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      SociologyEvaluation ResearchMental HealthFamily Law
Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that a 'right to explanation' of decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems will be... more
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      Business EthicsEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesComputer Science
An na al ly ys si is s o of f F Fa am mi il ly y S Se er rv vi ic ce e D De el li iv ve er ry y: :
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      Dispute ResolutionFamily LawAlternative Dispute Resolution
"Im Recht überdauern besonders kurze Rechtssätze häufig nicht allein wegen ihrer juristischen Bedeutung, sondern aufgrund leicht eingängiger und sprichwortartiger Prägnanz. Hierin liegt auch eine der Besonderheiten des nur 13 Wörter... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesFamily Law
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    • Family Law
The promulgation of the Turkish Civil Code of 1926, a nuanced translation of the Swiss Civil Code of 1907, has long been celebrated as an exceptionally thoroughgoing instance of "legal transplantation". Despite their pervasiveness, such... more
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      LawComparative LawCivil LawGender Studies
This chapter is a first step towards a comparative history of child adoption law and practices in Western Europe since child adoption became legal in Germany (1900), Sweden (1917), France (1923), England and Wales (1927) and Italy (1942).... more
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      European HistorySocial DemographyDemographyWestern Europe
This article seeks to advance our understanding of how intimate relations and racial logics are co-constituted and matter-subjectively, culturally, materially, and politically-in our colonial present of economic inequalities, nationalist... more
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      Feminist TheoryGenealogyRace and RacismFamily Law
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      Dispute ResolutionFamily Law
A fundamental contradiction in the legal definition of family lurks at the intersection of family law and zoning law. One set of doctrines has increasingly recognized the claims of “functional families,” the other has come to rely on the... more
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      American Legal and Constitutional HistoryFamily LawDiscriminationLocal Government and Local Development
Background: HIV-1 is usually transmitted in the presence of semen. We have shown that semen boosts HIV-1 infection and contains fragments of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) forming amyloid aggregates termed SEVI (semen-derived enhancer... more
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      Family LawHIVAmyloidPrimates
from William and Mary Law Review, vol. 40(1): Oct. 1998
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      Family LawPremarital Agreement
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      Family LawOrientationDescriptionBoolean Satisfiability
The theme of this book is the right to procreate in the Israeli context. My discussion of this right includes the implementation of the right to procreate, restrictions on the right (due to societal, legal, or religious concerns), and the... more
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesBioethicsIsrael Studies
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      LawConstitutional LawHuman Rights LawFamily Law
We argue that the fragility of contemporary marriages—and the corresponding high rates of divorce—can be explained (in large part) by a three-part mismatch: between our relationship values, our evolved psycho-biological natures, and our... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsReligionComparative Religion
These tales are true, And can be sad. FIXTURES in our mind, assuming all bad. There's more to their stories, Than what I can share. But they will remind us Why we choose to care. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Patients suffering from opioid use disorder... more
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      SociologyLawFamily LawAttachment Theory
Child welfare systems often have unintended and undesirable consequences for children and their social environments. They will be analysed by applying the concept of “normative paradoxes” (Honneth and Sutterlüty) and drawing mainly, but... more
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      Family LawChild WelfareParadoxesChild protection and family law
One-third of the world’s population lives under personal law systems. These systems regulate family matters by applying different ‘personal laws’ ― ostensibly based on religious doctrine ― to people depending on the religious group with... more
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      Family LawIndian LawMuslim personal lawPersonal Laws
In the past two decades a growing body of empirical research has purported to demonstrate that transracial adoption does not negatively impact, and may positively benefit, children of color, particularly Black children. This manuscript... more
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      PhilosophySocial WorkChildren and FamiliesFamily Law
This paper pushes against the successful rhetoric of formal equality by which same-sex couples are the same as different-sex couples and opening existing regimes of marriage to them best recognizes their equal moral worth. Drawing on... more
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      LawFamily LawEqualityEmpirical Legal Research
Studies undertaken on women incarcerated in African countries are limited. In this article we explore Kenyan women's (n = 49) narratives of their journeys into prison using life history interviews and a feminist pathways approach. Results... more
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      Domestic ViolenceFamily Law
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      Family LawEastern ChristianityLate AntiquityEarly Islam
Polygyny, the marriage of a man with more than one woman at the same time is a well-known practiced in human history. Islamic law accepts the institution of polygyny as a substitute provision if it fulfills the certain conditions and... more
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      Islamic LawFamily LawPolygynyPublic Authority
According to the Italian 1865 civil code, the father (or the mother) were liable for the torts of minor children living with them, unless they proved that they could not prevent the wrongful act. Like in France, in this system, liability... more
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      Family LawLaw of ObligationsPrivate lawChild protection and family law
This paper reviews and reflects upon the literature in which children’s rights and legal pluralism stand at the core. This scholarship has mainly addressed three research questions: how global children’s rights standards interrelate with... more
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      Human RightsFamily LawLegal PluralismGender
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      Family LawFamilyIslamic Studies
This comparative paper inquires what cohabitation has done to law in France and Quebec, two places that have resisted reforming law to recognize cohabitants. It makes three contentions. First, the legislative drafters' 'conservative'... more
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      Comparative LawFamily LawCohabitationLaw reform
This article challenges the widely diffuse view of family law as peripheral to private law. It aims to the de-marginalisation of family legal issues, by showing their ties to the market realm and freedom of contract. In this theoretical... more
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      Comparative LawFamily LawEuropean private lawComparative Family Law
Welcome to the eighth edition of the AFRC newsletter, Family Relationships Quarterly. In this edition, Professor Richard Chisholm and Dr Jennifer McIntosh summarise an upcoming journal article on the difficulties faced by the family law... more
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      SociologySocial WorkPublishingFamily studies
Purpose of review. Well-functioning romantic relationships are important for long-term health and well-being, but they are often difficult to sustain. This difficulty arises (in part) because of an underlying tension between our... more
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      HistoryPharmacologyEvolutionary BiologyNeuroscience
"Feminism’s achievements regarding violence against women are a key target for the fathers’ rights movement. This article provides an overview of the impact of the fathers’ rights movement on men’s violence against women. It documents the... more
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      Family LawFeminismFatherhood and Men's IssuesMasculinities
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      Asian StudiesLawFamily LawMultidisciplinary
Children tend to be represented as the quintessential victims of the ‘drug problem’, with drug-using parents, particularly mothers, characterised as vectors of the risks posed. Although evidence of drug use is not per se an impediment to... more
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      Drugs And AddictionChildren and FamiliesFamily LawGender
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      Climate ChangeHuman RightsFamily LawChemical Ecology
Parental alienation is the unwarranted denigration or rejection of a parent where there was a previous loving relationship. Despite thirty years of study establishing its aetiology, prevalence , appropriate interventions and outcomes for... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyFamily Law
The concept of the ‘best interests of the child’ is both pivotal in family law and yet essentially contested. This paper reflects on the concept's position within a number of longer-term histories – of the jurisprudence surrounding child... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodFamily LawNorbert EliasChildren's Best Interests
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      Jewish LawMulticulturalismFamily Law
Should a democratic regime formally incorporate religious laws and courts into its otherwise secular legal system? This is not a hypothetical question. Some democratic nations already formally integrate religion-based laws in the field of... more
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      MulticulturalismPolitical TheoryIsrael StudiesFamily Law
Recent scholarship has critiqued the tendency for separated mothers in custody disputes to be defined as hostile and alienating. Through the presentation of three case studies, drawn from an interview-based study with 21 women, we show... more
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      LawFamily LawFeminist Legal StudiesCase Study
In olden days, a glimpse of stocking Was looked on as something shocking. But now, God knows, Anything goes.-Cole Porter, Anything Goes (1934) I. INTRODUCTION Protecting children from contamination by speech has become the focus of... more
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    • Family Law
In this article, I consider the implications of an ethic of care for reforming U.S. family-based immigration admissions and waiver policies. Using an ethic of care as a starting point, I make a normative argument for extending... more
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      Family LawInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyEthic of Care
Background: Since the 1960s the inclination to get married has been declining in almost all western industrialised countries. Partnership arrangements have become more diverse and the share of cohabiting couples and nonmarital births has... more
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      SociologySocial DemographyDemographyFocus Group discussions
Cet article reprend des réflexions issues d’une recherche en bioéthique qui s’attachait à analyser le croisement de trois phénomènes : le développement des nouvelles technologies utilisées dans les processus de reproduction humaine ; leur... more
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      Family studiesFamily LawGenderHomosexuality
This paper explores contact disputes in England and Wales. We discuss the legal background as well as separating parents' experiences of contact disputes. Contact has been high on the agenda since the U.K. Government report, Making... more
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      LawEthicsFamily LawInformation Policy
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      EconomicsFeminist EconomicsProperty RightsFamily Law
Ever since its inception in the mid-forties of the last century, the Moroccan feminist movement has evolved around the family law Code. The post-independence family law denied women basic rights and thus fueled the disappointment and... more
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      Family LawHistory and archaeology
Both sides in this case agreed on the following events. About twenty years earlier, the plaintiff-an {kyeame (spokesperson) of the Ad[ntenhene of Kwawu 3-had a house built at a cost of £52 for his late mother, Akosua Okyeraa, in the... more
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    • Family Law
This paper aims to understand the extent to which monogamy operates not only as a constitutive element of marriage-like institutions but also as a meta-judicial source of frequently overlooked forms of state violence. Drawing on the case... more
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      LawQueer StudiesQueer TheoryGovernmentality