developing countries, including Turkey. The reasons for this situation vary by country but are typically based on cultural and social norms. Given the difficulties that women... more
The intersecting issues of freedom of association, arbitrary detention, and gender based violence and harassment (GBVH) facing migrant workers on global product and labor supply chains should be an area of focus as the UN Special... more
本研究の目的は、国境を超える移住家事労働を行う女性に影響を与え、その半面では女性から影響を受けるマクロの社会、経済、歴史的文脈をとらえた上で、移住女性個々人の人生をマクロの文脈に位置付けながら、移住家事労働が女性たちにどのように経験され、女性たちになにをもたらすのかを、社会学とジェンダー研究の視点を用いて明らかにすることである。... more
Agoraia "Beschützerin des Versammlungsortes ", Aithuia "Beschützerin der Seefahrer", Ambulia "jene, die Rat gibt", Ossiderchia "die mit dem scharfsinnigem Blick", Poliate und Polisca "Beschützerin der Stadt", Xenia "Beschützerin der... more