Family Law
Recent papers in Family Law
Parenting coordination is a client-pay, hybrid alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process designed for parents and guardians involved in on-going, high conflict child custody disputes. The basic idea underlying the parenting... more
A child’s vehement rejection of a parent after divorce or separation can present the courts with a number of challenges. These can be exacerbated when children or parents make allegations of harm or abuse against the parent who is being... more
Resumo: A guarda dos animais domésticos após a dissolução do vínculo conjugal, seja pelo divórcio ou pela dissolução de união estável, tornou-se uma questão relevante na pós-modernidade. O novo papel que estes animais possuem no seio... more
В книге представлены учебные и методические материалы по семейной финансовой медиации, используемые в Carolina Dispute Settlement Services (г. Роли, Северная Каролина, США). Описаны наиболее распространенные подходы к организации и... more
The legislator, during the last reform of family law in Greece, in 1983, introduced joint physical custody of parents for all children. The court would decide on everything if the parents disagreed, both in the marriage and during the... more
Pandemia, caso fortuito e imprevisão The Covid-19 pandemic, acts of God and hardship (under a Brazilian Private Law perspective
The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the... more
Questo studio prende spunto dallo scarto che, a causa di un diritto scritto non sempre al passo coi tempi, viene a crearsi tra la realtà sociale concretamente vissuta dalle famiglie create ricorrendo alla procreazione medicalmente... more
We have a problem in the arena of divorce and custody. We have a system that is not impartial and often serves as a breeding ground for disingenuous and unethical actions committed by players in the legal arena and sometimes (knowingly... more
English common law remains a marked outlier in the world of pre-nuptial agreements. The use of these agreements in the United States and European jurisdictions is commonplace, and whilst originally the preserve of the wealthy, they are... more
Motherhood is no longer a clear-cut concept. Is it a mere biological fact, or does it require a volitional component? This question is answered differently throughout Europe. The French regime of accouchement sous X is more oriented... more
In his dictum within the case of Hewer v Bryant , Lord Denning stated that the law surrounding children’s rights “can, and should, keep pace with the time ”. Denning criticised the late Victorian era case of Re Agar-Ellis where it was... more
The argument in this chapter is that, even if many do not like the implications of the decision, it is difficult to argue that Burns v Burns - which concerned a claim by a cohabitant to share in the beneficial interest of a family home... more
Parental alienation is the unwarranted denigration or rejection of a parent where there was a previous loving relationship. Despite thirty years of study establishing its aetiology, prevalence , appropriate interventions and outcomes for... more
Execution of Unprivileged Bills comes under Section 63 of Indian Succession Act. It is a type of document in which a document in which an executor is appointed by testator so that his estate could be managed and moreover his work is to... more
his article reviews the background to the High Court's decision in the ACT same sex marriage case and traces the origin of the court's surprisingly broad definition of what marriage is for the purposes of the marriage power in s 51(xxi)... more
In a pair of studies, we examine lay people's judgments about how hypothetical cases involving child custody after divorce should be resolved. The respondents were citizens called to jury service in Pima County, AZ. Study 1 found that... more
These tales are true, And can be sad. FIXTURES in our mind, assuming all bad. There's more to their stories, Than what I can share. But they will remind us Why we choose to care. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Patients suffering from opioid use disorder... more
The problem of the custody exchanges during the health emergency means an excellent test to understand how courts react in the time of a real exceptional law, about a subject very important in family law, concerning the interest of the... more
Kazuo Kamimura è un acuto e raffinato interprete della società giapponese del suo tempo, e Il Club delle Divorziate rappresenta un perfetto esempio di tale sagace sensibilità. Attraverso le storie di persone "ai margini" di una società... more
The distribution of powers between the state and religious groups plays an important role in shaping how controversies over multicultural toleration and women's rights under religious law can be resolved. Some structures encourage... more
If a lawyer of the early 20th. century woke up from his hibernation in our days, he would find a lot of new words he would not understand (internet, wifi, microwave, and so on). But when reading, or talking, about family and family Law,... more
Attachment is the inborn bias of human children to seek the availability of familiar care givers in times of stress. It has been observed from ancient times and in many cultures, and scaffolds further physical, cognitive, and... more
This book analyzes the feminist and legal thought of women’s rights founder Elizabeth Cady Stanton on gender equality in the family. It discusses Stanton’s theories on marriage, divorce, marital property, domestic violence, reproductive... more
هذا الكتاب يرصد هذا الكتاب مدى ما وصل إليه الإفساد التشريعى الممنهج الذي تم في مصر، من خلال التعديلات التي تم إجراءها على القوانين المصرية المعنية بالأسرة والمرأة والطفل خلال الفترة من عام 1979 حتى عام 2009. وقد استندت تلك التعديلات إلى... more
Adult children living with their parents represent an increasingly common social phenomenon in the Unites States that challenges the boundaries of both the family and formal property rights. What is the legal status of adult children... more
Despite its grounding in a specific and peculiar set of facts, the strict scrutiny mandate of Wisconsin v. Yoder (decided in 1972) has changed the constitutional landscape of custody cases - and it has done so in a way that is unsound... more
Przywileje i immunitety przedstawicieli dyplomatycznych to instrumenty ochrony interesów państwa o niemal tak długiej tradycji jak sama dyplomacja. Dość wcześnie zdano sobie sprawę z tego, że pracownik służby zagranicznej -poseł,... more
Cuando se desarrollan procesos vinculados a la separación/divorcio de una pareja con hijos, usualmente se registran situaciones de violencia familiar, en particular contra quienes tienen menos derechos: los hijos (i), los progenitores sin... more
Eyebrows have recently arched not only at the high sums involved in big money divorce cases, but also at the amount of ink spilled on this relatively small subset of divorce cases. Yet, it is precisely in big money cases, wherein judges... more
From the above mentioned admitted facts, it is evident that the petitioner needs sufficient amount of money for the treatment of breast cancer. Hence, it cannot be ruled out that in order to save her life by getting money, she agreed for... more
Recent and past evaluations and comments of students who completed requirements for the core counselor training content from the Online College of Mental Health Counselling at
In 2007, in its Final Reporto nt he financial consequences of cohabitation, the Law Commission decided not to recommend anychanges to the intestacyrules to coverfor the situation whereac ohabitant'sp artner dies.H owever,i nJ une 2008, it... more
Setting the amount of a child support award involves tradeoffs in the allocation of finite resources among at least three private parties: the two parents, and their child or children. Federal law today requires states to have child... more
La vicenda in commento offre l'occasione di riflettere circa l'interpretazione e la portata dispositiva dell 'art. 5 l. n. 40 del 2004. La norma richiede l'esistenza in vita di entrambi gli aspiranti genitori che abbiano fornito il... more
Call for chapters for Proposal Submission Deadline: January 30, 2016 for the book “Therapeutic Jurisprudence and overcoming violence against women”, edited by Dr.Debarati Halder,Ph.D., Advocate and Managing Director,Centre for Cyber... more
All polities struggle with establishing the correct balance between family autonomy and state intervention. In a liberal world, the family is often seen as being in some ways analogous to the individual, possessed of a zone of freedom in... more
Since the enactment of the Divorce Act in 1996, members of the Irish judiciary have been faced with a number of difficulties regarding the interpretation and application of its provisions. This article considers the approach of both the... more
The graphical representation of a social and cultural asymmetry: gender in matrimonial dispensations, between the Middle Ages and the early modern period / La représentation graphique d’une asymétrie sociale et culturelle : du genre dans... more