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This dissertation provides an examination of the cultural significance of mannequins during the interwar years. As women grew increasingly visible outside of domestic roles subsequent to the First World War and emerging... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesPhotographyVisual CultureSurrealism
No need to mention that apparel merchandising is one of the primary and essential activities in apparel manufacturing and apparel export business. Hence garment manufacturers set up merchandising department. Factories hire merchandisers... more
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      Fashion/Design Signalling Systems--how status, power, wealth, taste, sophistication, uniqueness, imagination, worldliness, etherality get signaledFashion MerchandisingApparel Merchandising
European Norm 13402-3 sets standards for clothes sizing designation. Depending on the kind of garment, between one to up to four anthropometric dimensions need to be considered in defining the clothing size system. According to the... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementErgonomicsAnthropometricsInternational Retailing
Luxury goods are selling well and the growth of the industry has barely been slowed down by the Asian crisis (Les Echos, 04-30-1998, 09-25-1998; Le Figaro, 04-06-1998; Financial Times, 04-24-1999). As in many other growth markets, though,... more
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      BusinessInternational RetailingRetail ManagementFashion Merchandising
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      Fashion TheoryFashion HistoryInternational RetailingFashion (Business)
In retail industry furniture and furnishing category has become more competitive. There are many players entering into organized format of retail in this category. Therefore, it becomes important for retailers to differentiate themselves... more
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      BusinessAdvertisingConsumer BehaviorInternational Marketing
ABSTRACT Risk and Reputation in the Fashion and Luxury Sectors
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      Digital MediaFashion ethics and sustainabilityInternational RetailingCorporate Reputation
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      MarketingStrategic ManagementRetail ManagementFashion Merchandising
This paper uses available research and literature to asses the best possible options for Fabindia's international expantion.
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Retailers and manufacturers should seek technology data systems to help them manage business strategies related with their assortment, supply, store space and customer´s needs. Every product in every category presents different... more
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      Fashion MerchandisingSpace PlanningVisual Merchandising and Consumer BehaviourMerchandise Assortment Planning
The case study presented here offers a lens through which to study Chinese brand development in the global marketplace, and sheds light on the ways in which brands and culture circulate and construct each other in global brand culture.... more
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      Brand ManagementConsumer Culture TheoryInternational RetailingBranding
As a part of our mid-term examination, we have been given to complete an assignment on different types of fabrics. Hence I have chosen 5 fabrics from Knit and 5 fabrics from woven. I have attached samples & described their uses. The... more
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      Knitwear DesignWoven TextilesFashion MerchandisingFast Fashion Industry
Retail industry in India is booming and there is fierce competition. The country indeed has become the cynosure of FDI in retail sector and policies are heading towards more liberalization to attract foreign investment. There are various... more
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      MarketingMerchandisingConsumer BehaviorInternational Marketing
More than 100+ questions here for face any kind of Merchandising Job Interview.
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      MerchandisingIndustrial EngineeringTextile TechnologyFashion Merchandising
Fashion in the twenty-first century in Iran has become highly inventive, surprisingly innovative, and undoubtedly glamorous. This is a surprise to some in the West who are accustomed to seeing images of large public gatherings of men and... more
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      Cultural StudiesIslamic LawIslamic EconomicsFashion design
Ready Made Garment industry has an over whelming presence in contributing maximum foreign exchange to Indian economy. The largest consumer group of the readymade garment industry includes the age group of 16-35, which is very brand... more
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    • Fashion Merchandising
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      Fashion designApparel MarketingMerchandisingApparel Product Design & Development
Apparel industry in India is booming and there is fierce competition among various players in apparel segment in terms of lifestyle format. The study is aimed to find out impact of various dimensions of visual merchandising on impulse... more
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      MarketingMerchandisingConsumer BehaviorInternational Marketing
The main Objective of this market research was to find out the market gap between identity conscious Sri Lankans and Sri Lankan Designer wear that is in the market. As far as Sri Lankan designer wear is concerned there is a lack of modern... more
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      MarketingFashion TheoryEthics & Social SustainabilityHistory of Textiles
Its important Documents for Merchandising department as known as a Merchandiser.
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    • Fashion Merchandising
Fast fashion refers to the strategy to respond to the latest fashion trends by short production and distribution lead times, limited supplies and rapid inventory turn rates. Research on fast fashion mostly investigates producers’ side,... more
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      MarketingBrand ManagementFashion TheoryConsumption Studies
Fashion branding is more than just advertising. It has been defined as the cumulative image approach targeting customers with products, advertising and promotions organized around a coherent image. It helps to encourage the purchase and... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesFashion designFashion Theory
In: Jan Brand & José Teunissen (eds), The Power of Fashion. About Design and Meaning. Arnhem: Terra, Artez Press, 2006: 152-171.
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesFashion designFashion Theory
Trend Forecasting 2017
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      Fashion designForecastingFashion MerchandisingNew Trends in Education
ABSTRACT Retail industry in India is booming and there is fierce competition. The country indeed has become the cynosure of FDI in retail sector and policies are heading towards more liberalization to attract foreign investment. There are... more
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      BusinessAdvertisingConsumer BehaviorConsumer Research
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    • Fashion Merchandising
ABSTRACT This article is about “importance of fashion branding at the international fashion trade” and “differences between Zara and Turkey’s first fashion brand Vakko”. This article has two chapters. First chapter is about success... more
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      MarketingInternational TradeFashion Merchandising
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      Fashion TheoryFashion ethics and sustainabilityInternational RetailingRetail Management
The catalog to a fashion exhibition I co-curated in 2009.
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      Fashion designFashion TheoryDress StudiesAnthropology of Dress
Missoni is a luxury Italian knitwear brand that partnered with Target in September 2011 releasing a large, one off, mass-market collection that ranged from apparel to home wares. The collaboration received extensive media coverage and was... more
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      DesignFashion designBrand ManagementStrategic Brand Management
Apparel industry in India is booming and there is fierce competition among various players in apparel segment in terms of lifestyle format. The study is aimed to find out impact of various dimensions of visual merchandising on impulse... more
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      MarketingConsumer BehaviorInternational MarketingMarketing Research
Article about the links between fans painting and miniature during the XVIIIth century. in Miniature et éventails en Europe au XVIIIe siècle. La question du portrait. Colloque international "Miniature et éventail", Paris, Fondation... more
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      Eighteenth-Century French StudiesFashion MerchandisingArt, Miniature PaintingParis
Neem contact met mij op voor de complete paper en toelichting. Afbeeldingen van dunne modellen in de media zorgen voor een toename van de lichaamsontevredenheid, objectified body consciousness en sociale vergelijking van vrouwen. Deze... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyExperimental Psychology
Fino alla fine degli anni Novanta la Moda poteva dosare le proprie apparizioni, distillandone i preziosi contenuti decidendo quando e quanto dovevano essere condivisibili: la possibilità di vedere da vicino le creazioni degli stilisti era... more
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      Fashion designFashion TheoryBloggings, Social Webbings, & Other Emergent Writing/Reading FormsBlogs
With the advent of information technologies and emergence of online stores, the online shopping has not been the same as it was in the past. Now in order to strive in this cut throat competition it is of vital importance for the... more
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      International RetailingOnline MarketingRetail ManagementFashion Merchandising
The professional projects of Donna Haraway, a third-wave feminist, and Alexander McQueen, an avant-garde fashion designer, show remarkable convergence in their appropriative, purposeful blurring of the distinction between the natural and... more
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      Critical TheoryPsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial Psychology
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesInternational RetailingRetail Management
“Las experiencias son la base de todo conocimiento”, postula una de las más influyentes corrientes del pensamiento filosófico, el empirismo, que, iniciado con Aristóteles, simulan la mente humana a una “tabula rasa”, sobre la que solo, a... more
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      MerchandisingRetail MarketingExperiential MarketingFashion Merchandising
Lector, no autor. Creando categorías de nuevos productos , cuando todavía no existen en la mercadología. Apple, en las computadoras para uso editorial, ilustración y música. Cuando algo esta fuera de las categorías industriales, está en... more
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      Industrial DesignSustainable DevelopmentProduct DesignConsumer Behavior
In spite of having very good growth potential, retail in India is passing through turbulent times and therefore, differentiation becomes very essential. There are various players in apparel segment in terms of lifestyle format. These... more
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      MarketingApparel MarketingMerchandisingConsumer Behavior
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      MarketingBrand ManagementFashion TheoryCorporate Identity Design
Dress has played a vital role as a form of expression for different ethnic groups in the diverse city of Toronto. This is a means by which communities have maintained their relationships to their homelands and preserved memories (Brown,... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin AmericaFashion MerchandisingFashion Retailing
The scholarship of Donna Haraway conducts a searing polemic against essentialist theorizing in feminist and gender studies by relying upon a novel methodology, which neither rejects the trappings of a culture addicted to technoscience,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
Au fil de nos découvertes et de nos recherches, cet article de quelques pages est devenu une somme que nous avons souhaité publier en plusieurs livraisons. A l'instar de ce que nous avons proposé aux lecteurs pour l'article sur Les... more
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      Prints (Art History)Fashion MerchandisingParisResearch papers
O compartilhamento inserido na moda, economia criativa e sustentabilidade é pauta para o estudo teórico em questão. Foram analisados fatores relevantes dentro de cada um desses conceitos através de pesquisas exploratórias online e revisão... more
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      MarketingFashion TheoryBlogsBlogs, Blogging, the Blogosphere
The present research depends on studying the characteristics of tally woven fabric structures in Egyptian folklore of arts in some governorates from the delta to upper in Egypt.
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      Fashion TheoryFashion ethics and sustainabilityFashion HistoryFashion Marketing
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      Fashion TheoryFashion HistoryInternational RetailingPhilosophy Of Fashion
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      International RetailingRetail ManagementFashion MerchandisingGlobal Fashion
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      Fashion TheoryFashion HistoryInternational RetailingFashion (Business)