Female Identity
Recent papers in Female Identity
In England, all over the 17 th century, some women contributed to the reshaping of the female identity. By means of literary and debating skills, they drew attention to their intellectual richness, in spite of their obvious lack of... more
Mainly set in Southwestern Ontario, Alice Munro is widely known as a prestigious Canadian short-story writer who explores the complexities of human souls in everyday-life tales with apparently prosaic plots. Munro has been acclaimed as... more
Este estudio tiene como objetivo enmarcar la novela Bestiaria vida dentro de los límites del relato de cura femenino. Para ello vamos a ir recorriendo poco a poco cada uno de los eslabones que configuran este tipo de relato y comprobando... more
Elena Ferrante’s novel My Brilliant Friend showcases the lives of mainly two girls growing up in a patriarchal society in Naples. This paper argues that living in that society, the formation of an identity as a young woman is very... more
The article explores conceptualization of femininity and the self in twentieth century China through the paintings of Pan Yuliang (1899-1977) and advertising posters. Pan renders the female body with a synthesis of modernist styles and a... more
When Elizabeth Gilbert’s personal memoir, Eat, Pray, Love, was published in 2006, it was met with tremendous critical and popular success, and eventually became an international bestseller as well as a feature film that grossed nearly... more
Cette recherche est une démarche exploratoire dans une quête du Soi au féminin à travers la performance théâtrale et la narrativité performative. Dans une écriture à la première personne, l’auteure se trace un chemin de découverte à... more
RESUMEN La investigación ha demostrado que existen ciertos rasgos de personalidad que correlacionan de manera positiva con el estrés crónico y la enfermedad, como fallas importantes en la mentalización y la incapacidad para reconocer y... more
At the beginning of the 20th century, gender in the Ottoman Empire was shaped by nationalist views. The most obvious examples of this can be observed in the literary production of the period, especially in the novels. Peyami Safa also... more
Using the media images from the exhibition 'The New Woman Behind the Camera' at the National Gallery of Art, Washington (31st October, 2021 - 30th January, 2022) as a starting point, this text examines the (in)visibility of the "New... more
L’Italia detiene uno dei tassi di natalità più bassi al mondo e infertilità e sterilità stanno diventando realtà sempre più diffuse. Dopo diversi tentativi infruttuosi, alcuni aspiranti genitori intraprendono la strada per avere un figlio... more
Why academic women struggle to find an identity of their own in "the genderization of science" (Keller, 1984, 78)? Is it because they still "face stereotyping, gendered barriers, exclusion, mobbing, discounting and discrediting in the... more
Talking about the revolutionary power of women's laughter, Jo Anna Isaak affirms that “the crisis of authority and value,” that is symptomatic of postmodernism, has been “instigated largely by a feminist deployment of laughter.” Since the... more
Historical processes imply different impacts on different historical agents. The processes that shaped the neoliberal capitalist market imposed the white heterosexual male as the only official agent of historical processes. This... more
The Industrial Revolution has always preserved its significance not only in economic sphere but also in social and literary arenas where it has created some important changes in the lives of people. The very first thing it has affected is... more
: This paper present Virginia Woolf’s novel, To the Light House (1927), through the light of theories of feminist scholar Luce Irigray. By studying Woolf’s biography it seems that she wants to show women’s experience among her family... more
Italy has one of the lowest birth rates in the world and involuntary childlessness is becoming an increasing reality. After several unsuccessful attempts, some prospective parents embark on the road to having a child through assisted... more
Abstract: The current paper is interested in how female identity is artificially constructed through Soviet propaganda, particularly through a new visual language and symbolism, exemplified through the most famous Soviet sculpture,... more
Aspects of female social isolation, secrets and silence in Greek tragedy ‘Telemachus: Go to your quarters now and attend to your own work, the loom and the spindle… Making decisions must be men’s concern….’ (The Odyssey 1.356-359)... more
Women's movement continues the historical development it underwent during the Industrial Revolution, World War II, the Cold War, and the Neoliberal period with reactive changes. It's also experiencing new developments under the current... more
The ritual in its context and indeed the magical one is approached as " text " and " speech " and its readings/hearings are extremely interesting. The female, spoken, magic words as well as the body language often shape or deny the... more
Please feel free to contact me if you should experience problems getting hold of one or more of my publications. This is a collection of papers presented at the conference «Anglo-German Linguistic Relations», held at Queen Mary,... more
Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar en el libro de la temprana Hannah Arendt sobre la vida de Rahel Varnhagen -Rahel Varnhagen: The life of a Jewesslos primeros esbozos de los conceptos políticos que desarrollaría a lo largo de... more
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este artículo es, en primer término, mostrar el uso político y subversivo el tema de la artificialidad femenina en Monsieur Vénus, de Rachilde y Dulce Dueño, de Emilia Pardo Bazán. Si bien sus protagonistas se han... more
Link para a publicação deste trabalho: http://publicacoes.fafire.br/diretorio/vpv/vpv_16_03.pdf Resumo Voltar a Palermo é um romance histórico escrito por Luzilá Gonçalves Ferreira e publicado em 2002, que nos conta a história de Maria,... more
Bütün insanların eşit haklara sahip olduğu varsayılmaktadır. Teorik olarak herkes, kanun önünde eşittir. Ancak uygulamada bu eşitlikten herkes faydalanamamaktadır. Bu nedenle, dezavantajlı grupların toplum içindeki konumlarını... more
The U.S. tour of female poets Mia Lecomte and Candelaria Romero after the publication of the volume _A New Map. The Poetry of Migrant Writers in Italy_ prompts a discussion on the status of female writing and migration in the framework of... more
This thesis concerns the female gender identity generally known as the tomboy-a nonmarginal gender identity. As a result of the non-marginality and complexity of this gender identity research on the subject is sparse. Moreover, previous... more
This paper discusses Arab women's resistance against multiple types of patriarchal and cultural oppression in Hana Al-Shaykh's Women of Sand and Myrrh (1992). The paper also discusses the importance of education, employment, and freedom... more
Elhangzott: Az erőszak és az ellenségkép-képzés diszkurzív stratégiái és társadalmi gyakorlata című konferencián Budapest, WJLF, 2016. május 18.
The U.S. tour of female poets Mia Lecomte and Candelaria Romero after the publication of the volume _A New Map. The Poetry of Migrant Writers in Italy_ prompts a discussion on the status of female writing and migration in the framework... more
The current paper is interested in how female identity is artificially constructed through Soviet propaganda, particularly through a new visual language and symbolism, exemplified through the most famous Soviet sculpture, 'Worker and... more
Why academic women struggle to find an identity of their own in "the genderization of science" (Keller, 1984, 78)? Is it because they still "face stereotyping, gendered barriers, exclusion, mobbing, discounting... more