Compte rendu critique et analytique de l'exposition "CinéMode par Jean Paul Gaultier" (2021, Cinémathèque française)
Catalogue essay for the exhibition "Linda Jackson Tropical Design", Cairns Art Gallery from 8 February - 5 May 2019
Review of exhibition "Hand and Heart Shall Never Part: The Fashion Collaboration of Linda Jackson and David McDiarmid, Wollongong Art Gallery, 24 September 2016 - 12 February 2017
This article explores the increasing prominence of Korean contemporary artists in the global art market through their collaborations with prestigious luxury brands. It provides an in-depth analysis of how luxury brands such as Hermès,... more
Ce mémoire explore la manière dont Cristóbal Balenciaga est présenté dans les musées occidentaux, notamment en Espagne, en France et en Amérique du Nord. En analysant ses liens avec la peinture, les traditions populaires et... more
This year's special exhibition KINDER IN SAMT UND SEIDE shows magnificent children's clothing from over 400 years of fashion history in dialog with children's portraits from our collection. On display are over forty precious fashion... more
Todos os direitos reservados e protegidos pela Lei 5988 de 14/12/73. Nenhuma parte deste livro, sem autorização prévia por escrito da editora, poderá ser reproduzida ou transmitida para fins comerciais, sejam quais forem os meios... more
This research identifies ‘Designer Intent’ as way of evaluating authenticity when conserving postmodern fashion artefacts incorporating modern, transient materials and technologies, supporting a dress object’s ‘continual identity’ - A new... more
La teoria del design del XXI secolo ha contribuito in larga misura a evidenziare la coesistenza antagonista di capitalismo ed emergenze socio-ambientali. Tuttavia, ha solo marginalmente indagato il ruolo che i fashion designer possono... more
"Fashion and Contemporary Work of Art: Processes, Procedures and Cross-Contaminations in the Work of Joana Vasconcelos"
This article reviews and analyses the use of African textiles in recent curatorial practices in Belgium from 2019 to 2021. We wish to emphasize the importance of the archival value of the textiles and to condemn museological... more
Digital Resources in Humanities and the Arts) continues to be a key gathering for all those are influenced by the digitization of cultural activity, recourses and heritage in the UK and beyond. A series of annual conferences whose goal is... more
A pompadour made from black hair extensions balances on top of a slightly larger-than-lifesized mannequin: lower torso, legs and arms; a string-covered yeti or primordial sea creature slouches on a plinth, head on hand, foot resting on a... more
Mulheres artistas urbanas: operações de resistência como poética de dipnoico Urban women artists: resistance operations as poetic of dipnoic Jo A-mi
The concept of Australian fashion as a distinctive style and cultural preoccupation has been long contested. However, historical records and contemporary consumer behavior show that fashion has been integral to the formation of national... more
Abstract: Gender studies and feminist movements question the gender condition, taking into account that gender differences are not natural but are socially constructed, especially the inequality between female and male identities in... more
Jewelry has been used for the purposes of belief, magic, protection or ornamentation since the day the human beings have existed. The phenomenon of jewelry has changed with developing and changing ages and has gained a different meaning... more
This paper is based on the study of the application of the tools of design methodology in technological textile products also called smart fabrics. The application of the design methodology in the creative process took place in a textile... more
This poster is a partial result of ongoing research about indigenous objects displayed in exhibitions dedicated to fashion in Brazil. Based on case studies that brought indigenous and fashion objects together, this brief reflection... more
The design profession is not immune to the systematic oppression of patriarchy, although it has its own gender-specific histories. From the history of design, it is possible to understand the relationship and participation of women in... more
After May 2, 2022, heritage conservation briefly became a hot topic in the world of celebrity gossip. That evening, Kim Kardashian, a reality TV star and entrepreneur, wore a 60-year-old dress that had belonged to Marilyn Monroe to the... more
Os organizadores não tiveram dificuldade em concordar que o melhor espaço para abrigar, em 28 de outubro de 2019, o seminário Arte contemporânea, arquitetura, paisagem, seria o Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói. O museu, ao mesmo... more
Immersa nella campagna parmense, la Villa dei Capolavori di Mamiano di Traversetolo, sede della Fondazione Magnani-Rocca, è una delle più interessanti ed importanti istituzioni artistiche d'Italia. Un luogo dal fascino incredibile e senza... more
Introduction/Problematization: Junior companies are environments that can provide the experience of the business student in the market, develop behavioral and technical skills and have direct contact with the professional environment.... more
Textiles and Clothing Museum. In her research she examines the interrelationships of dress and identity with a social justice lens. She has taught courses across the apparel curriculum in design, product development, merchandising,... more
Che senso ha, oggi, proporre una discussione sulle metodologie della ricerca in design, in un mondo di mutamenti rapidi e imprevedibili, in una situazione che sembra richiedere flessibilità e astuzia, intuizione e azzardo più che il... more
In the last twenty years, fashion has been the main leitmotiv to more than 200 exhibitions in European museums. The rise of fashion exhibitions is linked with the recognition of the economic importance of fashion culture, which has been... more
The fashion industry, influenced by art from a social and cultural point of view, reveals inspiring display designs. In this sense, showcases whose aims are to increase purchase, have started to use installation art in order to attain the... more
Overview: Training and performance attire for intensive physical activity requires particular attention to functional design, and in the case of circus arts these garments carry the additional and essential consideration of safety,... more
This research falls within the framework of studies on fashion journalism and the women's press in Spain. During the 1930s the previously unknown professional role of fashion editor began to take shape in the American media: a position... more
A couturier can also-must be-a surveyor, an outspoken individual who has not exhausted his ability to love, an illusionist, a child, an astonomer, someone naive and a genius, an occasional writer, a copier, a tamer, a promoter, and a... more
This paper is based on the study of the application of the tools of design methodology in technological textile products also called smart fabrics. The application of the design methodology in the creative process took place in a textile... more
This doctoral project engages with historical and critical debates surrounding the presence of fashion exhibitions in the museum. In particular, it problematises the issue of the temporal distance between artefacts and audiences,... more
In recent years there has been increased interest in populations historically underrepresented in museum collections, including those of diverse color, gender, and class. This paper seeks to add size – specifically fatness – to that list,... more
In the article, referring to the Bihor vs. Dior case study, we criticize the phenomenon of illegitimate borrowing of the achievements of a given culture by corporations which we consider an act of cultural appropriation, in terms of both... more