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Suç Korkusu ve Suç Mağduriyeti Üzerine  bir düşünme pratiğidir amaç.
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      Fear of CrimeSuçSuç KorkusuSuç Mağduriyeti
Özet Suç korkusu, suçla çok yakından ilgili olmakla birlikte suçtan bağımsız bir olgudur. Suç oranlarının artışına paralel olarak artan suç korkusunun suç oranlarındaki düşüşle birlikte düşmediği pek çok araştırma sonucu elde edilen ortak... more
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      Fear of CrimeSecurity PolicyPerception of Crime and SafetyFeelings of Unsafety
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    • Fear of Crime
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to critically review the core findings from recently published place-based crime prevention research. The paper aims to critically evaluate the available evidence on the contribution of crime... more
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      Access ControlFear of CrimeProperty ManagementDesign Methodology
In June 2008 the search term ''Madeleine McCann'' generated around 3700 videos on YouTube, attracting over seven million text responses. This research project used generic analysis to allocate videos to categories according to their... more
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      SociologyCopyrightFear of CrimeIntellectual Property Rights
Cette etude qualitative sur le sentiment d’insecurite des personnes âgees a ete realisee sur mandat de la Police cantonale genevoise. Visant a mesurer la perception par les aines euxmemes des risques auxquels ils sont exposes dans leur... more
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      Fear of CrimeQuality of Life and Elderly PeopleElderlySécurité
Why has the public persisted in believing that violent crime is a widespread national problem in the U.S. despite declining trends in crime and the fact that crime is concentrated in urban locations? Cultivation theory suggests that... more
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      CommunicationFear of CrimePerceived RiskSpectrum
An important factor that limits children's autonomy outdoors is parental perception of social danger and traffic danger. To obtain quantitative instruments for these dimensions, this work aimed to explore the validity and reliability of... more
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      Environmental PsychologyFear of CrimeMultidisciplinaryConstruct Validity
Jason Ditton is Professor of criminology at Sheffield University. He conducts research into the fear of crime, crime prevention initiatives, and the use of illegal drugs.
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    • Fear of Crime
Levels of fear of crime across different modes of public transport in Mexico City are analysed, using data from the 2007 Survey on Victimization and Institutional Efficacy conducted in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area. Approximately... more
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      Fear of CrimeCrime PreventionMexico
The idea that capitalist system reproduces by the growth of inequality and poverty is not new since it has been discussed widely by Marxism and post-marxism in the four corners of the world. However, the intersection of terrorism and... more
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      SociologyTerrorismFear of Crime
Książka jest pierwszą w polskiej literaturze monografią poświęconą problematyce lęku przed przestępczością, uwzględniającą najnowsze ustalenia teoretyczne polskiej i zagranicznej literatury, pełny przegląd metod badań tego zagadnienia... more
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      CriminologyFear of CrimeKryminologia
Pocit bezpečí ovlivňuje náš každodenní život, prostorovou mobilitu a zároveň působí na naši spokojenost i kvalitu života. Jeho důležitost dokazuje i Maslowova hierarchie potřeb člověka, ve které se bezpečnost a ochrana v širším slova... more
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      Fear of CrimeSafetyPerception of Crime and Safety
Experience and expression : social and cultural significance in the fear of crime Originally published in The British journal of criminology, 44 (6). pp. 946-966 Abstract This paper argues that to ignore the social meaning that... more
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    • Fear of Crime
In this paper, I aim to analyze the phenomenon of Gated Communities in Sao Paulo. Focusing specifically on Alphaville, a suburban real estate and gated community in Brazil, I want to stress and elaborate on the process of suburbanization... more
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      Fear of CrimeGated CommunitiesAntiurbanism
The article argues we can develop and achieve better outcomes for public spaces by involving stakeholders of places and spaces in the research process, particularly by developing and applying a model for data collection and analysis based... more
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      Fear of CrimeSafetyPlanning and design of villages and urban
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      Sociology of DisasterCommunity PsychologyViolenceMental Health
Cowardice is the service to death and the betrayal to Life within us. // Трусость — это служение смерти и измена Жизни внутри нас.
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Given the fact that women are less likely to experience crime victimization than males, researchers have been puzzled for decades as to why women experience higher levels of fear of victimization. Scholars such as Warr (1984) and Ferraro... more
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      Fear of CrimeSex DifferenceUnited States
Nell’ambito di un lavoro orientato a comprendere il ruolo della rule of law sull’equilibrio fra sicurezza e libertà nell’ambito di sistemi democratici di qualità, il presente capitolo si propone principalmente di offrire una panoramica,... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyCriminal Law
The death penalty is a controversial subject in our society. Research has explored why people support or oppose capital punishment. Most the literature to date looks at the reasons provided one at a time. In this study, a multivariate... more
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      Fear of CrimeMultivariate AnalysisCollege StudentsStatistical Significance
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      AestheticsArchitectureEnvironmental PsychologyUrban Planning
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a ways to prevent crime from happen by manipulating the built environment through effective design. The research aims to investigate the level of CPTED implementation by the Kuala... more
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      Fear of CrimeCrime PreventionCrimeKuala Lumpur
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      Fear of CrimeHistory of architectureCriminology, Policing, Crime Prevention and Community Safety, Terrorism, Human Rights, and the Death Penalty
At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, people found it to be challenging to deal with what was called the new normal. However, soon they got used to it and recognised some of its advantages. Many started to see some hidden... more
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      Fear of CrimeCavesCultural TransformationSyndrome
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticeSociology of Risk
The purpose of this article is to present general findings of a survey on fear of crime in a sample of 2,377 respondents in the capitals of the republics and one autonomous region of the Former Yugoslavia in 2009. Design/Methods/Approach:
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      VictimologyFear of Crime
The large number of xenophobic attacks that broke out in different places in South Africa during 2008 was still continuing unabated 10 years later. We were stressed to come to terms with the reality that this occurred in a country that is... more
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      Practical theologyFear of CrimeHomileticsXenophobia
This paper proposes a tool to be used by aspiring horror game developers, to design more horrifying and immersive horror experiences by distributing the psychological aspects of fear into a spectrum of emotional components that could... more
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      Anxiety DisordersTerrorismInternational TerrorismSocial Anxiety
A relationship between fear of crime and the racial composition of place has been widely assumed but seldom tested. Interviews conducted with a random sample of adults residing in a major state capital in the early months of 1994-at the... more
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      CriminologyPhilosophyApplied EthicsFear of Crime
Why is support for marijuana legalization among African Americans notably modest given that such a policy would drastically reduce the number of African Americans arrested annually for nonviolent drug offenses? In this article I assess... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPsychologySocial Psychology
A large body of empirical research exploring emotional responses to crime in Europe, North America and elsewhere suggests that substantial proportions of the public worry about victimisation. The British Crime Survey (BCS) has asked... more
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      CriminologyFear of Crime
This paper explores the connection of BBC's Sherlock, Terror and technology. It takes a closer look at Sherlock as a Cyborg, Bombs, Cell phones, the Internet and other devices used to create a thrilling atmosphere as well as to question... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnologyTerrorismFear
The essays in the fourth volume of The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research reflect upon and examine critically the justice disciplines in Canada. In using this term, we refer to stand-alone postsecondary university degree... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial PsychologyCriminal Law
"The Criminalization of Immigration: Contexts and Consequences explores these competing narratives and the consequences of criminalizing immigration in the United States and abroad. It examines the impact of national, state, and local... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyCriminology
In the present analysis a research hypothesis regarding the impact of specific environmental and socioeconomic factors on fear of crime and insecurity and the problems derived from the respondents’ victimization is being posed and... more
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      Fear of CrimeQuantitative criminology
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      MarketingTourism ManagementRiskFear of Crime
Zjawisko strachu przed przestępczością jest po nie tylko miernikiem obaw społeczeństwa przed przestępczością, ale i wskaźnikiem funkcjonalności agend odpowiedzialnych za zapewnianie bezpieczeństwa obywateli. Pomiar strachu przed... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeSocial Research Methods and MethodologySecurity
Report about the Maui-Molokai Adult Drug Court, which I created and which achieved over 12 years an 84% success rate for graduates, measured by whether a graduate committed another felony crime. The program has many innovative features,... more
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      CriminologyCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeRehabilitation Medicine
Los habitantes de las sociedades occidentales avanzadas ya deberiamos saber que “la seguridad es patrimonio de todos, y exige la corresponsabilizacion de la ciudadania” (Ministerio de Interior del Gobierno de Espana). Desde la gran... more
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      SociologyUrban HistoryPolitical SciencePolice
Rail users consistently perceive their risks from crime to be significantly higher than official statistics suggest, discouraging many from using rail transport. The aims of the paper include a discussion of Crime Prevention Through... more
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      Fear of CrimeVirtual RealityCase StudyTransport Management
É comum entender o termo 'segurança' como preservação da ordem social e jurídica, que se experimenta como uma sensação. Spinoza (2016) chamou essa sensação de alegria. Segurança, para o filosofo holandês, envolve assegurar a passagem do... more
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      Social PsychologyFear of CrimePublic Security
Research exploring emotional responses to crime in European and North American countries has suggested that a significant proportion of western populations live in 'fear' of crime. However, recent reviews of the methodologies employed by... more
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    • Fear of Crime
This paper examines women's experience of fear of crime in rural areas. It argues that much existing research on issues of gender, fear and safety have focused on urban areas and that as a result we know relatively little about women's... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyExclusionFear of Crime
... A. Schafer a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Beth M. Huebner b and Timothy S. Bynum c. ... that Americans had a substantial fear of crime and that crime-related fear was greater among... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeFear of CrimeGender Difference
Background: The use of physical restraints has generated immense controversy in the delivery of services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. The current zeitgeist is that effective positive approaches obviate the need for using... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyHealth SciencesMental Health
There is a stark contrast between heightened perceptions of risk associated with drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) and a lack of evidence that this is a widespread threat. Through surveys and interviews with university students in... more
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      Criminal JusticeSociology of RiskAlcohol StudiesCrime Analysis
This chapter starts by listing 10 reasons why crime and safety in rural areas is a subject worth examining in its own right. These 10 reasons guide the themes discussed in this book and are developed in detail in Chapters 3-14.
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      Rural crimeFear of CrimeCrime Prevention
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      SociologyCriminal JusticeSocial WorkSocial Sciences
I look at the relationship between journalism, detective fiction, and the creation of an official detective force in Victorian England and examine the role of class, literacy, and self education in promoting detectives as professional men... more
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      Victorian StudiesDetective FictionVictorian cultural studiesFear of Crime