Family Functioning
Recent papers in Family Functioning
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Purpose: This study examined differences in smoking prevalence and differences in associations between family functioning, self-image and adolescent smoking behavior among four Asian-American subgroups. Methods: Statistical analyses were... more
Background and Objectives: Due to the quick development and widespread use of mobile phones and its various effects on the interaction and communication, it is important to study its negative effects on the health of cellphone users. The... more
Resumo: As definições de família se originaram sob a influência de diversos aspectos sociais e culturais, estes são instáveis e modificáveis ao longo do tempo. Os bolsistas do Programa de Iniciação à Docência, do curso de Ciências... more
Introduction Antoni Kepinski created the concept of information metabolism and used it to describe main psychiatric disorders in a series of monographs. Multi-axial schema of psychotherapeutic diagnosis was made based on that concept. Aim... more
Objective To longitudinally assess the relationship of behavioral problems, intellectual functioning, and family functioning in children with sickle cell disease (SCD). Method The study sample included 222 children enrolled in the... more
Objective To examine longitudinal relations between early adolescent family conflict and late adolescent psychosocial adjustment, and the moderating role of low birth weight. Methods Three groups of adolescents (48 with birth weight <750... more
Children between 1 and 14 years of age and their families were assessed several weeks after diagnosis and again a year later using standardized measures of child behavior, parental mental health, and family functioning. Immediately after... more
This study investigates the impact of social networks and influencers on family functioning, with a particular focus on how these external influences affect family communication and economic stability. We explore the associations between... more
This article presents long-term effects of a randomized trial evaluating 2 standardized, manual-based prevention strategies for families with parental mood disorder: informational lectures and a brief, clinician-based approach including... more
Family health determines and it is determined by family´s capacity to function effectively as a biosocial unit in a given culture and society. The main of study has been to test reliability and construct validity of an instrument to asses... more
Życie w czasie pandemii spowodowanej wirusem SARS-CoV-2 stało się trudniejsze. Codzienne funkcjonowanie wymaga wprowadzenia zmian, respektowania nowych zasad, sprostania większym wymaganiom. Została naruszona równowaga między potrzebami,... more
Objectives Various factors can have a role in predicting police forces' mental and spiritual health. This study aims to assess whether the general health and spiritual well-being of police forces in Iran can be predicted by metacognitive... more
For 19 years, she has been involved in the Australian Temperament Project, an internationally-recognised longitudinal study following a large representative sample of Victorian children from infancy through childhood and adolescence,... more
Purpose Colombia presents with one of the largest armed conflicts in the world. Children exposed directly or indirectly to armed conflicts live the emotional footprints left by war. This paper aims to identify mental health problems among... more
Background: A considerable body of research concludes that the polygamous family structure has an impact on children's and wives’ psychological, social and family functioning. Aims: The present study is among the first to consider... more
The objective of this study was to examine the association between family environment and suicidal ideation among youth with bipolar disorder. Subjects included 446 bipolar (BP) youth (age 7-17) enrolled in the Course and Outcome of... more
The main objective of this study was to determine the pattern of change in family function, resources, coping and distress over the first year following the birth of a sick newborn. This study involved 152 two-parent families of infants... more
Background: In children and adolescents with a depressive disorder, predicting who will also go on to exhibit suicide-related behaviors (SRBs), including suicide attempt or self-harm, is a key challenge facing clinicians. Aims: To... more
This longitudinal study examined how a multimethod (youth report, parent report, direct observation) assessment of family relationship quality (cohesion and conflict) in adolescence (age 16 -17) predicted growth and maintenance of... more
This longitudinal study examined how a multimethod (youth report, parent report, direct observation) assessment of family relationship quality (cohesion and conflict) in adolescence (age 16 -17) predicted growth and maintenance of... more
The fundamental didactic base of the discipline Culinary Arts & Meal Science at Örebro University, Sweden is the theoretical model of culinary meal experiences, the Five Aspects Meal Model, FAMM . The model was originally inspired by the... more
The goal of the Smart* project is to optimize home energy consumption. As part of the project, we have designed and deployed a "live" system that continuously gathers a wide variety of environmental and operational data in three real... more
Validation of risk and needs assessment instruments used to predict, and reduce, recidivism and misconduct is of ethical, practical and scientific importance. We argue for a focus on variable (i.e. changeable over time) risk factors, and... more
Aggression is a critical issue in life, and the problems arising from it are significant reasons for referring children and adolescents for psychological help. This term describes various behaviors such as rudeness, argumentativeness,... more
In the context of the accelerated transformation of social economies and urbanization, mental health issues among rural children have become increasingly prominent. This study aims to develop a risk factor assessment index system by... more
Adolescence is a transitional period for adult roles and greater responsibilities, decision making and independence. Thus, support and guidance are needed to navigate through. The family constitute adolescents first environment to provide... more
To explore the characteristics of mental health and its relevant factors amongadolescents during the outbreak of COVID-19. Methods One thousand four hundred and thirty nine middle school students were selected by stratified random... more
The issue of internet addiction among rural children is increasingly conspicuous. This study endeavors to scrutinize the influence of family functioning on internet addiction among rural children by investigating the nexus between family... more
In the second half of the twentieth century, the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson led a sect of ultra-Orthodox Jews who are known as Lubavitch Hasidim. Over the course of his life, Rabbi Schneerson underwent profoundly difficult... more
But praise and reproof are more effectual upon free-born children than any such disgraceful acts [such as whipping]; the former to incite them to what is good, and the latter to restrain them from that which is evil. (Plutarch, 110 CE... more
The objective of the study investigates the Perception of family functioning in patients diagnosed with HIV treated in the Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado Espinoza of Arequipa, 2017. The descriptive and design research was descriptive,... more
Based on the responses of 5,557 Chinese secondary students in Hong Kong, the relationship among hopelessness, perceived family functioning and suicidal ideation was examined in this study. Results showed that while hopelessness had a... more
This study reports on a triangulation strategy for assessing family interaction, involving family members, their therapist and coders independently viewing videotapes. Utilizing a standardized scale, the Beavers-Timberlawn Model of Family... more
justment of children and adolescents with SCD is similar to that for children with other chronic illnesses. There is an increased risk for adjustment problems, but good adjustment is also possible (Thompson et al., 1994) and internalizing... more
W Ws st tę ęp p: : Rak gruczołu krokowego to najczęstszy nowotwór układu moczowo-płciowego mężczyzn. Wybór formy leczenia jest uzależniony w dużej mierze od skutków ubocznych proponowanej terapii. C Ce el l p pr ra ac cy y: : Celem pracy... more
The Child Attitude Toward Illness Scale (CATIS) is an established measure of how CSHCN perceive the impact of chronic conditions on their lives. We tested the psychometric properties of the CATIS adapted for use with siblings (CATIS-S) of... more
Se plantea establecer la relación entre el funcionamiento familiar y las habilidades sociales en estudiantes universitarios, la investigación es de tipo descriptiva-relacional, no experimental con una muestra de tipo probabilístico. Se... more
U hrvatskom je društvu u tijeku značajna transformacija s izrazitim društvenim rasloja vanjem, te varijabla socio-ekonomski položaj postaje vjerojatno mnogo važnija nego što je bi la prije. Logično je tako očekivati da če... more
Childcare policy was an important issue in the recent election campaign. The parties' various childcare proposals all took account of the experience of Quebec's universal childcare system. They differed sharply, however, on whether... more
The first aim of this study was to examine the association between different dimensions of family functioning and dysfunctional eating in a sample of Italian adolescent boys and girls. The second aim was to investigate whether gender... more
This study analyzed the impact of dissimilarities in illness perceptions between parents and adolescents, school support, and family functioning on quality of life of adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D). A total of 100 adolescents... more
Purpose To investigate, in adolescents referred for psychiatric services, the associations of initial self-esteem and family functioning with level and change of quality of life (QoL) over a 3-year period, over and above the effect of... more
BACKGROUND: While a move away from non-disclosure and secrecy toward more openness is demonstrated in the changing practices of donor insemination worldwide, scholars and practitioners continue to debate the effects of disclosure versus... more
The present study examined the relationships of (a) changes in adolescent-reported family functioning and (b) changes in identity confusion to onset of substance use and sexual behavior in a sample of 250 Hispanic adolescents from... more
To examine moderating effects of family functioning and social support on the relationship of child-related stressors to caregivers' psychological adaptation in a sample of caregivers of children with a chronic illness. Method:... more