Farming Systems and Cropping Systems
Recent papers in Farming Systems and Cropping Systems
The reports map the flow of carbon through the Swedish Food and Agriculture System, all the way from net primary productivity to human waste and sewage. Animal feed and metabolism, food industries, import and exports, losses etc are all... more
Enhancing orphan crops productivity in developing countries is of paramount importance to providing quality diets to the growing population as well as resilience options to smallholder farmers in order to adapt to climate change. However,... more
A study was carried out to learn about the drought pattern and its impact on rice mono cropping in Williamnagar (East Garo Hills district of Meghalaya) having rice based mono cropping system. The rainfall analysis was done based on twelve... more
Despite their role in soil functioning, the ecology of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, NOB, and their response to disturbances such as those generated by agricultural practices are scarcely known. Over the course of 17 months, we surveyed the... more
Ecosystem service provision in agriculture may require cooperation between farmers. Trust fosters cooperation in many economic and social interactions and is important to the success of traditional agricultural cooperatives. Little is... more
Background: Cocoyam is an important food security crop in Ghana because it stores better than all other root and tuber crops. Despite its socio‑economic relevance, production has declined persistently since the last decade. This study... more
Choosing appropriate practices and policies for biofuel production requires an understanding of how soils, climate, farm types, infrastructure, markets, and social organisation affect the establishment and performance of these crops. This... more
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and... more
Integrated simulation models can be useful tools in farming system research. This chapter reviews three commonly used approaches, ie linear programming, system dynamics and agent-based models. Applications of each approach are presented... more
This paper examines various farming systems including cereal farming, fruit cultivation and the practice of out-of-season vegetables in the different altitudinal zones of the state of Eritrea and suggests strategies for sustainable... more
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The critical stages during the growth of crops are the uniform seed germination, early seedling growth, and uniform plant stand. Low crop yield is attributed to uneven seed germination and seedling growth. Therefore, the quality of seed... more
To cope with changing climate and other environmental problems, rice production practices in the Philippines are continually changing but while there are already existing programs for farmers on proper farm management, productivity is... more
Essential Plant Nutrients, their Functions and their Deficiency Symtomps has been discussed critically with relevant images.
The possibility of an agroecological transition? An analysis of the economic, ecological and institutional determinants of alternative farming practices adoption in a family farmers community in Brazil. The aim of this thesis is to... more
Power Point Pola Tanam Monokultur
TheAgricultural subsectors are the foundation for economic growth. The battle for long-run economic growth is either won or lost in the agricultural sector. However, how this path births economic prosperity has been the subject of debates... more
in Agriculture (ICRA) "Sa pira ka adlaw maubos ang lupa kag tubig kag wara't lupa nga mabilin kag ang mga tawo sa Valderrama maagto sa America kag ang mga taga America maagto sa Valderrama" Anthony R. Tamba, I Years (One day the water... more
This PhD in agronomy and environmental sciences, conducted under the joint supervision of UQAM and AgroParisTech on two study areas (Paris, France and Montreal, Qc, Canada) focuses on the analysis of the food function of a... more
SUNY Press requested that I remove the reprint of my publication from After being asked to remove the publication, I formally asked permission:
There is an intense need to optimize agrivoltaic systems. This article describes the invention of a new testing system: the parametric open source cold-frame agrivoltaic system (POSCAS). POSCAS is an adapted gardening cold-frame used in... more
Realising the state of food insecurity and agricultural pollution in the world, rice farming has emerged as a crucial concern of socio-economic development. Rice is the staple food for more than one-half of the world’s population and rice... more
How we manage farming and food systems to meet rising demand is pivotal to the future of biodiversity. Extensive field data suggest that impacts on wild populations would be greatly reduced through boosting yields on existing farmland so... more
The study was conducted with the aim of investigating the level of female headed household farmers' participation in teff production and Soil and Water Conservation practices on teff farm plot and determinates of their participation in... more
Gıdanın ticarileşmesi artık gıda güvenliğini tehdit ediyor. Özellikle gıda ithalatı başlı başına öncelikle çiftçiyi sonrasında tüketiciyi dört bir yanından çevirip sarmalıyor. Artık market raflarında cici bici ambalajlarında kaplanmış,... more
Tikri held up pictures of political prisoners who were in the jails of India. Today [Dec 10 2021], despite their victory over the Modi government, farmers are still occupying the protest site and demanding the release of political... more
The establishment of perennial crops in rainfed upland areas of the dry zone is mainly constrained by the soil moisture deficit, which prevails some part of the year. However, in home gardens, perennial crop establishment could be... more
Farmers' livelihood in the midlands of the northern part of Vietnam relies mainly on crop production and livestock rearing. Green manure and animal dung are commonly used for crops, particularly in rice culture -a staple food crop, and... more
The study was conducted with the aim of investigating the level of female headed household farmers’ participation in teff production and Soil and Water Conservation practices on teff farm plot and determinates of their participation in... more
Field experiment was conducted for two seasons to evaluate the effects of different maize and soybean intercropping patterns on its yields and economics at Embu and Meru Counties, Kenya. The experiment was arranged in a randomized... more