Fascism and Modernism
Recent papers in Fascism and Modernism
In 1936, immediately after the Italian conquest of the Ethiopian territories, the Fascist government initiated a competition to prepare the plan of Addis Ababa. Shortly, the new capital of the Italian empire in East Africa became the... more
Dalla metà degli anni Venti il regime fascista avviò il più grande esperimento di pedagogia politica di massa mai tentato nella storia italiana: forgiare una collettività organizzata di cittadini-sudditi, imbevuti sin dalla più tenera età... more
This article examines the work of the Austrian architect Clemens Holzmeister. A leading representative of Austrian architecture between the wars, and a significant figure in the 1950s and 1960s as teacher of the new generation of Austrian... more
Il paper è dedicato all'analisi delle vicende del Groupe de Grasse (1940-1942), variamente composto da perseguitati politici e artisti in esilio in attesa di un visto per emigrare negli Stati Uniti, trovatisi a condividere a stretto... more
Futurism was one of the so-called historical avant-garde movements. It was founded in 1909 by the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944) and ended, in practice, with his death in 1944. Futurism aimed to accomplish an... more
Call for Contributions (Edited Volume) and Workshop Announcement Date and time: 12 November 2021 (Tue.), 10:00-17:00 MET (online). Interested scholars may submit abstracts (of up to 250 words) to the organizers ([email protected]) by 30... more
La critica di danza come oggetto di studio: note preliminari attorno al caso dell'Italia fascista Giulia Taddeo Edizione digitale Editore ACD -Association des Chercheurs en Danse Notizia bibliografica digitale Giulia Taddeo, « La critica... more
The first visual history of Italian fashion and modernism covering the years of Fascism, this book clarifies fashion’s active role in shaping modern aesthetics, as well as its ambivalent status, between the spreading of international... more
Multipolarismo o Globalismo Global Game of Thrones: Batalla por la Moneda Digital dominante Estamos ante una clase capitalista dominante obsoleta para la historia de la humanidad: por su papel cada vez más improductivo, especulativo y... more
It is one of the great ironies of the history of fascism that, despite their fascination with ultra-nationalism, its adherents understood themselves as members of a transnational political movement. While a true “Fascist International”... more
This book deals with the fate of one of the oldest and largest tangible remains of ancient Rome: the fourth century BCE city wall, incorporated in the city's symbol of modernity, the central train station of Termini. Through a... more
Starting with the tantalizing design of the Camino Chapel in 1954, this chapter looks at the intersection of architecture culture, religion, and politics during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco (1939-1975), and sketches the emergence... more
O presente livro, resultado da edição da tese de doutoramento defendida em 2012, tem como objecto de estudo as agências e as filiais da Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Crédito e Previdência (CGDCP) projectadas de raiz (tanto as erguidas como as... more
Every nation has its enfants terribles. Notorious enfants terribles are not personalities worthy of depositing their remains in national sanctuaries, nor celebrities worthy of burial mounds, statues, busts or memorial plaques. They have a... more
Defining Fascism is a complex task, but it has been frustrating watching erroneous definitions of the term fly about. The problem is that Fascism is a predominantly symbolic ideology, and it seems to be easy to apply to one's detractors... more
DOERR Georg (1 2) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s) (1) University of Venice, Ca' Foscari, ITALIE (2) Eberhard-Karls-Universität in Tübingen, ALLEMAGNE Résumé / Abstract After introductory remarks,... more
Alexander Barder (International Relations, Florida International University) interviews Richard Steigmann-Gall (History, Kent State) about the utility of Fascism as a category of analysis for the field of International Relations; of how... more
Scritto nel 2011, pubblicato nella rivista in linea "Textes et contextes"
Review of a biography of the German film director Leni Riefenstahl.
il film che Pound aveva in mente non fu mai realizzato perché non ottenne il consenso degli addetti ai lavori ma, proprio per la sua originalità, merita di essere considerato con più attenzione; così come merita attenzione la... more
A survey of prominent intellectuals on the subject of ‘Fascism and Culture’ in 1926 prompted some fittingly conflicted replies. ‘Surely you jest?’ responded the journalist and novelist Curzio Malaparte: ‘A Fascist art? Just what might... more
Women's Studies, Volume 29, 2000 - Issue 1, pages 37-69.
L’industria delle costruzioni dell’Italia fascista fu caratterizzata da un alto grado di complessità a causa della continua mediazione tra molteplici soggetti produttivi e politici, secondo le diverse esigenze locali/nazionali, nonché... more
Resumo: Neste livro analisam-se diferentes repertórios de atuação do Estado Novo no campo das obras públicas, da arquitetura ao urbanismo, passando pela intervenção em monumentos nacionais. Congregando vinte autores de distintas gerações... more