Fast Algorithm

3,428 papers
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A fast algorithm is a computational procedure designed to solve a problem efficiently, minimizing the time complexity and resource usage. It typically employs optimized techniques and data structures to achieve quicker execution compared to standard algorithms, thereby enhancing performance in processing large datasets or complex calculations.
The eddy current non-destructive evaluation (NDE) modelling using Stratton-Chu formulation-based fast algorithm is analysed. Stratton-Chu formulations, which have no low frequency breakdown issue, are selected for modelling... more
This article presents a new Fast Hash-based File Existence Checking (FHFEC) method for archiving systems. During the archiving process, there are many submissions which are actually unchanged files that do not need to be re-archived. In... more
In this paper, we develop a discrete wavelet Petrov–Galerkin method for integral equations of the second kind with weakly singular kernels suitable for solving boundary integral equations. A compression strategy for the design of a fast... more
An orthogonal drawing of a planar graph G is a drawing of G such that each vertex is drawn as a point, each edge is drawn as a sequence of alternate horizontal and vertical line segment, and any two edges do not cross except at their... more
An algorithm is presented, that provides a fast and robust reconstruction of neutrino induced upward-going muons and a discrimination of these events from downward-going atmospheric muon background in data collected by the ANTARES... more
We present a fast algorithm for continuous collision detection between a moving avatar and its surrounding virtual environment. We model the avatar as an articulated body using line-skeletons with constant offsets and the virtual... more
We present a fast algorithm for continuous collision detection between a moving avatar and its surrounding virtual environment. We model the avatar as an articulated body using line-skeletons with constant offsets and the virtual... more
The late Professor Stephen Benton, co-inventor of the world's first holographic video system, sometimes quipped that we were "only 3 Nobel Prizes away" from a practical product. This presentation describes the baby steps, technical... more
In this study, a new Hamiltonian loop construction algorithm is proposed for planar 3-regular diagrams of specific structures. Based on the original element theory and the perfect matching algorithm I proposed earlier, the algorithm... more
In this paper we study the problem of reconstructing orthogonal polyhedra from a putative vertex set, i.e., we are given a set of points and want to find an orthogonal polyhedron for which this is the set of vertices. We are especially... more
This paper presents an extension over a novel, three dimensional high frequency method for the calculation of the scattered electromagnetic (EM) field from a Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) plate, which is based on the Physical Optics... more
Sequencing technologies used to generate long strands of DNA are susceptible to laboratory errors that may result in several DNA nucleotides being deleted from the genome. Detecting such deletions in the protein coding regions is of... more
In this paper, we propose a new strategy for online placement algorithm on 2D partially reconfigurable devices, termed the Quad-Corner(QC). The main differences between our algorithm and related art are quad-corner spreading capability... more
We develop a fast algorithm to calculate the entanglement of formation of a mixed state, which is defined as the minimum average entanglement of the pure states that form the mixed state. The algorithm combines conjugate gradient and... more
En este trabajo se han propuesto y estudiado nuevas máscaras multifocales que permiten modular, en tiempo real, la intensidad relativa entre picos. Experimentalmente, utilizando un cristal líquido en fase nemática como modulador de fase,... more
The discrete Hartley transform is generalized into four classes in the same way as the generalized discrete Fourier transform. Fast algorithms for the resulting transforms are de rived. The generalized transforms are expected to be useful... more
Accuracy, speed and numerical stability are among the major factors restricting the use of Zernike moments (ZMs) in numerous commercial applications where they are a tool of significant utility. Often these factors are conflicting in... more
Let S be a set of n > 2 points in the plane whose convex hull has perimeter t. Given a number P ≥ t, we study the following problem: Of all curves of perimeter P that enclose S, which is the curve that encloses the maximum area? In... more
We consider guarding classes of simple polygons using mobile guards (polygon edges and diagonals) under the constraint that no two guards may see each other. In contrast to most other art gallery problems, existence is the primary... more
In this correspondence, an index permutation-based fast twodimensional discrete cosine transform (2-D DCT) algorithm is presented. It is shown that the N 2 N N 2 N N 2 N 2-D DCT, where N = 2 m N = 2 m N = 2 m , can be computed using only... more
The central problem in the implementation of a Reed-Solomon code is finding the roots of the error locator polynomial. In 1967, Berlekamp et al. found an algorithm for finding the roots of an affine polynomial in GF(2 m ) that can be used... more
In this work we discuss the development of fast algorithms for the inelastic Boltzmann equation describing the coUisional motion of a granular gas. In such systems the collisions between particles occur in an inelastic way and are... more
Some of the fastest practical algorithms for IP route lookup are based on space-efficient encodings of multi-bit tries . Unfortunately, the time required by these algorithms grows in proportion to the address length, making them less... more
We present fast new algorithms for evaluating trees with respect to least squares and minimum evolution (ME), the most commonly used criteria for inferring phylogenetic trees from distance data. The new algorithms include an optimal O(N 2... more
This paper describes the purpose and recent summary of our research work which is a part of research project “Computational anatomy for computer-aided diagnosis and therapy: Frontiers of medical image sciences” that was funded by... more
This paper studies the application of preconditioned conjugate gradient methods in high resolution color image reconstruction problems. The high resolution color images are reconstructed from multiple undersampled, shifted, degraded color... more
Partitions and representations 1 A2. Ferrers diagrams of partitions 2 A3. Addition on partitions 6 A4. Multiplication on partitions 6 A5. Dominance partial ordering 7 Chapter B. Generating Functions of Partitions Il BI. Basic generating... more
Extending the classical Legendre's result, we describe all solutions of the inequality |α -a/b| < c/b 2 in terms of convergents of continued fraction expansion of α. Namely, we show that a/b = (rpm+1 ± spm)/(rqm+1 ± sqm) for some... more
The Cascade Correlation [l] is a very flexible, efficient and fast algorithm for supervised learning. It incrementally builds the network by adding hidden units one at a time, until the desired input/output mapping is achieved. It... more
The Cascade Correlation [l] is a very flexible, efficient and fast algorithm for supervised learning. It incrementally builds the network by adding hidden units one at a time, until the desired input/output mapping is achieved. It... more
Collision detection is one of the most important tools that has been used widely in animation and simulation especially in computer games and medical simulation purpose. One of the critical issues in collision detection system is to... more
We present a novel and fast algorithm to estimate penetration depth (PD) between two polyhedral models. Given two overlapping polyhedra, it computes the minimal translational distance to separate them using a combination of discretized... more
Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any oenalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.
by Kui Wu
In many emerging applications, data streams are monitored in a network environment. Due to limited communication bandwidth and other resource constraints, a critical and practical demand is to online compress data streams continuously... more
In this paper, we apply a newly developed method to solve boundary value problems for differential equations to solve optimal space guidance problems in a fast and accurate fashion. The method relies on the least-squares solution of... more
In this paper, we show the optimality of a certain class of disturbance-affine control policies in the context of one-dimensional, constrained, multi-stage robust optimization. Our results cover the finite horizon case, with minimax... more
Abstract: We discuss in this paper a method of finding skyline or non-dominated points in a set $ P $ of $ n_P $ points with respect to a set $ S $ of $ n_S $ sites. A point $ p_i\ in P $ is non-dominated if and only if for each $ p_j\ in... more
Non-Gaussian Lévy noises are present in many models for understanding underlining principles of physics, finance, biology and more. In this work, we consider the Fokker-Planck equation(FPE) due to one-dimensional asymmetric Lévy motion,... more
This paper addresses the problem of computing robust trajectories against uncertainties in the robot model. Based on the notion of closed-loop state sensitivity introduced in [1], [2] for identifying deviations of the closed-loop... more
Prototype design and testing is an indispensable stage of any project development in many fields of activity, such as aeronautical, spatial, automotive industries or architecture. Scientists and engineers rely on prototyping for a visual... more
We establish new functional relations for the dilogarithm involving two variables, which adhere the properties of Polylogarithm. We also considered several closely-related identities such as (for example) polylogarithm (also known as... more
Universal designated verifier signatures (UDVS) were introduced in 2003 by Steinfeld et al. to allow signature holders to monitor the verification of a given signature in the sense that any plain signature can be publicly turned into a... more
This paper describes a fast algorithm for estimating formation permeability from Stoneley wave logs. The procedure uses a simplified Biot‐Rosenbaum model formulation. The input to the inversion is the Stoneley‐wave spectral amplitudes at... more