Family and Fertility Planning
Recent papers in Family and Fertility Planning
Family planning (FP) is an important strategy in promoting maternal and child health. It improves health through adequate spacing of birth, avoiding pregnancy at high-risk maternal age and high parity. It is often used as a synonym for... more
I show how couples can go beyond the [misnamed[ hypothalamic Fight of Flight Mode to mature an innate, crossculturally referenced perineum-spinal-heart-hypothalamic-cerebral-puberty-of-entheogenic-hormonal-potencies. I name this... more
Population increase has become a thing of great concern for economic planners, demographers and even government agents. As world population moves towards 5.9 billions, the per capital production of money basic commodities is falling,... more
Unmet need merupakan salah satu konsep penting yang dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan kebijakan KB. Unmet need adalah persentase wanita yang saat ini tidak menggunakan metode kontrasepsi dan tidak ingin anak lagi atau menunda kehamilan,... more
This paper deals with the themes on the teaching of the Church on sexuality, and philosophical , anthropological analysis of Natural Family Planning
Complex analysis of current situation of family planning, birth control and abortion trends in Samoa. As a small country situated in the Oceania with around 140 000 inhabitants that gained the independence in 1997 is still struggling with... more
It has been almost fifteen years since emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) have been made available over the counter in India. There have been concerns about the overuse/misuse of ECPs and the probability to replace regular contraceptive... more
This document presents a summary of family planning. It reviews existing literature, examining carefully what the current knowledge is, where the important issues or problems lie and “what works”.
Objective: The prevalence of child undernutrition in South Asia is as high as in Sub-Saharan African countries. The unmet need for family planning also is quite high. In previous literature, the biodemographic relationship of family... more
The massive spurt in rural labor migration has led to urbanization in contemporary India. While research on gendered migration of informal labor focuses on male-outmigration and views women as "passive followers," this... more
The massive spurt in rural labor migration has led to urbanization in contemporary India. While research on gendered migration of informal labor focuses on male-outmigration and views women as "passive followers," this... more
Background: Injectable contraceptives are fast becoming the method of choice among women in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Specifically, the subcutaneously administered depotmedroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-SC) is gaining traction as a... more
Background: Family Planning (FP) contribute to reductions in fertility, unwanted pregnancies, and maternal death. This study was carried out to assess the knowledge and utilization of FP methods by women in Dobi Community Gwagwalada... more
O Método de Ovulação Billings (MOB) é um dos métodos considerados moralmente lícitos pela Igreja Católica para o planejamento familiar (PF). Desde o papa Pio XII, passando por Paulo VI, com a mal compreendida carta Encíclica Humanae... more
Background: Unintended pregnancy is an important public health issue in developing countries like India because of its association with adverse social and health outcomes. Emergency Contraception (EC) is a safe and effective way to... more
Reproductive decision-making and fertility patterns change with time and place, and are influenced by contemporary societal factors. In this paper, we have studied biosocial aspects of reproductive decision-making over time and... more
On May 22, 2006, the State of Wisconsin submitted a Citizen Petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and, on July 24, 2006, submitted a Supplement to that Petition. The State of Wisconsin sought a switch of Plan B®, an... more
Introduction: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) affects many women of child bearing age and rates of voluntary childlessness (VC) exceed those of the general population by far. The factors surrounding VC remain incompletely understood.... more
For nearly five decades, family planning has been the cornerstone of a worldwide strategy to slow down population growth. But the uptake of family planning does not match the amount of funds and programs directed at family planning usage.... more