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This study investigated the relationship between the perception of family functioning and depressive symptomatology in individuals with eating disorders (EDs). Subjects were evaluated by diagnostic clinical interview using DSM-III-R... more
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      DepressionFamilyAdolescentAnorexia Nervosa
This study expands the understanding of business-related tensions within business-owning couples through an interdisciplinary literature review, through a longitudinal data analysis, and through application of Emotionally Focused Therapy... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkFamily BusinessTreatment
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      PediatricsDomestic ViolenceSocial SupportPublic Health
Twenty three adolescents with a history of cancer, 27 physically abused adolescents, and 23 healthy, nonabused adolescents were administered structured posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) interviews and self-report questionnaires... more
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      PsychologyTraumatic StressFamilyAdolescent
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      PainChronic PainAdolescentChild
The associations between social relationships and health have been examined using two major research traditions. Using a social epidemiological approach, much research has shown the beneficial effect of social supports on health and... more
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      AnthropologyHealth BehaviorMental HealthFamily
The present study aimed to analyze differences between aggressive and nonaggressive rejected students in four sets of variables: personal, family, school, and social. Participants in the study were 843 Spanish adolescents ranging in age... more
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      PsychologyInterpersonal CommunicationAcademic achievementFamily Functioning
Child and adolescent major depressive disorder (MDD) and dysthymic disorder (DD) are common, chronic, familial, and recurrent conditions that usually persist into adulthood. These disorders appear to be manifesting at an earlier age in... more
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      Major Depressive DisorderTreatment Resistant DepressionDepressive DisorderFamily Functioning
Although similar processes and functions have been proposed for privacy regulation and place attachment, little theoretical or empirical work encompasses both constructs. In the present study, a theoretical model relates privacy... more
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      Environmental PsychologyPlace AttachmentHousing PolicyMultidisciplinary
This longitudinal study of child abuse and neglect cases closed after investigation examined the impact of parental substance abuse on family functioning and on subsequent referrals to child protective services. The findings support the... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkChild abuse and neglectChild Welfare
Within various stages of life, individuals encounter events filled challenges and distress, which can hinder or hamper them in overcoming and moving forward to the next stage. Resilience is psychological approach of positively adjusting... more
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      ResilienceHuman FactorsLifespan DevelopmentFamily Functioning
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      Factor analysisFamily FunctioningHealth StatusPublic health systems and services research
In China, HIV shifts the lifestyle of not only parents living with HIV/AIDS, but also their children, partners, and extended families. We examined factors related to the quality of life of parents living with HIV and the relation between... more
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      PsychologyQuality of lifeLinguisticsFamily Functioning
Family variables such as cohesion and nurturance have been associated with adolescent weight-related health behaviors. Integrating family variables that improve family functioning into traditional weight-loss programs can provide... more
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      Health BehaviorNutritionSocial SupportTreatment Outcome
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      NursingCoping StrategiesFamilySocial Support
The S100 family, with about 20 members in humans, is composed of EFhand calcium-regulated proteins and is linked to a range of serious human diseases, including cancer and autoimmune and neurological disorders. The oldest S100 family... more
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      Molecular BiologyCalciumDanio rerioCrystal structure
Terminal heart disease affects not only the patient, but also members of the patient's family, and especially the spouse. The aim of this prospective study of 26 couples was to collect information about the impact of heart transplantation... more
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      CommunicationEmotionsAffectProspective studies
Background: We studied the characteristics of family functioning in bipolar children and healthy comparison children. We hypothesized that the family environment of bipolar children would show greater levels of dysfunction as measured by... more
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      Bipolar DisorderSocial SupportAdolescentIntergroup Conflict (Psychology)
This study examined the degree to which self-differentiation as related to family functioning is valued differently by Korean and European-American university students. The main findings confirm that the level of family functioning... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkFamily FunctioningCross Cultural Research
There have been few studies of the impact of intensive home-based early applied behavior analysis (ABA) intervention for children with autism on family functioning. In the present study, behavioral adjustment was explored in 78 siblings... more
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      EducationEarly InterventionPersonality AssessmentSocial Support
OBJECTIVES The purpose of the present research was to determine the role of family functioning and psychological problems of drug addicts and non addicts by assessing the difference between the two groups. After detailed literature review... more
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      AddictionFamilyMedicineSocial Influence
This study investigated the impact of parental alcoholism and various indices of family functioning on differentiation levels of young adults. Eight hundred and thirteen colleges students completed the Differentiation of Self Inventory... more
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      College StudentsYoung AdultFamily Functioning
Children and adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) suffer from sleep problems, particularly insomnia, at a higher rate than typically developing children, ranging from 40% to 80%. Sleep problems in ASD might occur as a result... more
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Le modèle du stress post-traumatique n'a été appliqué que récemment pour comprendre l'impact des maladies mettant en jeu le pronostic vital aussi bien chez l'adulte que chez l'enfant. Depuis 1991, dix-sept études ont recherché des... more
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      Cancer treatmentChildhood CancerCancer DiagnosisFamily Functioning
Despite the existence of a large number of family functioning measures and validation studies of such measures, there have to date been little validation of any family functioning instrument using South African data. This paper uses... more
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      South AfricaFamily FunctioningFamily Assessment
This paper describes an evaluation study of a home-based, family-focussed counselling scheme providing support for English-speaking and Bangladeshi families of children with intellectual or multiple disabilities. Mothers and children in... more
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      EducationSocial SupportBangladeshResearch evaluation
To document the rate of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in female juvenile offenders and its relationship to trauma history, comorbid diagnoses, attributional style, and family functioning. The psychological profiles and trauma... more
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      ViolenceSexual AbusePosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Juvenile Delinquency
Objetivo: Acercarse al problema de la promoción de la salud mental en la experiencia familiar. Método: Se parte de la concepción clásica de familia, donde aparece como central la noción de estructura, representada por los conceptos de... more
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      Mental HealthResilienceMental Health PromotionFamily Functioning
Research on childhood sexual abuse has often examined, in isolation of one another, such highly correlated risk factors as parental substance abuse, domestic violence, and pathological family functioning. Investigating comorbid... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyDomestic ViolenceSexual Abuse
In this prospective study, we tested a structural model in which adolescents' perceived self-efficacy to manage parental relationships affected their satisfaction with family life both directly, and indirectly, through its impact on... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkSelf EfficacyFamily Functioning
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      PsychologyCoping StrategiesPediatric PsychologySocial Support
The growing number of single-parent families has not been matched by an increase in our understanding of their family functioning. This study examined parent/child perceptions of relationships and actual interactions as a function of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceFamily FunctioningFamily Structure
The purpose of this study was to examine how adolescent and parental perceptions of family system characteristics predict adolescent addictive behavior patterns. The sample consisted of 252 families. Questionnaires included measurements... more
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      FacesAddictive BehavioursFamily FunctioningAddiction and family
This study examines the psychological aftereffects of economic extortive kidnapping on families during captivity, and on kidnapped individuals and family members, 24,543, and 9-15 months after the release. Fifty-five kidnapped and... more
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      PsychologyTraumatic StressDepressionVictimology
Homework tasks are an essential com ponent of BSFT. Therapists strategically implement tasks to achieve improvements in family interactions that are directly related to the prevention or reduction of adolescent behavior problems. The use... more
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      PsychologyBrief PsychotherapyFamily TherapyEducation
This exploratory study used Bronfenbrenner's (1979) multi-systemic framework to determine the factors predicting scores on the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD) with a sample of low SES and culturally diverse (White non-Hispanic,... more
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      Social WorkFertilityPopulation DynamicsCultural Diversity
Experimental and self-report studies have shown that parents have a strong influence on their normal or overweight children's eating behavior, i.e. through parental feeding behavior or communication. Studies in children with loss of... more
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This study was conducted with the objective of evaluating whether a relationship between family functioning and social support networks exists in a sample of parents from the city of Morelia, Michoacán.
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      FamilySocial Support NetworksMexicoMichoacan
Introduction: Family-related factors play an important role in adolescent’s addiction to the Internet. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between Internet addiction and family functioning in high school... more
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      Internet AddictionFamily FunctioningHigh School Students
Background: Cardiac illness in one family member affects the well-being and health of the whole family. When a family member falls ill, life may change for the whole family in many ways. Family members expect nursing staff to provide more... more
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      NursingPsychometricsPrincipal Component AnalysisFamily
Ik was heel erg gesroken toen ik hoorde dat mijn mama kanker hat.
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      Social ProblemsCognitionSocial BehaviourAdolescent
Using data from three waves of a large Canadian data set, we examine the relationship between two middle childhood trajectory variables, family dysfunction and anxiety. We draw upon family systems theory and developmental psychopathology,... more
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      PsychologyDepressionSocial InteractionRisk
Twin relationships remain understudied despite the increasing prevalence of twinning and the unique influence it entails for individual development and family functioning. The current study assessed closeness, conflict, dependence, and... more
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      GeneticsMultidisciplinaryEarly ChildhoodInterpersonal Relationship
Experiencing cancer - Psychosocial aspects: Cancer diseases are a growing problem not only in terms of individuals’ health, but also in terms of society. Statistics show that the experience of oncological disease is becoming more and more... more
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      CancerCoping (Social Support)PsychooncologyMedical Communication
L'attachement parent-enfant constitue un lien affectif entre l'enfant et sa mère ou son père, qui lui permet d'utiliser celle-ci, ou celui-ci, comme un port de sécurité lorsqu'il est en situation de détresse, puis comme une base de... more
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      Attachment TheorySystem ApproachFamily FunctioningFamily Relations
The goals of these two studies were to assess the acceptability and feasibility as well as to gather preliminary efficacy data on a modified combination cognitive behavioral (CBT) and attachment based family therapy (ABFT) for adolescents... more
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      PsychologyFamily TherapyAnxiety DisordersContinuous Improvement
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between Internet addiction and family functioning in high school students. Materials and Methods: This is an analytical study with a cross-sectional design conducted on 796 high school... more
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      Internet AddictionFamily FunctioningHigh School Students
Maternal psychopathology has long been recognized as a risk factor for psychopathology in offspring; however, some resilient youth achieve a favorable outcome in the presence of maternal psychopathology. We identified factors that... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationLinguisticsChild
The aim of the study was to develop and preliminarily validate a selfcompleted questionnaire that could help in the assessment of families before and during psycho-educational interventions. The questionnaire was developed according to... more
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      PsychologyFamily TherapyCommunicationPsychometrics