Family and Kinship
Recent papers in Family and Kinship
Мир «своих» и «чужих». По праву кровного родства: родовые структуры и брачные стратегии в прошлом и настоящем народов Евразии / The world of ‘Self’ and ‘Others’. By Right of Consanguinity: Clan structures and matrimonial strategies in... more
Consistent with inclusive fitness theory, evolutionary biologists predict that individuals care more for their biological than their social children and hence that biological children assess the relationships to their parents better than... more
Erdbeben sind immer auch politische Ereignisse, die Machtverhältnisse in Gesellschaften aufbrechen. In dieser Ethnografie des Wiederaufbaus nach dem Erdbeben 2005 in Azad Kaschmir untersuche ich alltägliche Widersprüche und Konflikte in... more
We invite you to this two-day workshop to explore the multiple ways in which family (un)making, nation building, race, gender, and genetic technologies intertwine. Processes of nation building and family making are closely intertwined.... more