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Sumario: Prólogo. Abreviaturas. Estudio preliminar. Nota del traductor. De las personas. De los bienes y de las diferentes modificaciones de la propiedad. De los diferentes modos de adquirir la propiedad. Disposiciones aplicables en... more
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      Cultural HistoryCivil LawContract LawFamily Law
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      ReferenceFamily Law
The paper discusses Derrida's concept of hospitality which perfectly describes the experience of loosing the sense of feeling at home and reveals the disintegrating entrance of the Otherness into a coherent home space. Jacques Derrida's... more
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesBiochemistryBioinformatics
These are notes i prepared for IUIU students on Family law 1. I own part of the copyrights though since most of the work is original.
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    • Family Law
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      JurisprudenceEthicsSocial PhilosophyFamily Law
Il procedimento della crisi tra genitori non coniugati avanti al tribunale ordinario SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. -2. Il nuovo riparto della competenza tra giudice ordinario e tribunale per i minorenni. -3. La competenza « per attrazione »... more
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      LawFamily LawDiritto Processuale CivileDiritto Di Famiglia
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Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that a 'right to explanation' of decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems will be... more
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      Business EthicsEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesComputer Science
In India, the Constitution is regarded as Supreme law of the land. No one is above the Constitution. It provides for three organs of the Government, viz., the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary, each to function independently so... more
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      LawComparative LawConstitutional LawPolitical Economy
Sri Lanka’s rich cultural heritage is reflected in its complex socio-legal fabric, which in a sense, is a “legal museum” exhibiting side by side, laws from diverse legal traditions. Better known in the past as Taprobane, Serendib,... more
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      Family LawFamilyMarriage and Family
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    • Family Law
‘Gender equality’ is not a new concept; in fact the approach had been advocated in Islam based on principles of equity and universal justice. Equality, or its Arabic equivalent musawah, was mentioned in the Qur’an and implemented by the... more
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      Islamic LawGender StudiesWomen's StudiesHuman Rights Law
Uno de los principales dilemas en el debate de la adopción homoparental en México se desprende del hecho de que las investigaciones que soportan una postura tanto a favor o en contra de este fenómeno no cuentan con un fundamento... more
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      Family LawMexicoLesbian and Gay Fostering and Adoption
15. P.V. Kane, says that "such medieval works as the Mit. (on Yaj. II, 133), the Parijata and Apararka hold that even the son procreated on a wife married in the anuloma order (e.g., the son of a Brahmana from a Ksatriya wife or of a... more
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      LawFamily LawHindu law
Resumo: O presente artigo analisa os impactos da Lei 13.058/2014, que introduziu o instituto da guarda compartilhada no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Descreve, ainda, a importância de tal alteração para o melhor interesse da criança e... more
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      Family LawPrivate lawDireito CivilDireito de família
This chapter considers the landmark family property decisions of the House of Lords in Pettitt v Pettitt [1970] AC 777 and Gissing v Gissing [1971] AC 886 through the prism of imputed common intention, an idea advanced by Lord Diplock in... more
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      Family LawProperty LawFamily Property LawLegal History
O presente trabalho busca falar sobre um tema intrigante: a família e sua evolução. Tal discussão causa severas polêmicas, justamente porque todos os aspectos ligados à família são, na verdade, reflexos da cultura social. Assim, pensar... more
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      Constitutional LawFamily LawComparative Constitutional LawDireito Constitucional
Islamic legal tradition is discursive; it developed through discourses at two levels, one between jurists and society, and the other between jurists and state. The part played by differences of opinion (Ikhtilaf) and juristic reasoning... more
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      Islamic LawNormative EthicsFamily LawCustomary Law
Attitude and willingness of men towards the use of modern family planning methods in Budondo Sub-County, Jinja, Uganda.
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      HistoryAmerican HistorySociology of FamiliesHealth Psychology
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      Child and adolescent mental healthChildren and FamiliesFamily LawParent Child Relationships
Este trabajo analiza el concepto de familia en nuestra Constitución tratando de lograr una comprensión dogmática. Así se demuestra que la familia en nuestra Constitución posee la particularidad de ser un concepto amplio y mutable debido a... more
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      Family LawFilosofía PolíticaDerecho constitucionalDerechos Humanos
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      Family LawSources of LawHindu law
Abstract School counselors are employed to take care of the students’ behaviors differences to other define norms of the social context. Whether the code of ethics and regulatory policies has any impact on the execution is another... more
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      Family TherapyCommunity PsychologyFamily LawMarriage & Family Therapy
The institution of family occupies a highly important position in Islam. Besides regulating human marital relations it plays a key role in the development and progression of a well-entrenched social order. Unlike certain other religions,... more
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      Family LawMuslim Family LawFamilyWomen and Gender Issues in Islam
Parenting capacity assessments are a common tool used by child intervention programs. Their goal is to determine whether a parent is good enough to raise their own children, if intervention is needed to support parents to achieve that, or... more
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      Family LawChild WelfareChild Protection Social WorkChild protection and family law
The study addresses the legal rules that allowed in Rome and in some Eastern provinces of the Roman Empire, especially Egypt, women to serve as guardians or to assist the guardian of their prepubescent children. In Rome, mothers as... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryClassical Archaeology
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      Family LawEastern ChristianityLate AntiquityEarly Islam
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    • Family Law
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEgyptologyHistorical Anthropology
The employment of the judicial organ of the state for the incremental reform and modernisation of family laws distinguishes Pakistan’s experience from that of the Middle Eastern Muslim countries where legislative codification is used to... more
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      Islamic LawGender StudiesFamily LawWomen's Rights
ІТ право: проблеми і перспективи розвитку в Україні: збірник матеріалів ІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (17 листопада 2017 р.).
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      LawCriminal LawComparative LawConstitutional Law
Il saggio analizza i nuovi istituti introdotti dal d. l. 132 del 2014 per la separazione ed il divorzio degiurisdizionalizzati: ovvero la negoziazione assistita matrimoniale e l'accordo formato avanti all'Ufficiale di stato civile
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      LawFamily LawDiritto Processuale CivileDiritto Di Famiglia
L’intraprendenza di Gioacchino Onorati ha reso possibile la seconda edizione del volume. Il lavoro si arricchisce dei contributi di autorevoli giuristi che hanno avuto la pazienza di confrontarsi con la prima edizione, fornendo... more
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      BioethicsHuman Rights LawChildren and FamiliesFamily Law
Introduction to the Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Childhood and Children
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      EducationFamily studiesDisability StudiesChildren and Families
En abril de 2013, Coahuila se convirtió en la séptima Entidad Federativa de México en introducir a su legislación civil-familiar el procedimiento de divorcio incausado (o exprés, como también es conocido). En este documento se analizan... more
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      Constitutional LawCivil LawMarital researchFamily Law
Le dimensioni dell'orientamento sessuale, della dimensione familiare e lavorativa nel contesto italiano. Contributi giuridici, testimonianze dal mondo dei sindacati e delle persone LGBTI, con interventi anche di autori stranieri per... more
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      IntersexualityFamily LawGender and SexualityLGBT Issues
This paper concerns itself with the case law Sarla Mudgal v. Union of India, AIR 1995 SC 1531. It is a review of the above mentioned case. The case holds extreme importance as it laid down principles against the practice of solemnizing... more
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    • Family Law
L'articolo analizza le principali riforme in materia di separazione e divorzio introdotte dal decreto legge n. 132 del 2014, con la negoziazione assistita in ambito matrimoniale e la separazione \ divorzio "fai da te"....
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      LawFamily LawDiritto Processuale CivileDiritto Civile
South Africa recognizes a multiplicity of marriage forms: common law marriage, customary marriage, and same-sex marriage. The South African Constitution has a high sensibility related to issues of human dignity, equality, and freedom.... more
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      Family LawPhilosophy Of LawSame-sex relationshipsPolygamy
SOMMARIO: 1. Nuove ipotesi procreative e superamento della famiglia tradizionale. – 2. La maternità surrogata e i reprimenda della Cassazione francese. – 2.1. La Corte EDU e i casi Labassee e Mennesson c. Francia. – 3. La maternità... more
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      Women's StudiesFamily LawBiolawDiritto Civile
Woe unto those men who do things which should ordinarily be done between a man and wife for when the presumption of cohabitation arises, the presumption of marriage sets in
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    • Family Law
Citation: Flood, M. (2003). Fatherhood and Fatherlessness. The Australia Institute, Discussion Paper No. 59, November.
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      Social PolicyFamily LawFatherhood and Men's IssuesMasculinities
this is a study which focused about the maintenance law in Sri Lanka. this study was done as an assignment for Family Law in 2011. basically this paper try to make an idea regarding the existing laws regarding maintenance in Sri Lanka and... more
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    • Family Law
This chapter is a first step towards a comparative history of child adoption law and practices in Western Europe since child adoption became legal in Germany (1900), Sweden (1917), France (1923), England and Wales (1927) and Italy (1942).... more
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      European HistorySocial DemographyDemographyWestern Europe
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    • Family Law
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      LawSociology of LawSocial and Cultural AnthropologyCourts
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    • Family Law
This book is the Llobet´s family history since the 12th century until the 20th century. In the first volume comprises the geneaolgy of the family and the second part of this volume describes the living quarters of a family of the... more
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      GenealogyFamily LawFamilyMarriage (History)
Parental alienation is the unwarranted denigration or rejection of a parent where there was a previous loving relationship. Despite thirty years of study establishing its aetiology, prevalence , appropriate interventions and outcomes for... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyFamily Law