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The paper is part of a collaborative research organized by the International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates (AIMJF/IAYFJM) on child participation in family and protection matters. The article explains the legal,... more
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      LawChild protectionFamily LawPolitical Science
This article explores the practise of monogamy in customary marriage within the Samin community in Larikrejo, Kudus, rooted in the principle of bojo siji kangge saklawase. The uniqueness of this customary marriage practise is evident in... more
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      SociologyGeographyArchaeologyComputer Science
A gyakorlatban és a közvéleményben igen sok félreértés jelent meg – az utóbbi napokban is – azzal összefüggésben, hogy a munkakör betöltésére való alkalmasság (alkalmatlanság) mennyiben függ össze a keresőképesség (keresőképtelenség)... more
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      Labour LawSocial Security
Scotland can help the UK fix its disastrous system of benefits for disabled people The new powers that look set to be devolved to Scotland include major changes for disability policy. Until now, Holyrood's involvement in this area has... more
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      BusinessDisabled PeopleThe Conversation
U radu autorica obrađuje neka pitanja pomorskog prava u Paškom statutu iz 15. st., Dopunama mjesnih zakona koje se nalaze u Crvenom upisniku i Paškom kaznenom statutu uspoređujući ih s ostalim statutima dalmatinske pravne regije. U... more
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The question of providing due recognition to E-Wills is not a new one. As industries across the world increasingly rely upon technology during the global outbreak of COVID-19, it should come as no surprise that legal professionals have... more
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      LawComparative LawIntellectual PropertyInternational Law
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyMarital relationship
This Study, according to cognitive - behavior approach, tries to investigate the role of relationship beliefs and relationship skills in couples' marital satisfaction. To do so, 160 persons (80 couples) from Tabriz were selected.... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyMarital relationship
U.S. Supreme Court Justices have often expressed regret about their most consequential rulings and opinions. Chief Justice Earl Warren lamented his 1955 Brown v. Board of Education opinion ordering desegregation “with all deliberate... more
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      PsychologyEmotionCriminal LawConstitutional Law
El presente artículo examina la posición de los acuerdos pre y posmatrimoniales en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno, en orden a establecer si, dados los cambios sociales y jurídicos acaecidos en los últimos decenios, es posible considerar... more
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      Civil LawHumanitiesFamily LawPolitical Science
Each individual is social emotional individual. The need for better connectivity for development is necessary. The source of the connection acquires even after birth with dependence on other individuals. From the very beginning the child... more
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    • Educational Sciences
ABSTRAK KHI berperan sebagai aturan yang diberlakukan di Pengadilan Agama yang mengatur hal ihwal terkait hukum perdata umat muslim Indonesia. Pasal 115 dan Pasal 123 KHI mengatur terkait keharusan melangsungkan perceraian di Pengadilan... more
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      Human Rights LawFamily LawRoman law and Civil Procedure
This book critically examines the constitutional position and contribution of the Bangladesh Parliament during the fifty years of its existence. Examining the institution through a “Westminster” lens, the book unearths how and why it... more
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      Parliamentary StudiesElectoral systems, political parties, and executive-legislative structuresConstitution and parliament of of BangladeshFunctioning of Parliament In Bangladesh
ROFESSOR Joseph W. McKnight and I were colleagues for fifteen years. On one occasion prior to his death, as he passed by me in the hallowed halls of Storey at the Dedman School of Law at Southern Methodist University, he asked, "What's... more
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      LawPhilosophyFamily LawLaw and Religion
in MASCULINITIES AND THE LAW: A MULTIDIMENSIONAL APPROACH 25, 29 (Frank Rudy Cooper & Ann C. McGinley eds. , 2012) ("Consistent with the hierarchical relationships among men and the general dominance of men over women, there is a dominant... more
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      SociologyLaw and SocietyMasculinitiesMarriage
in MASCULINITIES AND THE LAW: A MULTIDIMENSIONAL APPROACH 25, 29 (Frank Rudy Cooper & Ann C. McGinley eds. , 2012) ("Consistent with the hierarchical relationships among men and the general dominance of men over women, there is a dominant... more
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      SociologyLaw and SocietyMasculinitiesMarriage
The political attention paid to moral values - in the context of the high profile fights over abortion, homosexuality, and abstinence education - has developed over the past quarter century in ideological terms as though race and class no... more
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      LawFamily LawContraceptionPolitical Science
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      LawCriminal LawFamily LawPolitical Science
Guardianship in marriage is important. In Article 19 of the KHI it is stated that a marriage guardian is a pillar that must be fulfilled so that the bride and groom can get married. However, basically there is no official regulation from... more
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La familia de crianza es una institución jurídica que en el sistema jurídico colombiano se adscribe a la iusteoría del antiformalismo. Esto se justifica al considerar que la Constitución Política colombiana de 1991 establece un marco... more
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      Constitutional LawChildren and FamiliesFamily LawDerecho de Familia
A comprehensive outlook of marriage and divorce in the 21st century. This book looks at marriage from different cultures around the world and the realities and challenges faced by couples. It looks at the perspective of marriage from the... more
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      HinduismStatisticsJapanese Language And CultureDebate over Same-Sex Marriage
Blurb: In the given political atmosphere, telling the truth uncomfortable to the dispensation isn't an easy task. A row has erupted over the remarks Amit Shah made in Parliament regarding Ambedkar during the Constitution debate. Context:... more
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    • communalism in India
Martesa e një personi madhor me një të mitur sipas Kodit të Familjes së Republikës së Shqipërisë është një çështje e ndjeshme dhe komplekse, e cila rregullohet nga ligje të rrepta për të mbrojtur të drejtat dhe interesat e fëmijëve. Kodi... more
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      Civil LawFamily Law
ملخص البحث تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية أصولا وفروعا. ومن المعلوم أن مقاصد الشرع موجودة مع النص من أول الأمر، والعالم هو الذي يكشف عن مقصد الشرع بالملاحظة والتفكير والتحرير، ثم يحكم في المسألة التي يريد حكمها.... more
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      Islamic StudiesMaqasid al-Sharia (Purposes of Islamic Law)Maqasid as-Shariah
This article does not focus on the genealogy of rulers, but on the habits and laws of the first Frankish dynasty and confined to the Low Countries. Having taken over the public law from the Romans, the Merovingians kept to their common... more
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      Criminal LawMedieval HistoryFamily LawProperty Law
Th e fi ft h conference of the Commission on European Family Law (CEFL) on 'Family Law and Culture in Europe: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities' was held in Bonn in August 2013 in collaboration with the University of Bonn and the... more
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      LawInternational LawFamily LawPolitical Science
Turkey was the first country to reform Muslim Family Law, and the idea emerged in 1915. Legislation of new laws to complement Islamic law on a large scale was carried out by the Ottoman rulers in the 10th/16th century AD. produce qanun .... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyLawComparative Law
Emphasizing the important impact of family dynamics, legal frameworks, and access to gender-a irming treatment, this study provides a thorough review of the junction between gender dysphoria and suicidality. Using a mixed-methods... more
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      PsychologyForensic PsychologySociology of Children and ChildhoodHuman Rights Law
Can the State intervene in family life? Arguments for State intervention in family life usually contend with arguments that emphasise the right of the family to integrity and freedom from State encroachment. Studies have shown that there... more
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      LawJurisprudenceFamily LawPolitical Science
involved in concluding a marriage take up. In this contribution, we investigate what happens when the concept of an Islamic marriage, which had developed in the early days of Islam in the Middle East, travels to contemporary Europe. More... more
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      Muslim Family LawIslamic StudiesMuslims in EuropeMuslim Converts / Reverts (Sociology)
Prefácio Em um mundo onde a violência de gênero permeia as esferas mais íntimas da sociedade, a Lei Maria da Penha emerge como um farol de justiça e proteção. Partindo dessa percepção, este livro realiza um mergulho profundo nas... more
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      CriminologyDomestic ViolenceFamily LawDireito Penal
La gestation pour autrui n'est pas autorisée par la loi en France mais se pratique dans d'autres pays en Europe ou dans le monde. Il existe une grande disparité dans le cadre légal entre les pays qui conduit à un véritable tourisme de... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesPolitical ScienceCons
The right to non-discrimination for all children is established in international human rights law. International children's rights law further provides for the common responsibility of parents for the maintenance of their children.... more
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      LawInternational LawHuman RightsFamily Law
In this modern era, the technology is increasing rapidly as we can feel it. However, technological progress does not always run on the Shari'ah corridors, and even sometimes technological advances lead to the moral decadancy. In term... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceIslamSharia
בשנת 2008 תוקן סעיף 5א לחוק יחסי ממון. הסעיף קובע שאפשר לאזן משאבים גם לפני הגירושים. המוטיבציה העיקרית לתיקון הייתה דאגה למסורבות הגט: צמצום המוטיבציה לשימוש בגט לסחיטה ומתן אפשרות להיפרד כלכלית מהסרבן גם בלי גט. התיקון עבר לאחר עשרות... more
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      Jewish LawLegal HistoryMatrimonial LawIsraeli Law
El objeto de este working paper es contribuir a la discusión sobre una reforma en profundidad de las legítimas, tanto en derecho español como en derecho catalán, que contribuya tanto a dotar al causante de mayor libertad de testar como a... more
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L'objecte d'aquest working paper és contribuir a la discussió sobre una reforma en profunditat de les llegítimes, tant en dret espanyol com en dret català, que contribueixi a dotar el causant de major llibertat de testar, així com a... more
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La historia de las ideas en torno al socialismo argentino se ha concentrado preferentemente -y sin duda con buenas razones-en la figura y en la obra de Juan B. Justo. Aún más, es el periodo fundacional y la etapa de consolidación del... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesRevista de Estudios Políticos
Hines, who clarified and simplified my thoughts. i. For a detailed analysis of sibling statistics, see infra part III. Although siblings may have their rights resolved as part of other hearings to determine custody, wardship, parental... more
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      PsychologyFamily LawSocial Science Research NetworkFreedom of Association
This paper will revolve around the law on representative suits, the mandatory requirement to obtain leave of court, notice of representative suit, consent of persons sought to be represented, pre-requisites for a representative suit,... more
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      Public Interest LitigationCivil Procedural Law
La ricerca del senso da attribuire alla parola ‘dolo’ nella impugnazione del testamento impone di verificare se, e in quale misura, le norme dettate in materia di dolo contrattuale risultino applicabili al dolo testamentario. La soluzione... more
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      Civil LawFamily LawInheritance Law
Moral damages for hiding paternity: towards the enhancement of the parent-child relationship RESUMEN: En las dos últimas décadas ha comenzado a plantearse la posibilidad de indemnizar el daño moral causado en casos de ocultación de la... more
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      HumanitiesSupreme CourtDamagesTribunal
In a surrogacy procedure, a woman consents to carry a pregnancy for another woman, intended mother, who for some reason cannot conceive. Surrogacy may be traditional or gestational. When the surrogate mother’s egg is used to produce the... more
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      SurrogacySurrogate Motherhood
Treść: -1. Problem duszpasterski i prawny. -2. Akt urodzenia dziecka adoptowanego w prawie polskim. -3. Przepisy krajowych konferencji episkopatu o odnotowaniu adopcji w księdze ochrzczonych. -4. Propozycje przyjęcia stosownej regulacji w... more
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    • Prawo Kanoniczne
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesIus canonicumSine
Kanon 1071 § 1 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego wymaga zezwolenia ordynariusza miejsca na asystowanie przy zawarciu małżeństwa osób znajdujących się w sytuacjach uznanych przez ustawodawcę za specyficzne i wymagających poddania projektu... more
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Przedmiotem artykułu są obowiązki duszpasterza w przygotowaniu do zawarcia małżeństwa kanonicznego kogoś, kto wcześniej pozostawał w małżeństwie cywilnym z inną osobą, a po rozwodzie cywilnym pragnie zawrzeć małżeństwo z kimś innym.... more
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    • Theology
The article deals with the topic of domestic violence against women by describing the current state of affairs of the Italian social and cultural context as well as the dangerous influence of media and the actions of the welfare system.... more
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      Family LawPolitical ScienceMediationNegotiation
This article introduces the role of 'happiness' in judicial reasoning within family law cases across European jurisdictions, with a particular focus on Italy, France, and England. It highlights how, traditionally indifferent or hostile... more
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    • Law and Emotion
Il saggio affronta delle modifiche all'istituto degli ordini di protezione civili introdotte con la recente riforma del processo civile, con speciale attenzione alla posizione del minore.
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      Child protection and family lawDiritto Processuale CivileDiritto Di FamigliaCivil Procedural Law